- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张士宏,谷岳主编
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560227694
- 页数:160 页
Passage 1: The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse 1
Passage 2: Titanic 8
Passage 3: The Diseases of Civilization 9
Passage 4: Football and Education 11
Passage 5: Healthy Eating 13
Passage 6: The Changing American Family 15
Passage 7: Popular Equipment 17
Passage 8: Stock Market-The Big Gambling House 19
Passage 9: Popularity-the teenagers Iarger cocoon 20
Passage 10: Customs and way of life 22
Passage 11: American Christmas Holiday 24
Passage 12: William H. Gates and his Microsoft Company 26
Passage 13: How to protect from unpleasant realities 29
Passage 14: How To Treat Computer 31
Passage 15: Universities unite to battle on-campus drinking 33
Passage 16: Do you Like Mickey Mouse? 36
Passage 17: Teens Sometimes Need Time Away From Home 37
Passage 18: The Irresponsibility That Spreads AIDS 39
Passage 19: World Conservation 42
Passage 20: William Shakespeare 44
Passage 21: Call instead of letter 45
Passage 22: The Value of Advertisement 47
Passage 23: The Disaster From Nuclear 49
Passage 24: Computer Viruses 51
Passage 25: Language and Culture 53
Passage 26: The Great Song 54
Passage 27: Success of Foster Grant 56
Passage 28: Modern Zoos 58
Passage 29: Manner 59
Passage 30: Your Future In Science 61
Passage 31: Spring Break 63
Passage 32: Is This Really American Culture? 65
Passage 33: Eskimos life 67
Passage 34: Brain and Computer 69
Passage 35: The Winner s Guide to Success 71
Passage 36: Handicapped Persons Education 73
Passage 37: English In Japan 75
Passage 38: Listen With Your Body 76
Passage 39: Secret Code 78
Passage 40: Alexander Fleming 79
Passage 41: Perceptions 82
Passage 42: The importance of labels 84
Passage 43: Winter Sleep 86
Passage 44: The first Television 88
Passage 45: Pollution 90
Passage 46: Walking In Space 93
Passage 47: Colourful Football 95
Passage 48: Customs of Thanksgiving 97
Passage 49: Time Confusion 100
Passage 50: Satellites and Weather Forecast 101
Passage 51: Einstein Passed Away 103
Passage 52: Coffee s Grounds for Popularity 105
Passage 53: Open Education 106
Passage 54: United States Botanic Garden 108
Passage 55: Complain 110
Passage 56: The tallest Grass 112
Passage 57: Development of Radio and Television 114
Passage 58: Who Was Mickey Mouse s Father? 116
Passage 59: Clothes in Britain and the U S 118
Passage 60: Saving Your Packaging 120
Passage 61: Laptop Computers-the Window of the World 122
Passage 62: Japanese have blind faith in blood type 124
Passage 63: Galileo Galilei 126
Passage 64: Extraordinary Changes in 2lst 128
Passage 65: Travel in Space 130
Passage 66: Dining Custom of Americans 132
Passage 67: How to Bring up a Child? 134
Passage 68: Volcanoes 136
Passage 69: Canada 137
Passage 70: Water and Health 139
Passage 71: Machines And Future 141
Passage 72: The puzzled IQs 143
Passage 73: Earthquakes 145
Passage 74: Telephone books 147
Passage 75: Family Patterns Today 149
Passage 76: Cars for Tomorrow 151
Passage 77: Beethoven 152
Passage 78: James Cleveland Owens 154
Passage 79: The Importance of Sleep 156
Passage 80: Home Computer 158
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