贝克特 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)John Pilling编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810469932
- 页数:249 页
1 An endgame of aesthetics:Beckett as essayist RUPERT WOOD 1
List of contributors 9
Preface 13
Chronology of Beckett's life 15
2 Beckett's English fiction JOHN PILLING 17
List of abbreviations 21
A note on titles 22
3 Three novel s and four nouvelles:giving up the ghost be born at last PAUL DAVIES 43
4 Waitingfor Godot and Endgame:theatre as text MICHAEL WORTON 67
5 Stages of identity:from Krapp's last tape to Play PAUL LAWLEY 88
6 Beginning again:the post-narrative art of Texts for nothing and Howitis H.PORTER ABBOTT 106
7 The mediated Quixote:the radio and television plays,and Film JONATHAN KALB 124
8 Dead heads:damnation-narration in the‘dramaticules’ KEIR ELAM 145
9 Disabled figures:from the Residua to Stirrings still ANDR EW RENTON 167
10 Beckett's poems and verse translations or:Beckett and the limits of poetry ROGER LITTLE 184
11 Beckett as director:the art of mastering failu re ANNA McMULLAN 196
12 Beckett's bilingualism ANN BEER 209
13 Beckett and the philosophers P.J.MURPHY 222
Further reading 241
Index of works by Beckett 245
General index 247
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