- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:浩瀚,邵娟等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7506805545
- 页数:503 页
目录 1
a few 1
afraid of 3
above all 5
account for 7
accuse...of 9
act as 11
act on/upon 13
after all 15
add up to 17
after a while 19
again and again 21
a great/good deal of 23
agree on/upon 25
ahead of 27
all the same 29
all through 31
a large amount of 33
a lot of 35
answer for 37
a number of 39
any longer 41
arrive at/in 43
ask for 45
as a result 47
as a matter of fact 49
as if 51
as soon as 53
at all 55
at a time 57
base on 59
be able to 61
be angry with 63
be aware of 65
be concerned with 67
be devoted to 69
be disappointed in 71
be equal to 73
be familiar to 75
be fit for 77
be fond of 79
be filled with 81
be fed up with 83
be good for 85
believe in 87
belong to 89
be known as 91
be proud of 93
be full of 95
be ready to 97
because of 99
be worthy of 101
by the way 103
be up to 105
be famous for 107
by far 109
break down 111
bring in 113
build in 115
burst into 117
by accident 119
be made up of 121
busy with 123
call at 125
care for 127
carry on 129
catch in 131
catch up with 133
close in 135
come about 137
come across 139
consist of 141
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come along 145
day after day 147
depend on 149
deal with 151
die of 153
differ from 155
disagree with 157
divide…into 159
do sb.a favor 161
do one's best 163
dress in 165
drop in 167
each other 169
eager to 171
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engage in 175
engage oneself to do sth 177
enter for 179
even if 181
except for 183
ever since 185
face up to 187
fail to 189
fall asleep 191
fall back on/upon 193
fall down 195
fall through 197
feed on 199
feel like 201
feel for 203
fight against 205
figure out 207
fill in 209
find out 211
finish up 213
fit in 215
forgive sb.for sth 217
for the time being 219
get on with 221
get across 223
get in 225
get on 227
get rid of 229
get through 231
get to 233
give in 235
give off 237
give some advice on/about 239
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go about 245
go into 247
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hand in 257
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have an effect on 263
happen to 265
have been to 267
have to 269
hear of 271
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hurry up 275
hurry off 277
in front of 279
in a hurry 281
in a way 283
in charge of 285
in favor of 287
in future 289
in order to 291
in time 293
instead of 295
insist on 297
interested in 299
in turn 301
join in 303
join up 305
just now 307
just as 309
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lay away 311
keep an eye on 313
keep up 315
knock at 317
laugh at 319
lead a...life 323
lean on 325
leave for 327
let alone 329
lie in 331
light up 333
listen to 335
live by 337
look after 339
look at 341
look forward to 343
look like 345
look out 347
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make from 353
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make out 357
make up 359
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melt away 363
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more than 367
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next to 371
no longer 373
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on board 377
on business 379
once more 381
oppose to 383
out of 385
ought to 387
on purpose 389
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owing to 393
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persuade...of 399
pick up 401
play at 403
point at 405
prevent from 407
pull through 409
put aside 411
put off 413
put on 415
quarrel about 417
quite a few 419
rather...than 421
reach for 423
read out 425
refer to 427
regard as 429
relate to 431
result in 433
ring off 435
run after 437
run out 439
satisfied with 441
see about 443
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set off 447
settle in 449
share in 451
shoot at 453
show off 455
shut down 457
stay up 459
spend...in 461
stand for 463
succeed in 465
take away 467
take for 469
take place 471
talk about 473
talk sb.into doing sth 475
think about 477
think out 479
try on 481
try to 483
turn down 485
use up 487
used to 489
wait for 491
warn of 493
wear out 495
wipe off 497
work on 499
write down 501
year after year 503
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