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经济动力学与控制  英文本
经济动力学与控制  英文本

经济动力学与控制 英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:邹至庄著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:730105078X
  • 页数:367 页
《经济动力学与控制 英文本》目录

Introduction 1

1.The Acceleration Principle and the Nature of Business Cycles,Quarterly Journal of Economics, 82(3):403-418,1968 1

2.Spectral Properties of Non-Stationary Systems of Linear Stochastic Difference Equations (co-authored with R.E.Levitan),American Statistical Association Journal,64:581-590,1969 17

3.Optimal Stochastic Control of Linear Economic Systems,Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,2:291-302,1970 27

4.Optimal Control of Linear Econometric Systems with Finite Time Horizon,International Economic Review,13:16-25,1972 39

5.How Much Could be Gained by Optimal Stochastic Control Policies,Annals of Economic and Social Measurement,1:391-406,1972 49

6.Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory and Economic Systems (co-authored with Michael Athans),Annals of Economic and Social Measurement,1:375-383,1972 65

7.Effect of Uncertainty on Optimal Control Policies,International Economic Review,14:632-645,1973 74

8.Problems of Economic Policy from the Viewpoint of Optimal Control,American Economic Review,LXII:825-837,1973 88

9.A Solution to Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Unknown Parameters,Review of Economics and Statistics,57:338-345,1975 101

10.An Approach to the Feedback Control of Nonlinear Econometric Systems,Annals of Economic and Social Measurement,5:297-309,1976 109

11.The Control of Nonlinear Econometric Systems with Unknown Parameters,Econometrica,44(4):685-695,1976 122

12.Control Methods for Macroeconomic Policy Analysis,American Economic Association,66:340-345,1976 133

13.Usefulness of Imperfect Models for the Formulation of Stabilization Policies,Annals of Economic and Social Measurement,6:175-187,1977 139

14.Evaluation of Macroeconomic Policies by Stochastic Control Techniques,International Economic Review,19:311-319,1978 152

15.Optimum Control of Stochastic Differential Equation Systems,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,1:143-175,1979 161

16.Effective Use of Econometric Models in Macroeconomic Policy Formulation,in S.Holly,B.Rustem,and M.Zarrop,eds.,Optimal Control for Econometric Models,New York:St.Martin s Press,31-39,1979 194

17.Comparison of Econometric Models by Optimal Control Techniques,in J.Kmenta and J.Ramsey,eds.,Eualuation of Econometric Models,New York:Academic Press,229-243,1980 203

18.Econometric Policy Evaluation and Optimization under Rational Expectations,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,2:47-59,1980 218

19.Estimation of Rational Expectations Models,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,2:241-255,1980 231

20.Estimation and Optimal Control of Dynamic Game Models under Rational Expectations,in R.Lucas and T.Sargent,eds.,Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice,Vol.2,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,681-689,1980 246

21.Estimation and Control of Rational Expectations Models,American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,71:211-216,1981 255

22.Has Government Policy Contributed to Economic Instability?(co-authored with S. Heller),in G. C.Chow,Econometric Anaysis by Control Methods,New York:John Wiley Sons,Inc.,131-148,1981 261

23.Estimation and Optimal Control of Models of Dynamic Games,in M.Deistler,E.Fürst,and G.Schw?diauer,eds.,Games,Economic Dynamics,and Time Series Analysis,Wien-Würzburg:Physica-Verlag,279-290,1982 279

24.On Two Methods for Solving and Estimating Linear Simultaneous Equations under Rational Expectations(co-authored with Philip J.Reny),Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,9:63-75,1985 291

25.Dynamic Optimization without Dynamic Programming,Economic Modelling,9:3-9,1992 304

26.Optimal Control without Solving the Bellman Equation,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,17:621-630,1993 311

27.Multiperiod Competition with Switching Costs: Solution by Lagrange Multipliers,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,19:51-57,1995 321

28.The Lagrange Method of Optimization with Applications to Portfolio and Investment Decisions,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,20:1-18,1996 328

29.Chow s Method of Optimal Control: A Numerical Solution,forthcoming 346

30.Duplicating Contingent Claims by the Lagrange Method,Pacific Economic Review,4(3):277-283,1999 361
