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高级英文写作教程  实用写作
高级英文写作教程  实用写作

高级英文写作教程 实用写作PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:冯幼民编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7301053762
  • 页数:247 页
《高级英文写作教程 实用写作》目录

Section One Students Book 3

To the Students 3

Unit 1 21

Part 1 Letter Layout 21

Part 2 Choosing the Right Words(1) 29

Part 3 Writing Process 1:Choosing a Topic 36

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage1 38

Unit 2 39

Part 1 Enquiry 39

Part 2 Choosing the Right Words(2) 44

Part 3 Writing Process 2:Generating Ideas 49

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage 2 50

Unit 3 51

Part 1 Presentation and Speech 51

Part 2 Consistency in Tense,and Person and Number 62

Part 3 Writing Process 3:Planning and Outlining 66

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage 3 72

Unit 4 74

Part 1 Letter of Application 74

Part 2 Parallelism and Sets of Three 83

Part 3 Writing Process 4:Writing a Topic Sentence 92

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage4 97

Unit 5 98

Part 1 Curriculum Vitae(CV) 98

Part 2 Correcting Run-together Sentences 106

Part 3 Writing Process 5:First Draft-from Paragraph to Essay 111

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage 5 119

Unit 6 120

Part 1 Personal Statement(PS) 120

Part 2 Active or Passive Voice 129

Part 3 Writing Process 6:Revision and Editing 134

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage 6 141

Unit 7 142

Part 1 Recommendation 142

Part 2 Using a Variety of Sentence Types 150

Part 3 Writing Process 7:Proofreading 160

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage 7 163

Unit 8 164

Part 1 Thank-you Letters,Complaints and Apologies 164

Part 2 Consistency in Tone 174

Part 3 Writing Process 8:End-of-Course Review and Evaluation 178

Part 4 Short Formal Essay:Stage 8 180

Section Two Teachers Book 183

Unit 1 183

Unit 2 189

Unit 3 194

Unit 4 201

Unit 5 208

Unit 6 219

Unit 7 230

Unit 8 239

Works Cited 246
