- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张志祥主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787040306395
- 页数:324 页
Unit One Patrol and Inspection 1
Section A Listening and Speaking 1
Dialogue 1.Giving Instructions 1
Dialogue 2.Demanding 3
Dialogue 3.Checking Luggage 5
Section B Reading and Comprehension 7
Text 1.America's Maritime Guardian 7
Text 2.Australian Coastwatch 12
Section C Development and Improvement 17
Positions and Ranks of China Coast Guard 17
Seamen's Positions 19
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Two Suppressing Smuggling 24
Section A Listening and Speaking 24
Dialogue 1.Inspection on Board 24
Dialogue 2.Charge of Smuggling 27
Dialogue 3.Detection on Board 29
Section B Reading and Comprehension 31
Text 1.Campaign Against Cultural Relics Smuggling 31
Text 2.U.S.Coast Guard Law Enforcement Mission 34
Section C Development and Improvement 38
Ship's Papers & Others 38
Crimes of Smuggling 40
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Three Maritime Security 44
Section A Listening and Speaking 44
Dialogue 1.Dealing with Brawls 44
Dialogue 2.Reporting Robbery 47
Dialogue 3.Settling Dispute Caused by Ship Collision 49
Section B Reading and Comprehension 51
Text 1.Maritime Security 51
Text 2.Florida Keys'Particularly Sensitive Sea Area 55
Section C Development and Improvement 60
Maritime Traffic Accidents 60
Coast Guard 61
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Four Search and Rescue at Sea 66
Section A Listening and speaking 66
Dialogue 1.Hurt by Steel Cable 66
Dialogue 2.Collision 68
Dialogue 3.Rescuing Person Overboard 70
Section B Reading and Comprehension 72
Text 1.Australia Rescuing 72
Text 2.Japan Coast Guard 76
Section C Development and Improvement 80
Salvage 80
Maritime Search and Rescue System 82
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Five Port Surveillance 87
Section A Listening and Speaking 87
Dialogue 1.Dealing with Violators 87
Dialogue 2.Stressing Regulations 89
Dialogue 3.Port Environment 91
Section B Reading and Comprehension 93
Text 1.Singapore Police Coast Guard 93
Text 2.U.S.Coast Guard 2020 96
Section C Development and Improvement 101
Shipping 101
Philippine Coast Guard and Auxiliary 103
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Six Illegal Migrant Interception 107
Section A Listening and Speaking 107
Dialogue 1.Case Reporting 107
Dialogue 2.Intercepting 110
Dialogue 3.Interrogating 112
Section B Reading and Comprehension 114
Text 1.Mourning Mothers Fight Against Illegal Emigration 114
Text 2.Biometrics Program to Prevent Illegal Immigration 117
Section C Development and Improvement 121
Illegal Immigration 121
Water Police 122
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Seven Combating Pirates 126
Section A Listening and Speaking 126
Dialogue 1.Reporting Piracy 126
Dialogue 2.Controlling Pirate Vessel 128
Dialogue 3.Investigation on Board 129
Section B Reading and Comprehension 131
Text 1.Surge in Violent Attacks on Vessels off Nigeria 131
Text 2.A Global Threat 136
Section C Development and Improvement 140
Ship's Facilities and Equipment 140
French Maritime Gendarmerie 143
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Eight Counter-Terrorism at Sea 148
Section A Listening and Speaking 148
Dialogue 1.Rescuing Hostages 148
Dialogue 2.Reporting Suspects of Terrorism 150
Dialogue 3.Catching Suspected Terrorists 151
Section B Reading and Comprehension 153
Text 1.Terrorism at Sea—Potential Threat 153
Text 2.Military Communications 156
Section C Development and Improvement 161
Official Ranks and Organizations of Foreign Affairs 161
Navigation 162
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Nine Convoying and Maintaining Fishing Order 169
Section A Listening and Speaking 169
Dialogue 1.Convoying 169
Dialogue 2.Maintaining Order for Yachting Games 171
Dialogue 3.Robbery Investigation 173
Section B Reading and Comprehension 175
Text 1.U.S.Coast Guard Conducts Escorting Mission 175
Text 2.Fishing Vessels Terminated for Safety Problems 178
Section C Development and Improvement 183
Fishery Environment Procection 183
Canadian Coast Guard 184
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Ten Maritime Interests Protection 189
Section A Listening and Speaking 190
Dialogue 1.Stopping Illegal Fishing within China's Jurisdictional Sea 190
Dialogue 2.Detaining Foreign Exploring Ship 191
Dialogue 3.Fishery Protection 193
Section B Reading and Comprehension 195
Text 1.China's Policy in Solving the South Sea Issue 195
Text 2.Implementation of a Maritime Security Regime in Australia 199
Section C Development and Improvement 203
Terms Concerning Maritime Law 203
Logistics 204
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Eleven Response to Provocation at Sea 208
Section A Listening and Speaking 209
Dialogue 1.Channel Closed 209
Dialogue 2.Warning Foreign Electronics Reconnaissance Vessel 210
Dialogue 3.China's Jurisdictional Sea Brooks No Encroachment 212
Section B Reading and Comprehension 214
Text 1.The Use of Armed Forces in Law Enforcement 214
Text 2.Image of U.S.Coast Guard 217
Section C Development and Improvement 222
Weapons and Equipment 222
Border Guard Service of Russia 226
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyUnit Twelve International Exchange 231
Section A Listening and Speaking 231
Dialogue 1.A Port Call 231
Dialogue 2.At a Forum 234
Dialogue 3.An International Maritime Conference 239
Section B Reading and Comprehension 244
Text 1.North Pacific Coast Guard Forum 244
Text 2.Sino-US Coast Guard Cooperation 248
Section C Development and Improvement 253
Kinds of Certificates 253
Indian Coast Guard 254
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on DutyAppendixes 258
Appendix 1.Selected Expressions for Maritime Missions in English 258
Appendix 2.Selected Expressions for Maritime Missions in Russian 268
Appendix 3.Selected Expressions for Maritime Missions in Japanese 278
Appendix 4.Selected Expressions for Maritime Missions in Korean 288
Appendix 5.Selected Expressions for Maritime Missions in Vietnamese 298
Appendix 6.Signs on Steamer's Funnels of Some Liner Co.of the World 308
Appendix 7.International Alphabetical Flags 310
Appendix 8.Signal Flags 316
Appendix 9.Life-Saving Signals 319
References 321
Afterword 324
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