- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:袁祖文编著
- 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:756370664X
- 页数:522 页
目录 1
Chapter Ⅰ Beijing—Past,Present and Future 北京—过去、现在及将来 1
1.1 Location 地理位置 1
1.2 Past 过去 3
1.3 Present 现在 7
1.4 Future 将来 11
1.5 Environmental Protection 环境保护 14
1.6 Political Institutions 政治体制 22
1.7 Beijing Municipal Government 北京市政府 24
Chapter Ⅱ Scheduled Tours 沿途导游 26
2.1 Capital International Airport—the China World Hotel(A) 首都机场—中国大饭店(一) 26
2.2 Capital International Airport—the China World Hotel(B) 首都机场—中国大饭店(二) 36
2.3 From the China World Hotel to the Natio-nalities Hotel(An introduction to Chang’an Avenue) 中国大饭店到民族饭店(长安街导游) 46
2.4 On the Way to the Beijing Zoo—Giant Panda 56
参观动物园—国宝大熊猫 56
2.5 On the Way to Beijing Cloisonne Factory 参观北京景泰蓝厂 63
2.6 On the Way to Xiushui Market—Chinese Silk 秀水市场购丝绸—中国丝绸 67
2.7 On the Way to Laoshe Teahouse(1)—Tea in China 老舍茶馆看戏(1)—中国茶 74
2.8 On the Way to Laoshe Teahouse(2)—Beijing Opera 老舍茶馆看戏(2)—京剧 84
2.9 On the Way to Fish—Bird—Flower Market—Free Market in China 参观花鸟虫鱼市场—中国自由市场 91
2.10 On the Way to a Neighbourhood(1)—Neighbourhood Committee 参观居委会(一)居委会制度 99
2.11 On the Way to a Neighbourhood(2)—Family Education 参观居委会(二)—家庭教育 103
2.12 On the Way to a Neighbourhood(3)—Hutongs in Beijing 参观居委会(三)—北京胡同 109
2.13 On the Way to a Neighbourhood(4)—Housing Problem in Beijing 117
参观居委会(四)—北京的住房问题 117
2.14 On the Way to a Neighbourhood(5)—Family Planning 参观居委会(五)—计划生育 124
2.15 On the Way to Liulichang Cultural Street(1)—Chinese Traditional Painting 参观琉璃厂文化街(一)—中国传统字画 132
2.16 On the Way to Liulichang Cultural Street(2)—Seal—engraving 参观琉璃厂文化街(二)—印章的知识 139
2.17 On the Way to Liulichang Cultural Street(3)—Chinese Ceramics 参观琉璃厂文化街(三)—中国陶瓷 144
2.18 On the Way to Liulichang Cultural Street(4)—Jade and Jade Carving 参观琉璃厂文化街(四)—玉及玉雕 150
2.19 On the Way to Liulichang Cultural Street(5)—Snuff Bottle 参观琉璃厂文化街(五)—鼻烟壶 155
2.20 On the Way to Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant—Beijing Roast Duck 全聚德烤鸭店品尝风味—北京烤鸭 160
2.21 On the Way to Donglaishun Hotpot Re-staurant——Hotpot 东来顺涮羊肉—风味火锅 165
欢送辞 170
2.22 Farewell Speech 170
Chapter Ⅱ Tian’anmen Square and its Surroundings 天安门广场及周围建筑 175
3.1 Tian’anmen Square—Historical Overview 天安门广场—历史回顾 175
3.2 Huabiao—Ornamental Pillars 华表 179
3.3 The Chinese National Flag,Emblem And Anthem 国旗,国徽及国歌 182
3.4 The Monument to the Heroes of the People 人民英雄纪念碑 186
3.5 Chairman Mao’s Mausoleum 毛主席纪念堂 189
3.6 The Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂 192
3.7 The Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution 中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆 193
3.8 Viewing the Tian’anmen Square from the Rostrum 从天安门城楼看广场 195
Chapter Ⅳ The Forbidden City 紫禁城(故宫) 201
4.1 Introduction to the Forbidden City in front of the Meridian Gate 201
五凤楼前讲故宫 201
4.2 The Hall and the Courtyard of Supreme Harmony 太和殿及殿前广场 209
4.3 The Meridian Gate 午门—五凤楼 215
4.4 The Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 218
4.5 The Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿 221
4.6 The Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿 223
4.7 The Huge Stone Carving 云龙石雕 224
4.8 The Hall of Clocks and Watches 钟表馆 225
4.9 The Treasure Hall 珍宝馆 227
4.10 The Hall of Mental Cultivation 养心殿 233
4.11 The Six Western Palaces 西六宫 235
4.12 The Six Eastern Palaces 东六宫 236
4.13 The Palace of Heavenly Purity 乾清宫 237
4.14 The Hall of Union 交泰殿 239
4.15 The Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫 241
4.16 The Imperial Garden 御花园 243
4.17 The Nine Dragon Screen 九龙壁 245
4.18 Mysteries of the Palace Roofs 皇宫屋顶的奥秘 246
4.19 The Watch Towers 角楼的传说 250
Chapter Ⅴ The Summer Palace 颐和园 254
5.1 The Covered Walkway and the Marble Boat 长廊和石舫 254
5.2 The Garden of Harmonious Interests 谐趣园 260
5.3 The Summer Palace—Historical Overview 颐和园—历史回顾 264
5.4 East Palace Gate 东宫门 267
5.5 The Hall of Benevolence and Longevity 仁寿殿 270
5.6 Hall of Jade Billows 玉澜堂 273
5.7 Garden of Virtuous Harmony 德和园 274
5.8 The Hall of Joyful Longevity 乐寿堂 278
5.9 The Covered Walkway 长廊 282
5.10 The Hall of Dispelling Clouds 排云殿 284
5.11 Tower of Buddist Incense 佛香阁 287
5.12 The Marble Boat 石舫 288
5.13 The 17—Arch Bridge 十七孔桥 290
5.14 Bronze Ox 铜牛 291
5.15 The Rear Hill and Rear Lake 后山后湖 292
5.16 A Bridge over Garden Waters 中国园林中的桥 293
Chapter Ⅵ The Temple of Heaven 天坛 299
6.1 A Brief Introduction to the Temple of Heaven 天坛概况 299
6.2 The Circular Mound Altar 圜丘坛 303
6.3 The Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇 307
6.4 Echo Wall 回音壁 309
6.5 Triple Sound Stone 三音石 310
6.6 Red Stairway Bridge 丹陛桥(水墁大道) 311
6.7 The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 祈年殿 313
6.8 Hall of Abstinence 斋宫 316
6.9 How to Worship the God of Heaven 祭祀天神的程序 318
6.10 Magic Number“Nine” 神奇的数字“九” 321
Chapter Ⅶ The Great Wall 长城 324
7.1 The History of the Great Wall 长城的历史 324
7.2 The Great Wall 长城 326
7.3 Juyongguan Pass 居庸关 331
7.4 Beijing—Zhangjiakou Railway 京张铁路 333
7.5 Badaling Fortress 八达岭要塞 335
7.6 The Great Wall at Badaling 八达岭长城 336
7.7 Meng Jiangnu’s Bitter Weeping 孟姜女哭长城 338
Chapter Ⅷ The Tombs of 13 Ming Emperors(or Ming Tombs) 十三陵 341
8.1 How Was the Site of the Ming Tombs Chosen? 十三陵选址 341
8.2 Why Were Only 13 Emperors Buried Here? 为何仅葬十三帝? 344
8.3 The Sacred Way 神路 346
8.4 Emperor Yongle’s Tomb Emperor Wanli’s Tomb 长陵和定陵 350
8.5 Components of an Imperial Tomb 皇陵的结构 354
Chapter Ⅸ Highlights in China 中国揽胜 357
9.1 The Three Gorges in Brief 长江三峡略览 357
9.2 Terra Cotta Worriors and Horses 秦兵马俑 371
9.3 The Tomb of Qin Shihuang 秦始皇陵 374
9.4 Guilin—the Capital of Karst 桂林山水甲天下 378
9.5 State Forest Park at Zhangjiajie in Wuling-yuan 武陵源及张家界国家森林公园 382
9.6 Huangshan Mountain 黄山—中国名山 388
Chapter Ⅹ Miscellaneous Talks on China 中国面面观 393
10.1 China—The People’s Republic of China 中国—中华人民共和国 393
10.2 The Offsprings of the Dragon 龙的传人 396
10.3 Chinese Names 中国人的名字 400
10.4 The Chinese Language 中国话 406
10.5 Chinese Marriage Customs 中国的婚礼习俗 413
10.6 Chinese Zodiac(12 Animal Signs)十二生肖 418
10.7 Chopsticks 筷子 426
传统节日及外来影响 432
10.8 Chinese and Foreign Festivals 432
10.9 Sedan Chairs 轿子 441
10.10 Mahjong 麻将 444
10.11 Social Drinking in China 社交饮酒常识 450
10.12 Chinese Dumpling 中国的饺子 457
10.13 What is in a Chinese Breakfast? 早点吃什么? 462
10.14 Porriage 粥 466
10.15 Fashions in China 中国时尚 469
10.16 A Nation of Bicycles 自行车王国 473
Appendix 附录 482
1.A Brief Chinese Chronology 中国历史简表 482
2.A Brief Beijing Chronology 北京历史简表 484
3.Emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清两代皇帝 487
4.The Story of Marco Polo 马可·波罗的中国传奇 488
5.Top Beijing Buildings 北京著名建筑 491
6.Ten Masterpieces of Chinese Classical Music 中国古乐十绝 494
7.Directory 应急必备电话号码 499
Acknowledgement 鸣谢 517
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