- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:PeterTrudgill,JeanHannah著秦秀白导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560019013
- 页数:161 页
1 Varieties of Standard English 1
1.1 The two main standard varieties 1
1.2 The Spread of English 4
Preface by Halliday 7
王宗炎序 8
2.1 The Rp accent 9
2 English,Australasian,South African and Welsh English 9
导读 11
2.2 Australian,New Zealand and South African English 16
Note to the third edition 26
Acknowledgements 27
Symbols 28
2.3 Welsh English 32
3 The pronunciation of North American English 37
3.1 North AMerican English vowels 37
3.2 North AMerican English Consonants 41
3.3 Regional variation in United States English 42
3.4 The pronunciation of Canadian English 51
3.5 Non-systematic differences between North American English and English English pronun-ciation 53
3.6 Stress differences 54
3.7 Further differences between American English and Canadian English pronunciation 55
4 English and North American English:grammatical,orthographical and lexical differences 56
4.1 Grammatical differences 56
4.2 Spelling and punctuation differences 82
4.3 Vocabulary differences 87
5 Scottish and Irish English 94
5.1 Scottish English 94
5.2 English in Ireland 101
6 West Indian English and English-based creoles 109
6.1 English-based pidgins 109
6.2 English-based creoles 111
6.3 Decreolization 112
6.4 Post-creoles and mesolectal varieties 115
6.5 West Indian Standard English 117
6.6 English-based creoloids 119
7 Second language varieties of English 121
7.1 West African English 123
7.2 East African English 126
7.3 Indian English 127
7.4 Singaporean English 134
7.5 English in the Philippines 137
Glossary 139
Selected references and further reading 142
The recording 145
The reading passage 147
Index 149
文库索引 157
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