英语小品文选读 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张爱学主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7119028669
- 页数:283 页
1 Chinese should develop their rhetorical skills 中国人该练练口才了 1
2 Do you have a dream? 你有梦想吗? 9
3 This kind of “freedom”is disgusting! 令人厌恶的“自由” 17
4 Teaching after you grauate 大学毕业先教书 25
5 Want to study in the US? 想去美国留学吗? 33
6 In America it s harder to enter a vet school than a regular medical school 美国兽医学院比医科大学还难考 41
7 A foreigner s comments on foreigners 老外说老外 49
8 “Oppo”and the US presidential race 美国大选--翻你个底朝天(上) 57
9 “Oppo”and the US presidential race 美国大选--翻你个底朝天(下) 65
10 How Americans feel about guns 美国人的爱枪情结 73
11 I am not a bad boy! 我不是坏小子 81
12 Let me begin with a mistake I found in the newspaper 从报上的一处错误说起 89
13 Unhappy westerners in Beijing 老外也有烦心事 95
14 Are Yanks in Beijing more prone to psychological difficulties? 京城老美心事多? 103
15 I was overjoyed to get rid of our car! 卖掉汽车感觉真好 111
16 You have the right to appeal if you are denied a Canadian visa 申请加拿大签证拒签可上诉 119
17 Take mass transit more,drive your car less 多乘公交车少开私家车 127
18 The US consul general answers questions about visas 美国总领事解答签证问题(上) 135
19 The US consul general answers questions about visas 美国总领事解答签证问题(下) 143
20 A US pizza chain is sued for racial discrimination 达美乐的官司 151
21 Pay attention to the rocks under your feet 注意脚下的石头 159
22 The real China emerges from cliches and propaganda 我看到了真正的中国 167
23 Why Russians look rich and Americans feel poor 为什么俄国人显富美国人喊穷(上) 175
24 Why Russians look rich and Americans feel poor 为什么俄国人显富美国人喊穷(中) 183
25 Why Russians look rich and Americans feel poor 为什么俄国人显富美国人喊穷(下) 191
26 My Chinese classmates should get their priorites right! 唉!我的中国同学呀! 199
27 How one can lose the popular vote yet win the US presidency 美国大选:为什么得票少也可能当总统 207
28 A question that dismays me 这句话我听不惯 215
29 When you re abroad,don t jump to conclusions 切勿盲人摸象 223
30 Have you ever heard of“lawsuit insurance”? 你可听说过打官司保险吗? 231
31 Attitudes toward the disabled in America 为什么美国人不盯着他看(上) 239
32 Attitudes toward the disabled in America 为什么美国人不盯着他看(下) 247
33 Am I romantic just because I m french? 我很浪漫吗? 255
34 The CIA on campus in America 中央情报局进校园 263
35 Using modern technology to learn Chinese 老外学中文用上高科技 269
36 UN stamps 联合国的邮票 277
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