实用英语 泛读教程 2 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:教育部《实用英语》教材编写组编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:704008497X
- 页数:129 页
Passage A: Buses Are Good Test of Virtue 1
Passage B: Get the Job You Want (Speed Reading) 5
Passage C: Job Hunting 8
Glossary 11
Passage A: Making a Cultural Change 12
Passage B: The British Family Life (Speed Reading) 16
Passage C: The Sacred Rac 19
Passage A: The Second Information Revolution 22
Passage B: Television: How It Affects Us (Speed Reading) 26
Passage C: When the Computer Is Down 28
Passage A: How to Tell If Someone Is Lying 32
Passage B: The Secrets of a Very Long Life (Speed Reading) 37
Passage C: Don t Believe Everything You Hear 40
Passage A: The Night the President Met the Burglar 43
Passage B: Playing Princess Diana (Speed Reading) 46
Passage C: Visit to a President 49
Passage A: Animal Education 53
Passage B: Talk to the Animals (Speed Reading) 57
Passage C: Tobermory: The Talking Cat 60
Passage A: The Virtue Called Devotion 63
Passage B: Clone Ewe, but Not You (Speed Reading) 67
Passage C: Personal Relationships 70
Passage A: The Simple Life: a Fine Dinner, a Drink and Jail 74
Passage B: Police on Bicycles (Speed Reading) 78
Passage C: People Who Saw Murder Didn t Call the Police 82
Passage A: Nuclear Energy: Pros and Cons 85
Passage B: Bringing Power to the People (Speed Reading) 90
Passage C: Food Resources and World Hunger 93
Passage A: Mind If I Give You Cancer? 97
Passage B: Environmental Scientist (Speed Reading) 102
Passage C: Adapting to Global Greenhouse 106
Phrases and Expressions 123
Key to the Exercises 125
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