评估与测试:研究综述 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Robert Wood著;邵永真导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560024408
- 页数:282 页
1 Preparing specifications for achievement tests 1
Discussion 6
References 8
Preface by Haliday F 10
2 Selecting and ordering of questions and question choice 10
Selecting items and questions 10
王宗炎序 F 11
Ordering items and questions and the effect of context 12
Preface by Chomsky F 14
Choice of questions 16
References 18
3 Administrative issues 20
Design of rubrics 20
沈家煊序 F 21
Time limits 21
导读 F 24
Time limits and the disabled 24
Training for test-taking including training for test-wiseness 25
Open book examinations 28
References 29
Foreword F 32
4 Multiple choice testing 32
Preface F 34
Number of alternatives 38
Use of none of these 40
Scoring systems and instructions to deal with guessing 41
Answer until correct 44
Changing answers 45
Confidence weighting 45
Differential weighting of responses 47
Summary 48
References 50
5 Essay questions 53
Nature of extended writing 53
Constructs of writing 54
Constructing questions 55
Marking answers 57
Sources of error 58
Analytic vs.holistic or impression marking 61
Handwriting 63
Operational marking procedures and real time experiments 64
Summing up 67
References 68
6 School-based assessment including Records of Achievement 71
Validity considerations 72
Reliability considerations 73
Moderation 76
Weighting 77
Records of Achievement 78
Discussion 80
References 81
7 Criterion-referenced testing including graded assessment 83
Technical characteristics of criterion-referenced testing 85
A good,modern,successful example of criterion-referenced testing:the Degrees of Reading Power(DRP)test 87
Graded assessment 89
Summing up 91
References 92
8 Diagnostic assessment 94
Mastery of behavioural objectives 96
Error analysis 97
Knowledge structure 101
Discussion 102
References 103
9 Item analysis 105
Item discrimination for norm-referenced tests 105
Modern item analysis methods 108
Item analysis for criterion-referenced tests 113
References 115
10 Scoring,weighting,combining and scaling 117
Scoring 118
Weighting 119
Combining 120
Scaling 123
References 130
11 Reliability 132
Reliability of grading 134
The various kinds of reliability 136
Estimating the reliability of components,singly and in combination 136
Mark-re-mark estimates of reliability 140
Standard error of measurement 141
Generalisability analysis 142
Discussion 143
References 144
12 Validity and validation 146
An example of a validity study 152
Psychological tests and validity 154
References 155
13 Differentiation 157
Multilevel testing 159
Two-stage testing 160
Differentiation within papers 161
Differentiation between papers 162
Grade limitation 163
References 164
14 Bias 166
Bias in relation to achievement tests including examinations 167
Bias in relation to aptitude tests 175
Conclusions 180
References 180
15 How practical work is assessed 184
Observing performance in groups 189
Discussion 191
References 192
16 Assessing individuals working collaboratively in groups 194
Discussion 198
References 199
17 Aptitude testing 201
Predictive or criterion-related validity 203
Research on item types 207
Speededness 208
Tailored testing 209
Discussion 210
References 211
18 Personnel selection and assessment 213
Application form 214
References 215
Interviews 216
Educational qualifications 217
Experience 219
Age 219
Cognitive tests 220
Realistic job preview 220
Work sample tests 222
Trainability tests 224
Discussion 225
References 226
19 Language testing 230
The three phases of language testing 234
Authenticity 235
Direct vs.indirect tests 237
The application of item response theory 239
Assessment through speech 240
Discussion 240
References 241
20 Innovation and the influence of research 245
References 257
Glossary 258
Index 261
文库索引 274
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