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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:宋群主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7010034729
  • 页数:289 页

总序 1

Preface 1

Main 1

前言 1

一、世界各主要经济体实力对比的消长变化 3

1.Change and Comparison of Economic Power in Main Countries of World 3

第一章 21世纪初国际经济格局的变动趋势 3

Chapter One Trend of International Economic Pattern in Early 21st Century 3

综合篇 3

Section on Comprehensive Studies 3

2.Main Trend of Devlopment in Global Industrial Structure 12

二、世界产业结构变动的主要趋势 12

3.Main Trend of Devlopment in International Trade and Investment 18

三、国际贸易和国际投资发展变动的主要趋势 18

4. Main Trend of Devlopment in International Finance 23

四、国际金融发展的主要趋势 23

5.Strengthen of Integration and Group in Regional Economy 26

五、区域经济的一体化、集团化趋势 26

Chapter Two Main Influences on Chinese Economy According to the Trend of Globe Economic Pattern 30

第二章 国际经济格局变动趋势对中国经济的主要影响 30

一、对经济增长的影响 31

1.Influences on Economic Growth 31

2.Influences on Promotion and Restructure of Industrial Structure 36

二、对产业结构转换升级的影响 36

三、对开放型经济发展的影响 40

3.Influences on Development of Opening Economy 40

四、对区域经济发展的影响 46

4.Influences on Development of Regional Economy 46

五、对完善社会主义市场经济体制的影响 49

5.Influences on Development of Improving Socialist Market Economic System 49

Chapter Three Strategy and Policy For Accelerating Economic development of China 54

1.Innovating Way of Economic Growth 54

第三章 促进中国经济发展的战略与对策 54

一、创新经济增长方式 54

2.Innovating Regulative Way of Industrial Structure 57

二、创新产业结构调整方式 57

三、提高开放的质量和效益,维护国家经济安全 61

3.Promoting Quality and Efficiency in Developing Opening Economy Protecting Safety of State Economy 61

四、调整区域经济发展结构,提高区域协调发展水平 64

4.Adjusting Structure of Regional Economic Development Promoting Level of Regional Harmonious Development 64

5.Innovating System,Improving Socialist Market Economic System 67

五、加大体制创新力度,完善社会主义市场经济体制 67

Chapter Four Impact of Economic Globalization and Scientific Technological Innovation 75

Section on Special Topics 75

专题篇 75

第四章 经济全球化和科技进步的影响 75

一、经济全球化和科技进步对世界经济的影响 75

1.Impact of Economic Globalization and Scientific Technological Innovation On World Economy 75

二、贸易、金融和生产的全球化进程 82

2.Globalization Procedure in Trade,Finance and Production 82

3.Inbalance Development in Economic Globalization and Scientific Technological Innovation 88

三、经济全球化的科技进步所带来的不平衡发展 88

四、建立全球化的国际协调机制 92

4.Set up International Harmonious Mechanism 92

5.Impact of Economic Globalization and Scientific Technological Innovation on Chinese Economy 95

五、经济全球化和科技进步对中国经济的影响 95

1.Backgroung of Accelerating Development in Regional Economy 102

Chapter Five Relationship Between Development of Regional Group and International Economic Pattern 102

第五章 区域集团化的发展与世界经济格局 102

一、区域集团化加速发展的背景 102

2.Relationship Between Tree Big Regional Group and International Economic Pattern 108

二、三大区域经济集团与世界经济格局的关系 108

3.Prospect of Begional Group Development and Impact on Future International Economic Pattern 124

三、区域集团化的发展前景及对未来世界经济格局的影响 124

Chapter Six Trend of International Economic Structure 132

第六章 世界经济结构的变化趋势 132

一、世界经济增长格局中结构性因素的变动趋势及特点 133

1.Trend and Character of Structural Element in International Economic Growth Pattern 133

2.Impact of Structural Element in International Economic Pattern on China in Early 21st Century 140

二、21世纪初世界经济中结构因素变动对中国的影响 140

三、对策重点 144

3.Policy Emphasis 144

第七章 全球外商直接投资的发展趋势及影响 147

Chapter Seven Trend and Impact of Global Foreign Direct Investment Development 147

1.Main Character of Global Foreign Direct Investment Since 1990s 147

一、20世纪90年代以来全球外商直接投资的显著特征 147

二、影响未来外商直接投资流动的因素 152

2.Element Influence On Future Foreign Direct Investment 152

3.Future Trend of Global Foreign Direct Investment 154

三、全球外商直接投资的未来趋势 154

4.Impact of Foreign Direct Investment On Eonomy 167

四、外商直接投资对经济的影响 167

一、20世纪90年代以来国际金融体系发生的重大变化 171

第八章 国际金融体系的变化与改革趋势 171

1.Important Change in International Finauce System Since 1990s 171

Chapter Eight Change and Trend of Reform in International Finance System 171

2.Trend of International Finance System Reform in Early 21st Century 182

二、21世纪初国际金融体系改革趋势 182

三、国际金融体系的变化对中国经济的影响 194

3.Impact of International Finance System Change on Chinese Economy 194

4.Policy Suggestions 205

四、对策建议 205

Chapter Nine Tidal wave and Impact of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in Enterprises 212

1.New Tidal Wave of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in Enterprise s 212

一、企业跨国购并的新热潮 212

第九章 国际企业购并浪潮及影响 212

2.Many Hot Tidal Wave of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in Enterprises 217

二、企业购并热潮多次发生 217

3.Causes and Trend of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in Enterprises 218

三、企业购并的原因及发展趋势 218

4.Impact of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in Enterprises 220

四、企业购并热潮的影响 220

Chapter Ten Strategy of Development in Developing Opening Economy of China 227

1.Basic Development of Opening Economy of Chinain Early 21st Century 227

一、21世纪初期中国开放型经济的发展基点 227

第十章 中国开放型经济发展战略 227

2.Facing to Main Problems in Developing Opening Economy of China 229

二、开放型经济发展中面临的主要问题 229

3.Key Tasks of China s Opening to the Outside World in Early 21st Century 234

三、21世纪初期中国对外开放面临的主要任务 234

4.Strategic Frame of Developing China s Opening Economy in Early 21st Century 239

四、21世纪初期中国经济对外开放战略框架 239

1.Export Competitive Power and Enduring Capacity of Chinese Naterial Industries Under Opening to the Outside World Further 247

Chapter Eleven Industrial Comparative Advantage and Judgement of International Competitive Power of China 247

第十一章 中国产业比较优势与国际竞争力判断 247

一、进一步开放下的实物产业出口竞争力和承受能力 247

2.Competitive Power and Comparative Advantages of Chinese Service Industries Under Opening to the Outside World Further 260

二、进一步开放下的服务业竞争力和比较优势 260

3.Comparative Advantages of Chinese Industries and Conclusion About International Competitive Power of China 263

三、中国产业比较优势与国际竞争力结论 263

Appendix 269

附录 269

Key References 286

主要参考文献 286
