中国高等教育 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:顾建民,黎学平,王莉华著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787308069236
- 页数:238 页
1 History of Higher Education 1
1.1 Higher Learning in Ancient Times 1
1.1.1 Confucius and his private academe 1
1.1.2 The taixue(institution of supreme learning)and shuyuan(academy or scholarly society) 2
1.2 Modern Higher Education 4
1.2.1 The modern college in China 4
1.2.2 The modern university in China 7
1.2.3 Modern higher education in the Republic of China(1911-1949) 9
1.3 Contemporary Higher Education in China 12
1.3.1 Higher education in the early years of the PRC(1949-1966) 12
1.3.2 Higher education during the"Cultural Revolution"(1966-1976) 12
1.3.3 Higher education in the new era(since 1978) 13
2 Structure of Higher Education 17
2.1 Forms 17
2.1.1 Form of higher education 17
2.1.2 Form of ownership 18
2.2 Levels 20
2.3 Disciplines 23
2.4 Categories of Institutions 27
2.4.1 Discipline-based categories:single-discipline institutions,multidisciplinary institutions,and comprehensive universities 28
2.4.2 Function-based categories:teaching institutions,teaching-research institutions,and research universities 30
3 Higher Education Management 35
3.1 The Ownership System 35
3.2 The Administrative System 35
3.2.1 Administration of higher education 36
3.2.2 Decentralization of higher education administration after 1985 39
3.2.3 Higher education coordination 45
3.3 The Funding System 52
3.3.1 Diversification of higher education funding 52
3.3.2 Growth of private higher education 54
3.3.3 Government expenditures on education 56
3.4 Planning and Evaluation 57
3.4.1 State education plans 57
3.4.2 Evaluation of higher education 58
3.5 The Organizational Management of HEIs 64
3.5.1 Organization and structure of HEIs 64
3.5.2 Leadership system of HEIs 66
3.5.3 Rules and regulations of HEIs 68
4 Admission and Graduate Employment 71
4.1 College Admission 71
4.1.1 Reforms of admission 73
4.1.2 Forms of admission 74
4.2 Postgraduate Admission 81
4.2.1 Master's admission 81
4.2.2 Doctoral admission 88
4.3 Graduate Employment:Policy Changes and Current Situation 90
4.3.1 Policy changes 90
4.3.2 Current situation 92
5 Specialized Higher Education 95
5.1 Overview 95
5.1.1 Levels of tertiary education 95
5.1.2 Programs of tertiary education 98
5.2 Missions and Programs 98
5.3 Currieulum 104
5.3.1 Structure of the curriculum 104
5.3.2 Sequence of courses in the curriculum 110
5.3.3 Degree of control over curricular content 110
5.4 Establishment and Adjustment of Specialties 110
5.5 Modes of Education 113
5.5.1 Alternative Work and Study Mode 114
5.5.2 College-industry Collaborative Mode 115
5.5.3 Employment/Position-oriented or Made-to-order Mode 115
5.5.4 Platform plus Module Mode 116
5.5.5 Learning by Doing Mode 116
5.6 The Management System of Teaching 117
6 Undergraduate Education 121
6.1 Overview 121
6.2 Missions and Programs 121
6.3 Curriculum 124
6.3.1 Curriculum for undergraduate education before 1985 124
6.3.2 Curriculum of undergraduate education after 1985 129
6.4 Establishment and Adjustment of Undergraduate Specialties 137
6.5 Modes of Education 143
6.6 The Management System of Teaching 146
7 Postgraduate Education 151
7.1 Overview 151
7.2 Academic Degrees System 153
7.2.1 Establishment of Academic Degrees Ordinance of the PRC 153
7.2.2 Basic characteristics of the academic degrees system 155
7.3 Master's Degree Education 157
7.3.1 Recent developments 157
7.3.2 New directions 160
7.4 Doctoral Education 163
7.4.1 Recent developments 163
7.4.2 New directions 166
8 Research in HEIs 171
8.1 Present State of Research in HEIs 171
8.1.1 The research system of HEIs 172
8.1.2 Personnel engaging in research at HEIs 172
8.1.3 Research capacities of HEIs 173
8.1.4 Social contribution of researches conducted by HEIs 174
8.2 Features of Research in HEIs 175
8.3 Organizational Structure of Research in HEIs 176
8.4 Operation Mechanism of Research in HEIs 178
9 Teaching Staff in HEIs 181
9 1 Composition of Teaching Staff in HEIs 181
9.2 Recruitment of Teaching Staff in HEIs 185
9.3 Assessment of Teaching Staff in HEIs 188
9.4 Compensation of Teaching Staff in HEIs 190
References 193
Appendices 205
Appendix 1 Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China 205
Appendix 2 Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China 219
Appendix 3 “211 Project"and"985 Project" 223
Appendix 4 National Model Tertiary Vocational and Technical Colleges 227
Appendix 5 Websites for the Related Data on Chinese Higher Education 231
Index 233
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