- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Vivian Cook著;高远导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560019749
- 页数:233 页
1.Second language learning and language teaching 1
1 The scope of this book 1
2 What a teacher can expect from L2 learning research 3
3 The independence of L2 learning research 6
2.Learning different types of grammar 14
1 What is grammar? 15
2 Grammatical morphemes 19
3 The multidimensional model 22
4 Language universals;relative clauses 27
5 Principles and parameters grammar 30
6 L2 learning of grammar and L2 teaching 33
3.Learning the components of language 39
1 Acquisition of pronunciation 40
2 Acquisition of vocabulary 48
3 Acquisition of conversational discourse 58
4.Processes in using second languages 64
1 Short-term memory processes 65
2 Reading and longer-term memory processes 71
3 Processes in listening 76
4 Codeswitching by second language users 83
5 Communication strategies 87
5.Learners as individuals 95
1 Motivation:what sort of motivation is good for L2 learning? 96
2 Aptitude:are some people better at learning a second language than others? 100
3 Learning strategies:how do learners vary in their approaches to L2 learning? 103
4 Age:are young L2 learners better than old learners? 108
5 Are other personality traits important to L2 learning? 114
6.Language and input in the L2 classroom 118
1 L2 learning inside the classroom 119
2 Language in the communicative classroom 125
3 Language input and language training 127
7.Multilingual societies and the goals of language teaching 134
1 The different roles of second languages in societies 135
2 The goals of language teaching 141
8.General models of L2 learning 152
1 Models of knowledge:Universal Grammar 153
2 Processing models:the competition model and the information processing model 159
3 Multicomponent models:the competence/control model and the input hypothesis 163
4 Social models:the socio-educational model and the acculturation model 167
9.Second language learning and language teaching styles 173
1 The academic style 176
2 The audiolingual style 179
3 The social communicative style 184
4 The information communicative style 190
5 The mainstream EFL style 195
6 Other styles 198
Afterword:the proper uses of second language acquisition research in language teaching 204
EFL course books mentioned in text 209
References 211
Index 225
文库索引 229
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