尤金·奥尼尔 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Michael Manheim编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810469819
- 页数:256 页
Introduction MICHAEL MANHEIM 1
1 “Celebrant of loss”:Eugene O'Neill 1888-1953 STEPHEN A.BLACK 4
List ofillustrations page 9
Notes on contributors 10
Chronology 13
List of plays and poems 15
2 O'Neill's philosophical and literary paragons EGIL T?RNQVIST 18
3 O'Neill and the theatre of his time DANIEL J.WATERMEIER 33
4 From trial to triumph:the early plays MARGARET LOFTUS RANALD 51
1 Louise Bryant,George Cram Cook,and O'Neill in the 1916 Provincetown Players production of Thirst at the Wharf Theatre in Provincetown.(Reproduced by permission of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library,Yale University Library) 53
Eugene O'Neill at his player piano“Rosie”in the early 1940s. frontispiece 53
5 The middleplays JAMES A.ROBINSON 69
6 The late plays NORMAND BERLIN 82
7 Notable American stage productions RONALD WAINSCOTT 96
2 Eugene O'Neill,The Iceman Cometb,Martin Beck Theatre,New York,1946.Directed by Eddie Dowling,with James Barton as Hickey(Billy Rose Theatre Collection,The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.Astor,Lenox and Tipden Foundations) 111
3 Josie(Colleen Dewhurst)and Tyrone(Jason Robards)in the JoséQuintero production of A Moon for the Misbegotten,New York,1974.(Photo:Martha Swope.Reproduced by permission of Time/Life Pictures) 112
8 O'Neill on screen KURT EISEN 116
4 Greta Garbo brooding over her whiskey and ginger ale in the 1930 MGM film of Anna Cbristie.(Reproduced by permission of the New York Museum of Modern Art film collection) 119
5 Four haunted Tyrones:Jason Robards(Jamie),Dean Stockwell(Edmund),and Ralph Richardson(James)watching Katharine Hepburn(Mary)in the 1962 Long Day's Journey Into Night,Embassy Pictures.(Reproduced by permission of the New York Museum of Mo 128
9 O'Neill's America:the strange interlude between the wars BRENDA MURPHY 135
10 O'Neill's African and Irish-Americans:stereotypes or“faithful realism”? EDWARD L.SHAUGHNESSY 148
6 Charles Gilpin as the Emperor Jones in uniform,smiling defiantly, from a 1920 production.(Reproduced by permission of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library,Yale University Library) 152
11 O'Neill's female characters JUDITH E.BARLOW 164
12 “A tale of possessors self-dispossessed” DONALD GALLUP 178
13 Trying to write the family play:autobiography and the dramatic imagination JEAN CHOTHIA 192
14 The stature of Long Day's Journey Into Night MICHAEL MANHEIM 206
15 O'Neill and the cult of sincerity MATTHEW H.WIKANDER 217
16 O'Neill criticism MICHAEL MANHEIM 236
Select bibliography of full-length works 244
(Reproduced by permission of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library,Yale University Library) 248
Index 248
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