- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:章智源,刘德军编
- 出 版 社:西安:陕西人民出版社
- 出版年份:1986
- ISBN:9094·93
- 页数:761 页
Contents 1
A Cosmos 1
1.The Sun 1
2.Sunrise 2
3.Sunset 3
4.Sunlight 8
5.The Moon 11
6.Moonlight 12
7.The Sky 13
8.Stars 17
B Weather 18
1.Air 18
2.Wind 19
3.Clouds 22
4.Rain 24
5.Storm 27
6.Thunder and Lightning 30
7.Snow 34
8.Fog 39
9.Rainbow 40
10.Frost 41
11.Dew 41
C The Seasons 43
1.Spring 43
2.Summer 48
3.Autumn 50
4.Winter 52
D Times of Days 55
1.Day 55
2.Dawn 60
3.Morning 64
4.Noon 69
5.Afternoon 70
6.Dusk 71
7.Evening 72
8.Night 77
E Geography 84
1.Ground 84
2.Plains 84
3.Pastures 87
4.Fields 89
5.Hills and Mountains 90
6.Valleys 91
7.Holes and Caves 93
8.Islands 96
9.Coasts 99
10.Beaches 100
11.Seas 101
12.Waves 103
13.Rivers 104
14.Bays 107
15.Lakes 108
16.Streams 111
17.Ponds 114
18.Waterfalls 116
19.Springs and Fountains 118
F Places 120
1.Towns 120
2.Cities 127
3.Castles 132
4.Parks 134
5.Streets 137
6.Prisons 140
7.Slums 141
8.Harbours 143
9.Schools 146
10.Hospitals 148
11.Workplaces 150
12.Squares 154
13.Villages 156
14.Farms 158
15.Graveyards 159
16.Roads 163
G Buildings and Interiors 169
1.Churches 169
2.Buildings 172
3.Inns and Hotels 176
4.Stores 179
5.Clubs 187
6.Restaurants 189
7.Public Houses 189
8.Towers 194
9.Libraries 196
10.Houses 199
11.Mansions 205
12.Pavilions 207
13.Villas 208
14.Cottages 212
15.Fences 213
16.Apartments 214
17.Offices 216
18.Rooms 217
19.Studies 225
20.Kitchens 226
21.Diningrooms 229
22.Bedrooms 233
23.Bathrooms 235
24.Halls 237
25.Windows 238
26.Balconies 239
27.Bridges 239
28.Post Offices 240
H Plants 242
1.Flowers 242
2.Fruit 244
3.Orchards 247
4.Trees 248
5.Grass 252
6.Lawns 253
7.Gardens 254
8.Woods and Forests 259
9.Small Groups of Trees 262
1.Domestic Animals 264
I Animals 264
2.Wild Animals 270
3.Birds 276
4.Insects 283
5.Reptiles 289
6.Rats 291
7.Fish 292
8.Whales 293
1.Sound 295
J Sound 295
2.Voice 300
3.Noises 303
K Substances 306
1.Fire 306
2.Smoke 310
3.Food 311
L Transport 313
1.Vehicles 313
2.Watercraft 315
3.Aircraft 320
M Objects 321
1.Precious Stones 321
2.Clocks and Watches 322
3.Books 323
4.Paintings 323
5.Lamps 324
6.Toys 325
7.Carpets 326
8.Stoves 327
9.Musical Instrument 328
10.Furniture 329
11.Containers 331
12.Tools 334
13.Machines 335
14.Clothes 335
15.Personal Belongings 340
N Politics 342
1.Political Affairs 342
2.Religion 349
3.Wars 353
O Accidents and Disasters 358
1.Accidents 358
2.Natural Disasters 360
1.Social Customs 365
P Life 365
2.Social Intercourse 379
3.Vicissitudes of Life 385
4.Entertainments 396
5.Love 411
Q Persons 441
1.Babies 441
2.Boys 443
3.Girls 451
4.Young Men 458
5.Young Women 461
6.Middle-aged Men 470
7.Middle-aged Women 479
8.Old Men 488
9.Old Women 493
R Social Positions 497
1.Teachers 497
2.Scientists 501
3.Writers 502
4.Medical Doctors 503
5.Engineers 511
6.Pupils and Students 512
7.Officers 519
8.Lawyers 526
9.Clerks 531
10.Judges 533
11.Managers 534
12.Priests 535
13.Merchants 539
14.Sailors 543
15.Kings and Princes 545
16.Workers 546
17.Farmers 557
18.Waiters and Waitresses 558
19.Drivers 559
20.Housewives 563
21.Servants 564
22.Brides and Wives 570
23.Widows and Widowers 572
24.Prostitutes 575
25.Foremen 577
26.Vagrants 578
27.Drunkards 579
28.Gamblers 581
29.Criminals 582
S Actions 585
1.Dressing 585
2.Making-Up 587
3.Eating and Drinking 589
4.Smoking 592
5.Bathing 593
6.Walking 594
7.Riding 595
8.Washing 596
9.Nursing 596
10.Catching 598
11.Fishing 601
12.Killing 603
13.Hunting 607
14.Struggling 613
15.Fighting 613
16.Embracing and Kissing 626
17.Working 629
T Parts of the Human Body 633
1.Body 633
2.Dead Body 633
3.Neck 634
4.Face 635
5.Eyes 640
6.Nose 644
7.Mouth 645
8.Hands 647
9.Legs 647
10.Tears 647
11.Skin 648
12.Hair on the Head 648
13.Hair on the Face 652
14.Eyebrows 653
1.Happiness 655
U Feelings 655
2.Yearning 658
3.Satisfaction 660
4.Meditation 661
5.Desire 665
6.Dream 671
7.Imagination 675
8.Hesitation 677
9.Fear 682
10.Sadness 689
11.Resentment 693
12.Uneasiness 694
13.Anguish 696
14.Guilt 697
15.Loneliness 699
16.Despair 701
17.Disappointment 705
18.Conflict 705
19.Suspicion 706
20.Jealousy 709
V Emotional Expressions 711
1.Happiness 711
2.Smiling 713
3.Crying 716
4.Pondering 718
6.Shyness 719
5.Blankness 719
7.Uneasiness 720
8.Anger 720
9.Inscrutability 722
10.Shame 722
11.Despair 723
12.Change of Expression 723
1.Death 724
W Physiological Phenomenon 724
2.Illness 726
3.Thirst 730
4.Hunger 730
5.Pain 733
6.Exhaustion 734
7.Insomnia 735
8.Pregnancy 736
9.Childbirth 737
Index of Authors and Books 739
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