- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:浩瀚,孙雪红主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7119027816
- 页数:283 页
2 above the salt 1
147 ins and outs (11 1
目录 1
A 1
1 be taken aback 1
3 Achilles'heel 2
4 act of God 3
5 Adam's apple 4
6 all in all 4
7 all thumbs 5
8 alpha and omega? 6
9 an apple of discord 6
10 in apple-pie order 7
11 the apple of one's eye 8
12 med to the teeth 9
13 have an axe to grind 9
B 11
14 be left holding the baby(bag)或hold(carry)the baby 11
15 back-seat driver 12
16 bed of roses 12
17 bell the cat 13
18 best-seller 14
19 (one's)better half 15
20 bring home the bacon 15
21 bite the bullet 16
22 bleed somebody white 17
23 blind date 18
24 blooper 18
25 blow one's own horn 19
26 once in a blue moon 20
27 burn one's boats 20
28 in the same boat 21
29 a bolt from the blue 22
30 build on(the)sand 23
31 bull in a china shop 24
C 25
32 a piece of cake 25
33 burn the candle at both ends 25
34 carry-out 26
35 carry the can 27
36 carry the day 28
37 let the cat out of the bag 28
38 cat nap 29
39 cat's paw 29
40 check-up 30
41 come clean 31
42 close call 31
43 blow away the cobwebs 32
45 come to light 33
44 out in the cold 33
46 craze 34
47 crocodile tears 35
49 cry wolf 36
48 cross the Rubicon 36
50 cry over spilt milk 37
51 cup of tea 38
D 39
52 a dark horse 39
53 death-trap 40
54 diamond in the rough 40
55 dice with death 41
56 diehard 42
57 beneath someone's dignity 42
58 a dog in the manger 43
59 a dog's life 44
60 dog days 45
61 doodle 46
62 doubting Thomas 46
63 down the drain 47
64 down-to-earth 48
65 a drop in the bucket 49
66 go Dutch 49
67 dyedin-the-wool 50
E 52
68 early bird 52
69 earn a bomb 52
70 all ears 53
72 go easy on 54
71 easy-going 54
73 on edge 55
74 elbow grease 56
75 come to a sticky end 56
76 go to extremes 57
77 keep one's eyes open 58
78 eye-catcher 58
79 eye-opener 59
80eye-sore 60
81 face the music 61
F 61
82 put on a bold face 62
83 fall on deaf ears 62
84 fan the flames 63
85 go over with a fine-tooth comb 64
86 the finger on the wall 65
87 go through fire and water 65
88 neither fish nor fowl 66
89 have other fish to fry 67
90 flash in the pan 68
91 one's pound of flesh 68
92 fluke 69
93 fly-by-night 70
95 put one's foot in one's mouth 71
94 fly in the ointment 71
96 forty winks 72
97 foul play 73
98 take French leave 74
99 frogman 74
G 76
100 gift of the gab 76
101 blow the gaff 77
102 gall and wormwood 77
103 in gear 78
104 get in someone's hair 79
105 get the sack 79
106 play the giddy goat 80
107 fit like a glove 81
108 handle with kid gloves 81
109 go-getter 82
110 go west 83
111 go from bad to worse 83
112 golden boy 84
113 golden handshake 85
114 golden rule 86
115 for good 86
116 Gordian knot 87
117 with a good grace 88
118 grease someone's palm 89
H 90
119 let one's hair down 90
120 bite the hand that feeds one 91
121 come in handy 91
122 get the hang of 92
123 happy-go-lucky 93
124 a hard case 94
125 talk through one's hat 94
126 above someone's head 95
127 bury one's head in the sand 96
128 keep one's head down 97
129 cool one's heels 97
130 take to one's heels 98
131 heyday 99
132 high on the hog 99
133 hit it off 100
134 hold water 101
135 a square peg in a round hole 101
136 be on one's high horse 102
137 a horse of another colour 103
139 catch someone on the hop 104
138 by hook or by crook 104
140 hot under the collar 105
141 at the eleventh hour 106
142 eat humble pie 107
I 108
143 break the ice 108
144 on thin ice 108
145 in business 109
146 every inch 110
148 have many irons in the fire 111
J 113
149 Jack-of-all-trades 113
150 hit the jackpot 113
151 one's John Hancock 114
152 Judas'kiss 115
K 116
153 keep oneself to oneself 116
154 kick against the pricks 117
155 kick oneself 118
156 kill the fatted calf 118
157 take kindly to 119
158 knack 120
159 bring someone to his knees 121
160 under the knife 121
161 in the know 122
L 124
162 (a)land of milk and honey 124
163 land of Nod 125
164 promised land 125
165 the last straw 126
166 laughing stock 127
167 a leap in the dark 128
169 leave much to be desired 129
168 by leaps and bounds 129
170 go(to)any length(s) 130
171 letdown 131
172 according to one's own lights 132
173 in the limelight 132
174 line offire 133
175 the lion's share 134
176 a stiff upper lip 135
177 seal someone's lips 136
178 at loggerheads 136
179 not for love or money 137
181 make bricks without straw 139
M 139
180 make do with 139
182 make a noise in the world 140
183 make one's mark 141
184 make a mess of 142
185 man hunt 142
186 a man of the world 143
187 the man in the street 144
188 maniac 145
189 manna from heaven 145
190 (put)on the map 146
191 meet one's Waterloo 147
192 at the mercy of 148
193 burn the midnight oil 148
194 go through the mill 149
195 mind one's own business 150
196 in two minds 151
197 in mint condition 151
198 drag someone through the mire 152
199 have one's moments 153
200 get one's money's worth 154
201 move heaven and earth 154
202 hit the nail on the head 156
N 156
203 someone's name is mud 157
204 up to one's neck in 157
205 look for a needle in a haystack 158
206 get on someone's nerves 159
207 foul one's own nest 160
208 night owl 160
209 a nine days'wonder 161
210 nip in the bud 162
211 lead by the nose 163
213 to the nth degree 164
212 not one jot or tittle 164
214 have someone's number 165
215 one's days are numbered 166
216 in a nutshell 167
O 168
217 at odds 168
218 off-colour 168
219 off and on 169
220 old flame 170
221 olive branch 170
222 on all fours 171
223 on the ball 172
224 over a barrel 173
225 paddle one's own canoe 174
P 174
226 Pandora's box 175
227 a pat on the back 175
228 the patience of Job 176
229 cast pearls before swine 177
230 pennies from heaven 178
231 pick up the tab 178
232 get the picture 179
233 go to pieces 180
234 in the pink 181
236 the powers that be 182
235 pop the question 182
237 put someone through his paces 183
238 put one's pride in one's pocket 184
239 put one's oar in 185
240 put new wine in old bottles 185
241 put someone's back up 186
242 put one's back into 187
243 a Pyrrhic victory 188
Q 189
244 in a quandary 189
245 at close quarters 189
246 quick off the mark 190
247 on the quiet 191
248 rain cats and dogs 193
249 raise Cain 193
R 193
250 rake over the ashes 194
251 rat race 195
252 right-hand man 196
253 the red carpet 196
254 root and branch 197
255 rooted to the spot 198
256 know the ropes 198
257 round the clock 199
259 run a mile 200
258 rule with a rod of iron 200
260 run-of-the-mill 201
261 in the running 202
262 a running battle 203
263 rush hour 203
264 rut 204
S 206
265 a sacred cow 206
266 sail under false colours 207
267 the salt of the earth 207
268 scot-free 208
269 up to scratch 209
270 second nature 210
271 second thought(s) 211
272 second wind 212
273 see the back of 212
274 see eye to eye 213
275 sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage 214
276 separate the sheep from the goats 215
277 serve two masters 216
278 set one's face against 217
279 set one's teeth on edge 217
280 seventh heaven 218
281 shake the dust off one's feet 219
283 (all)shot to pieces 220
282 short-handed 220
284 show one's cards 221
285 side-track 222
286 sign(s)of the times 222
287 sitting pretty 223
288 the skeleton in the cupboard 224
289 have a thin skin 225
290 by the skin of one's teeth 226
291 smite hip and thigh 227
292 on one's soapbox 227
293 a soft option 228
294 sour grapes 229
295 spill the beans 230
296 sounding board 231
297 spend thrift 232
298 stab someone in the back 232
299 in a stew 233
300 stick-in-the-mud 234
301 stickler 234
302 still small voice 235
303 stir up a hornet's nest 236
304 in stitches 237
305 a storm in a teacup 237
306 strain at a gnat 238
307 swan song 239
308 sword of Damocles 239
T 241
309 take a back seat 241
310 take with a pinch of salt 242
311 take to task 242
312 on tap 243
313 on tenterhooks 244
314 think better of 244
315 a thorn in the/one's flesh 245
316 throw cold water on 246
317 throw in the towel 247
319 tip/turn/tilt the scale(s) 248
318 tip of the iceberg 248
320 to the bitter end 249
321 tower of ivory 250
322 (the)Trojan horse 251
323 turn a deaf ear 252
324 turn one's back 252
325 turn the tables 253
326 turn thumbs down on 254
327 turn up trumps 255
328 two a penny 256
330 under someone's thumb 257
U 257
329 under one's breath 257
331 under the weather 258
332 under the rose 259
333 underdog 259
334 an unknown quantity 260
335 ups and downs 261
336 upset the apple-cart 262
V 263
337 vanish into the blue 263
338 vicious circle 264
339 walk on air 265
W 265
340 walls have ears 266
341 wash one's hands of 266
342 (all)washed up 267
343 waste one's breath 268
344 water off a duck's back 269
345 in deep water(s) 270
346 weigh on someone's mind 270
347 well set up 271
348 wheels within wheels 272
349 white elephant 273
350 white lie 274
351 wild goose chase 275
352 with a bang 275
353 within reason 276
354 wolf in sheep's clothing 277
355 a word in season 278
356 work like a beaver 279
357 work wonders 279
358 workaholic 280
359 worth one's salt 281
Y 283
360 your actual 283
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