- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘雁滨,(P.韦德森)PamWadeson著
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7119026550
- 页数:387 页
Actually 1
Afraid so(informal) 2
All in all 3
All in good time (informal) 4
All right 5
Allow me 8
And another thing 9
Anyhow 10
Apparently 11
As a matter of fact 12
As far as concerned 13
As I was saying 14
As long as 15
As regards 17
As soon as 17
As usual 18
As well as 19
As well as that 20
As you know 21
At any rate 22
At first 23
At last 24
At least 25
Before 27
Besides 29
Bet 30
Bet you can't;Bet you can 30
Better(You/I had better) 32
Big deal!(informal) 32
Bother! 33
Bravo! 34
Broadly speaking 35
By all means 36
By no means 36
By and large 37
By far 38
By the way 38
Can 40
Certainly 43
Come orr it! 44
Come on 45
Congratulations 47
Considering 48
Could 49
Cut it out! 52
Do 53
Do you mind...?Don’t be silly!Don’t even think it/try it 59
Don’t you think...?Easy come... 61
Either 61
Even if 63
Even though 63
Evdn so 64
Eventually 65
Erery now and then 66
Every so often 66
Ererything 67
Excuse me 68
Fair enough (informal) 70
Fancy that! 71
First of all 71
For example/for instance 72
For goodness sake 74
For heaven’s sake 74
For one thing 76
For starrers (inrormal) 76
Furthermore 78
Get lost(informal) 79
Get out of here! 80
Go and get 81
Go on 81
Good 83
Good heavens! 84
Goodness!Goodness me! 85
Good on you (informal) 86
Great!(informal) 87
Guess (informal) 88
Hang on (informal) 89
Hardly 90
Hardly ever 92
Have a good trip/holiday/time 93
Hear!Hear! 94
Heavens! 95
Help 96
Help yourself 96
Hrer goes! 97
Hrer,look at this 98
Hrer’to ... 99
Hrer and there 100
Hey! 100
Hold on 101
Honestly 103
Hopefully 104
How come?(informal) 105
How dare you 106
How do you do? 106
Hurry up! 109
Hurry up and... 109
I’m afraid 110
I beg your pardon 112
I bet 115
I don’konw 116
I feel 117
I gather that 118
I guess 119
I hear that 120
I hope 120
I mean 121
I reckon(informal) 123
I say 124
I see that 126
I should 126
I shouldn’t 127
I suppose 128
I think 129
I thought 130
I understand that 131
I wish 132
If I wrer 134
If I had 135
If I could 136
If in doubt 137
If I minght 137
If only 139
If you like 140
Imagine 141
In addition 141
In and case 142
Incidentally 143
In most cases 144
In case 144
In fact 145
In general 146
In my opinion 147
In my view 148
In other words 149
In spite of 150
In the same way 152
Indeed 153
Instead of 154
It dosen’t matter 155
It figures 157
It’s high time 160
It’s no good 161
It’s no use 162
It’s time 163
It’s worth ...ing 164
Just 164
Just about 165
Just a minute/moment 166
just be patient 167
Just do it!Just hold on a minute 168
Just in caes 170
Just my luck 171
Just the thing 172
Just this once 172
Just to be on the safe side 173
Keep happy(informal) 174
Keep in touch (informal) 175
Keep trying 175
Keep up the good work 176
Kick your shoes off 176
Kind of 177
Lately 178
Leave it be 178
Leave it to me 179
Let it be 180
Let me 182
Let me see now 183
Let’s go 184
Listen hrer ! 187
Little by little 188
Little did I know 188
Look around 190
Look at this 190
Look for yourself 191
Look out! 192
Look ofter yourself 193
Oouely! 194
Magic! 195
Make up your mind 196
May(formal) 197
May I...? 197
Maybe 199
Me too (informal) 200
Might I...?(formal) 200
Mind you 203
Mind yourself 204
Must I? 205
Must you? 206
Nearly 207
Neither can I 207
Nether of us 208
Never 209
Never say “Die” 210
Nevertheless 211
No 212
No doubt 213
No good 214
No kidding!(informal) 215
No matter 216
Nonetheless 217
No problem(informal) 219
No sooner 220
No sweat (informal) 220
No way 221
Nor cal I 222
Not a bit (informal) 223
Nothing 224
Nothing much 225
Not in the near future 226
Not on your life (informal) 227
Not quite 228
Not really 228
Not very 229
Obviously 230
Occasionally 231
On the conditiorn 231
Of course 232
Offhand 233
Often 234
Oh 235
Oh, bother! 236
Oh, dear! 236
Oh on! 237
Oh, oh 238
Oh, well 239
Oh wow! 240
Okay 240
On foot 243
Only just 244
On the contrary 245
On the other hard 245
On the whole 246
On top of that 247
On top of the world 247
Or else? 248
Originally 249
Outrageous! 250
Over here! 250
Owing to (formal) 251
Pace yourself 252
Pamper yourself 253
Pardon? 254
Pardon me?(formal) 254
Partly 255
Particularly 256
Passable 256
Pay 257
Pay attention 258
Perfect 259
Permit me (formal) 260
Perhaps 261
Perish the thought 261
Persevere 262
Personally 263
Personally speaking 264
Piece of cake (informal) 265
Pig! 265
Pity 266
Please 267
Pleased 268
Plenty 268
Pop 269
Poser 269
Possibly 270
Precisely 271
Present(formal) 272
Probably 272
Promise 273
Promise? 273
Promising 274
Prove it 275
Put a sock in it (informal) 276
Quick! 277
Quiet 277
Quit while you're ahead (informal) 278
Quite 279
Quite a bit 280
Quit a few 281
Quite a lot 282
Quite right 282
Rather 283
Raise your glasses 284
Re...(informal) 285
Ready? 286
Rally! 287
Reckon so 287
Regarding... 288
Regulations forbid(formal) 289
Relax 289
Remember 290
Report to(formal) 291
Ringht 292
Ringht? 294
Ringht on!(informal) 295
Ringht-o(informal) 295
Risk it 296
Rot! 297
Rotten luck 297
Rubbish! 298
Rumor has it that 299
Run 300
Rush 300
Same for me 301
Satisfied? 302
Save some for later/after 303
Save one for me 304
Says who? 305
Scat! 306
Scout around(didom) 307
Scroll down/up 307
Searchme(informal) 308
See you/See you later/See you soon(informal) 309
sensational! 310
Seriously speaking 310
Shall 311
Son much for that 312
Shoot(informal) 313
Shut up! 313
Sick of that yet?(informal) 314
Silly 315
Sleep well 315
Slow down 316
Smells good 317
So 317
So be it 319
Sorry 320
Sort of 322
Spit it out 324
Specifically 324
Splendid! 325
Spot on(informal) 326
Spep this way(formal) 326
Stick to your guns 327
Still 328
Stop it! 329
Strange 329
Strictly speaking 330
Stuff snd nonserse!(informal) 331
Such a pity/Such a same 332
Such is life 333
Suffice it to say (forrnal) 334
Super!(informal) 335
Superb 336
Suppose/Supposing 336
Sure(informal) 337
Surely 338
Surprise me(informal) 339
Ta(informal) 339
Tacky 340
Take a risk 341
Take care of 342
Tslk about 343
Tasty 343
Tell me... 344
Temper,temper 345
Terrible 346
Terrific 346
That fingures 348
There,there 349
Time out(informal) 349
To begin with 350
Tolerable 351
To tell the truth 352
Tread carefully 353
Tremendous 353
Truly 355
Trust me 356
Try 356
Try again 357
Turn around 358
Turn over 359
Tut-tut 359
Typical 360
Ugh! 361
Uh?(informal) 362
Uh-huh... 362
Understand? 363
unreal(informal) 364
Up and down 365
Very good 366
Very few/Very little 366
Very odd!/Very strange 367
Very well 368
Watch out! 369
Way to go!(informal) 370
Well... 371
Well,well 372
What it(all)boils down to...(informal) 373
What the...? 374
What do you espect? 374
What do you mean? 375
Whatever(informal) 376
Whatever are you doing 376
What on earth? 378
Why on earth 378
Won’t 379
Wouldn’t you know(it)(informal) 380
Wow! 381
Yo! 381
You know 382
You really should/shouldn’t 383
You’re on!(informal) 383
You’ve got to be kidding (informal) 385
You’re joking(informal) 385
Zip/Zero 386
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