- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张士宏,谷岳主编
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560227686
- 页数:168 页
Passage 1: The Most Famous Voic 1
Passage 2: How Americans Eat and Drink 3
Passage 3: The European Economic Community 6
Passage 4: Why the Sky. Looks Blue? 8
Passage 5: Baseball in America 10
Passage 6: A Successful Tribe 12
Passage 7: Sports Around the World 14
Passage 8: IP Telephony 17
Passage 9: Standing Up for Children 19
Passage 10: Being a Clever Clothes Shopper 21
Passage 11: Breakfast 23
Passage 12: Attitudes Toward Sleep 25
Passage 13: Weather Forecast 27
Passage 14: Information Superhighway 29
Passage 15: The Hurricane 31
Passage 16: Communication Means 33
Passage 17: Protect Sunscreen 35
Passage 18: Population Pollution 37
Passage 19: History of the Internet 39
Passage 20: The Survival of the Monarch Butterfly 41
Passage 21: What Makes a Person Bright or Stupid? 43
Passage 22: Paul Newman 45
Passage 23: The Magic of Touch 47
Passage 24: American Table Manners 49
Passage 25: An Itch to Know 51
Passage 26: Steven Jobs and His Apple Computer 53
Passage 27: Way of Communication 55
Passage 28: Christmas Day 57
Passage 29: A Pain-Killing Wonder from China 59
Passage 30: The History of Australia Development 61
Passage 31: Population Problem 63
Passage 32: News Reporting in the US 65
Passage 33: Protecting the Bluefin 67
Passage 34: Sources of Intelligence 69
Passage 35: SOS Children s village 71
Passage 36: Mother s Day 73
Passage 37: Origin of Basketball 75
Passage 38: Pollution in the Water 77
Passage 39: The channel Tunnel 79
Passage 40: Green Belts 81
Passage 41: Challenges Facing American Health Care 83
Passage 42: The Beliefs of Astrologer 85
Passage 43: Beauty Contest 87
Passage 44: Kevin Costner 89
Passage 45: Charlie Chaplin 91
Passage 46: Please Stop Smoking 93
Passage 47: EL Nino 95
Passage 48: Earthquake 97
Passage 49: Thomas Alva Edison 99
Passage 50: Collectivism 102
Passage 51: Mickey Mouse 104
Passage 52: Good Talker 106
Passage 53: Great Inventions 108
Passage 54: The Thirsty World 110
Passage 55: Internet: A Convenient Tool for Communication 112
Passage 56: Headphone Set 114
Passage 57: American Children s Ideality 116
Passage 58: Goal 118
Passage 59: Different Robots 120
Passage 60: Language-the Difference Between Human Being and Animal 122
Passage 61: Indoor Air Pollution 124
Passage 62: Enjoy Your Age 126
Passage 63: Birth, Marriage and Death 128
Passage 64: Non-Smoking Day 130
Passage 65: Disney Parks 132
Passage 66: Education in the United States 135
Passage 67: Friendship 138
Passage 68: Cultural Survival 140
Passage 69: Winners 143
Passage 70: Communication and Cultural Background 145
Passage 71: The Protection of Layers of Ozone 148
Passage 72: Common Cold 150
Passage 73: A Dream Lab 152
Passage 74: A Chess Game with Computer 154
Passage 75: How to Avoid Accidents 156
Passage 76: A Must for Doing Your Homework 158
Passage 77: 1998 World Footballer Zinedine Zidane 160
Passage 78: Soccer: The World Cup 162
Passage 79: NIKE/WBCA Girls High School All-America Team 164
Passage 80: Young Americans and their ideas 166
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