- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张士宏,谷岳主编
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560227708
- 页数:160 页
Passage 1: Diego Maradona 1
Passage 2: Active Noise Cancellation Headphones 3
Passage 3: Have You Ever Seen a Flying Saucer? 4
Passage 4: Luther Martin 7
Passage 5: US colleges warn students of cults 9
Passage 6: World s first video game university opens in US 12
Passage 7: American students flunk math, science tests 14
Passage 8: Different types of twins 17
Passage 9: Hubble Telescope 18
Passage 10: Technology in Japan 20
Passage 11: Valentine s Day 21
Passage 12: Develop your Creativity 23
Passage 13: Etiquette tips for British bars 25
Passage 14: Loneliness 28
Passage 15: Titanic wins top Golden Globe 30
Passage 16: What is Netiquette? 32
Passage 17: Internet Information Centre 34
Passage 18: Headphones 36
Passage 19: Albert Einstein 37
Passage 20: Chinese Americans 40
Passage 21: School in the sun 42
Passage 22: The Future Has Been Written 45
Passage 23: Halloween 47
Passage 24: Robots and Human Beings 49
Passage 25: UK aims to have all schools on-line 51
Passage 26: Happiness is A Big Part of Success 55
Passage 27: Fear Of the Classroom 57
Passage 28: Obesity a growing problem in the US 59
Passage 29: Great Escape 62
Passage 30: Successful McDonald 64
Passage 31: Less TV Reduces Kids Weight 65
Passage 32: The Euro 67
Passage 33: About Estimate 69
Passage 34: The Development of Communication 71
Passage 35: Living a Long Life 73
Passage 36: Great Brother 75
Passage 37: Looking for the Sun 77
Passage 38: How to make workers productive? 79
Passage 39: The Training of Animals 81
Passage 40: Hackers on Internet 83
Passage 41: Robots 85
Passage 42: Homework 86
Passage 43: Climb Mountains Need Proper Equipment 88
Passage 44: How To : Books in the US 89
Passage 45: Dangerous Virus 91
Passage 46: Noise 93
Passage 47: Books in London 94
Passage 48: About Junior College 96
Passage 49: Origin of Easter 97
Passage 50: Looking to the Future 100
Passage 51: Yellowstone Park 102
Passage 52: Smallpox and Vaccination 104
Passage 53: Please Stop Smoking 106
Passage 54: Chain Business 107
Passage 55: Sales and Packaging 110
Passage 56: Riches of the Sea 112
Passage 57: Teens: no loyalty to brands 114
Passage 58: Hollywood 116
Passage 59: Eating Habits 119
Passage 60: The United Nations 121
Passage 61: Internet 123
Passage 62: Benjamin Franklin 125
Passage 63: The Pentagon 127
Passage 64: Making International Phone Call 129
Passage 65: Advertising: the Selling of a Product 131
Passage 66: Examinations 133
Passage 67: Sleep 135
Passage 68: The Sport of Cheer Leading 137
Passage 69: Henry Kissinger 139
Passage 70: American Citizen Can Own Guns 141
Passage 71: Picasso s life and art 142
Passage 72: Boxing athlete 144
Passage 73: Recycling 145
Passage 74: Sound Spread 147
Passage 75: Total Customer Satisfaction 149
Passage 76: Agnes Miller 151
Passage 77: Electronic Museum 152
Passage 78: Music 154
Passage 79: Winston Churchill 156
Passage 80: Human s friend-Trees 158
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