沃尔特·惠特曼 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Ezra Greenspan编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810469762
- 页数:234 页
1 Introduction EZRA GREENSPAN 1
List of Illustrations 7
2 "As If I Were With You"-The Performance of Whitman's Poetry STEPHEN RAILTON 7
List of Contributors 8
Chronology of Whitman's Life 10
3 Fratricide and Brotherly Love:Whitman and the Civil War M.WYNN THOMAS 27
4 Reading Whitman's Postwar Poetry JAMES PERRIN WARREN 45
5 Politics and Poetry:Leaves of Grass and the Social Crisis of the 1850s DAVID S.REYNOLDS 66
6 Some Remarks on the Poetics of"Participle-Loving Whitman" EZRA GREENSPAN 92
7 "Being a Woman...I Wish to Give My Own View":Some Nineteenth-Century Women's Responses to the 1860 Leaves of Grass SHERRY CENIZA 110
8 Appearing in Print:Illustrations of the Self in Leaves of Grass ED FOLSOM 135
8.1 Frontispiece portrait for the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass. 136
8.2 Frontispiece engraving for Frederick Douglass,Narrative ofthe Life ofFrederick Douglass,An American Slave. 143
8.3 Walt Whitman.Engraving by William J.Linton. 147
8.4 Margin decoration in the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass. 150
8.5 Walt Whitman.Photograph by Phillips and Taylor. 151
8.6 Frontispiece portrait for November Boughs(1888). 153
8.7 Frontispiece for Complete Poems and Prose of Walt Whitman 1855...1888. 160
9 "I Sing the Body Electric":Isadora Duncan,Whitman,and the Dance RUTH L.BOHAN 166
9.1 Edward Gordon Craig and Isadora Duncan,Berlin,1904. 170
9.2 Edward Gordon Craig,Portrait of Walt Whitman. 171
9.3 Edward Gordon Craig,The Good Grey Poet. 173
9.4 Arnold Genthe,Isadora Duncan. 180
9.5 Abraham Walkowitz,Isadora Duncan:Seven Studies. 184
9.6 John Sloan,Isadora Duncan in the"Marche Militaire." 185
9.7 Edward Gordon Craig,Isadora Duncan,Sechs bewegungstudien,1906. 186
10 Walt Whitman:Precipitant of the Modern ALAN TRACHTENBERG 194
11 Borges's"Song of Myself" FERNANDO ALEGR?A 208
Suggestions for Further Reading 221
Index 227
Whitman's Writings 233
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