当代语义理论指南 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Shalom Lappin主编;方立导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560024270
- 页数:679 页
Introduction 1
Ⅰ Formal Semantics in Linguistics 9
Preface by Halliday F 10
王宗炎序 F 11
1.The Development of Formal Semantics in Linguistic Theory BARBARA H.PARTEE 11
Preface by Chomsky F 14
沈家煊序 F 21
导读 F 24
Ⅱ Generalized Quantifier Theory 39
2.The Semantics of Determiners EDWARD L.KEENAN 41
Notes on Contributors F 57
Preface F 62
3.The Role of Situations in Generalized Quantifiers ROBIN COOPER 65
Ⅲ The Interface between Syntax and Semantics 87
4.The Syntax/Semantics Interface in Categorial Grammar PAULINE JACOBSON 89
5.Anaphora and Identity ROBERT FIENGO and ROBERT MAY 117
6.The Interpretation of Ellipsis SHALOM LAPPIN 145
Ⅳ Anaphora, Discourse and Modality 177
8.Anaphora in Intensional Contexts CRAIGE ROBERTS 215
9.Quantification, Quantificational Domains and Dynamic Logic JEAN MARK GAWRON 247
Ⅴ Focus, Presupposition and Negation 269
10.Focus MATS ROOTH 271
11.Presupposition and Implicature LAURENCE R.HORN 299
12.Negation and Polarity Items WILLIAM A.LADUSAW 321
Ⅵ Tense 343
13.Tense and Modality MORVET ENC 345
Ⅶ Questions 359
14.The Semantics of Questions JAMES HIGGINBOTHAM 361
15.Interrogatives: Questions, Facts and Dialogue JONATHAN GINZBURG 385
Ⅷ Plurals 423
16.Plurality FRED LANDMAN 425
Ⅸ Computational Semantics 459
17.Computational Semantics-Linguistics and Processing JOHN NERBONNE 461
Ⅹ Lexical Semantics 485
18.Lexical Semantics and Syntactic Structure BETH LEVIN and MALKA RAPPAPORT HOVAN 487
Ⅺ Semantics and Related Domains 509
19.Semantics and Logic GILA Y.SHER 511
20.Semantics and Cognition RAY JACKENDOFF 539
21.Semantics, Pragmatics, and Natural-Language Interpretation RUTH M.KEMPSON 561
22.Semantics in Linguistics and Philosophy: An Intensionalist Perspective JERROLD J.KATZ 599
References 617
Index 653
文库索引 671
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