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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:金蒂,安凤岐主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7560020585
  • 页数:226 页

PartⅠ Word Guessing 猜词 1

Unit1 Guessing Word from Cause and Result 通过原因与结果关系猜词 1

Unit2 Guessing Word from Comparison and Contrast 通过比较与对照的关系猜词 11

Unit3 Guessing Word from Synonym and Antonym 通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词 20

Unit4 Guessing Word from Word Formation 通过构词法猜词 28

Unit5 Guessing Word from Definition and Explanation 通过定义和解释猜词 36

Unit6 Guessing Word from Description and Exemplification 通过描述和例证猜词 44

PartⅡ Skimming for General Ideas 捕捉中心思想 52

Unit1 Skimming forTopic Sentences 捕捉主题句 52

Unit2 Skimming for Key Words 捕捉关键词 58

Unit3 Skimming for Titles 捕捉标题 69

Unit4 Skimming for Main Ideas of Paragraphs 捕捉段落大意 81

Unit5 Skimming for Main Ideas of the Articles 捕捉文章中心思想 88

PartⅢ Scanning for Specific Information 扫读具体信息 97

Unit1 Scanning forNumbers 扫读数字 97

Unit2 Scanning for Certain Facts 扫读特定事实 106

Unit3 Scanning for Logic Clues 扫读逻辑提示 115

Unit4 Scanning for Chronological Order 扫读时间顺序 123

Unit5 Scanntng for Spatial Order 扫读空间顺序 128

Unit6 Scanntng for Relative Importance 扫读主次顺序 137

PartⅣ Careful Reading for Deeper Meaning 研读深层含义 146

Unit1 Careful Reading for Writer'S Attitude 研读作者意图 146

Unit2 Careful Reading for Implied Meaning 揣摩寓意 154

Unit3 Careful Reading for Inference 研读时注意推断 162

Unit4 Careful Reading for Conclusion 研读作者结论 172

PartⅤ Background Knowledge Finding and Using 寻找和使用背景知识 179

Unit1 Searching for Background Information 扫读背景信息 179

Unit2 Understanding Charts,Diagrams,Signs and Notes 理解表格、图表、标志和通告 188

Unit3 Understanding Hidden Nessages with the Help of Background Knowledge 通过背景知识理解隐藏含义 199

Unit4 Understanding Humours and Jokes with the Help of Background Knowledge 通过背景知识理解幽默、笑话 210

参考答案 219
