莎士比亚研究 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Stanley Wells编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810469797
- 页数:329 页
1 The life of Shakespeare S.SCHOENBAUM 1
List of illustrations 7
Contents 7
List of contributors 9
Preface 11
1 The Shakespeare monument in Holy Trinity Church,Stratford-upon-Avon 13
Illustrations 13
2 Portrait of Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout from the title-page of the First Folio,1623 15
2 Shakespeare and the thought of his age W.R.ELTON 17
3 Shakespeare the non-dramatic poet ROBERT ELLRODT 35
4 Shakespeare and the arts of language INGA-STINA EWBANK 49
5 Playhouses and players in the time of Shakespeare PETER THOMSON 67
3 A section from Henslowe's Diary recording receipts from the theatre in Newington Butts between 18 July and 7 August 1594(Courtesy of the Governors of Dulwich College) 73
4 Arend van Buchell's copy of a drawing of the Swan Theatre by Johannes de Witt(University Library,Utrecht) 74
5 Wenceslaus Hollar's drawing of the west part of Southwark(Yale Center for British Art,Paul Mellon Collection) 76
6 C. Walter Hodges's drawing of an Elizabethan playhouse(Courtesy of the artist) 79
6 Shakespeare and the theatrical conventions of his time ALAN C.DESSEN 85
7 Shakespeare and the traditions of comedy DAVID DANIELL 101
8 Shakespeare and the traditions of tragedy G.K.HUNTER 123
9 Shakespeare's use of history R.L.SMALLWOOD 143
7 A page from Holinshed's Chronicles (1587) describing the meeting of Bolingbroke and the Duke of York at Berkeley Castle 148
10 The transmission of Shakespeare's text MACD.P.JACKSON 163
8 ⅰ-ⅱ.Henry V,Act 1,scene 1,lines 35-59(Quarto and Folio)(Photographs courtesy of the Master and Fellows of Trinity College,Cambridge;and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust) 172
9 Lines from Sir Thomas More,Hand D 178
11 Shakespeare on the stage from 1660 to 1900 RUSSELL JACKSON 187
10 William Macklin as Shylock:painting by Johann Zoffany(National Theatre,Somerset Maugham bequest;photograph,Victoria and Albert Museum) 193
11 David Garrick as Richard Ⅲ:engraving after a painting by William Hogarth(Shakespeare Centre Library) 194
12 David Garrick and George Anne Bellamy in Romeo and Juliet:engraving after a painting by Benjamin Wilson(By courtesy of the Board of Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum (Theatre Museum)) 195
13 Edmund Kean as Richard Ⅲ(Shakespeare Centre Library) 199
14 A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Princess's Theatre,1856:the confrontation of Oberon and Titania (By courtesy of the Board of Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum) 203
15 Henry Irving and Ellen Terry in Romeo and Juliet(By courtesy of the board of Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum(Theatre Museum)) 207
12 Critical approaches to Shakespeare from 1660 to 1904 HARRY LEVIN 213
13 Twentieth-century Shakespeare criticism: 231
a The comedies LAWRENCE DANSON 231
b The tragedies KENNETH MUIR 241
c The histories EDWARD BERRY 249
14 Shakespeare on the twentieth-century stage ROGER WARREN 257
16 Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare Memorial Theatre,Stratford-upon-Avon,1950(Photograph by Angus McBean) 260
17 ⅰ-ⅱ.A Midsummer Night's Dream,Stratford,Ontario,1984(Photographs by David Cooper,courtesy of the Stratford Festival,Canada) 264
18 ⅰ-ⅱ. Cymbeline,Royal Shakespeare Theatre,Stratford- upon-Avon,1962(Photographs by Tom Holte and Gordon Goode,courtesy of the Shakespeare Centre Library) 267
19 Henry Ⅵ, Royal Shakespeare Theatre,Stratford-upon- Avon,1963(Photograph by Gordon Goode,courtesy of the Shakespeare Centre Library) 269
20 Love's Labour's Lost,Royal Shakespeare Theatre,Stratford- upon-Avon,1978 (Photograph by Joe Cocks,courtesy of Mrs J.Cocks) 271
15 Shakespeare on film and television ROBERT HAPGOOD 273
21 ⅰ-ⅱ.Peggy Ashcroft as Queen Margaret in The Wars of the Roses(BBC copyright photograph) 279
22 The reunion of blind Gloucester and mad Lear in Peter Brook's KingLear,1970(Courtesy of Columbia Pictures) 283
23 Elizabeth Taylor as Kate bashing Richard Burton as Petruchio in Zeffirelli's Taming of the Shrew,1966 (Courtesy of Columbia Pictures) 285
16 Shakespeare and new critical approaches TERENCE HAWKES 287
17 Shakespeare reference books DIETER MEHL 303
Index 317
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