- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(G.F.奥赖恩)Gertrude F.Orion著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7508400232
- 页数:428 页
Part 1 An Overview:Sounds of American English 1
Part 1 An Overview:Sounds of American English 1
Unit 1 English Spelling and English Sounds 4
Unit 1 English Spelling and English Sounds 4
1. The Spelling System 4
2. Check Your Listening 5
3. The Phonetic Alphabet 6
4. Further Practice 9
Unit 2 The Speech Mechanism 10
Unit 2 The Speech Mechanism 10
1. Articulators 11
2. Identify Your Speech Organs 11
3. Voiced and Voiceless Sounds 11
4. Consonants 12
5. Vowels 13
6. Further Practice 15
Part 2 Stress and Intonation 17
Part 2 Stress and Intonation 17
1. Identifying Syllables 18
Unit 3 Syllable Stress 18
Unit 3 Syllable Stress 18
2. Syllable Stress 19
3. Check Your Listening 22
4. Reduced Vowels in Unstressed Syllables 23
5. Check Your Listening 24
6. Stress in Words With Prefixes and Suffixes 24
7. Shifts in Stress 26
8. Stress in Compound Nouns 28
9. Further Practice 32
Unit 4 Vowel and Consonant Length 34
1. Lengthening of Vowels Before Consonants 34
Unit 4 Vowel and Consonant Length 34
2. Lengthening of Vowels at the End of Sentences 36
3. Lengthening of Consonants at the End of Sentences 37
4. Further Practice 39
Unit 5 Content Words and Function Words 40
1. Content and Function Words 40
Unit 5 Content Words and Function Words 40
3. Function Words 41
2. Content Words 41
5. Function Words in Phrases and Sentences 44
4. Check Your Listening 44
6. Rhythm of English 48
7. More Reductions 49
8. Further Practice 51
1. Word Stress in Sentences 52
Unit 6 Word Stress and Phrasing 52
Unit 6 Word Stress and Phrasing 52
2. Phrasing and Linking 53
3. Phrasing and Pausing 55
4. Numbers 58
5. Further Practice 60
Unit 7 Intonation 62
1. Rising and Falling Intonation 62
Unit 7 Intonation 62
2. Falling Intonation 63
3. Rising Intonation 64
5. Check Your Listening 65
4. Tag Questions 65
6. Speaker Attitude 66
7. Dialog 69
8. Further Practice 70
Unit 8 Using a Dictionary for Pronunciation 71
1. Dictionary Pages 71
Unit 8 Using a Dictionary for Pronunciation 71
2. Recognizing Syllables 74
3. Recognizing the Stressed Syllable 74
4. Recognizing Primary Stress 75
5. Grouping by Parts of Speech 75
6. Recognizing Vowel Sounds 76
7. Recognizing Phonetic Symbols for Vowels 76
8. Further Practice 76
Vowel Chart 79
Part 3 Vowel Sounds 79
Vowel Chart 79
Part 3 Vowel Sounds 79
2. Producing/?/ 82
1. Producing/iy/ 82
Unit9 /iy/ as in see/?/as in sit 82
Unit 9 /iy/as in see/I/as in sit 82
4. Check Your Listening 83
3. Contrast:/iy/and/i 83
5. Practice the Contrast:/iy/as in see with/?/as in sit 84
6. Stress and Intonation 87
7. Further Practice 88
Unit 10 /ey/as in pay;/?/as in met 90
1. Producing/ey/ 90
Unit 10 /ey/as in pa_j/;/?/as in met 90
2. Producing/e/ 91
3. Contrast:/ey/and/?/ 91
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in met with/ey/as in pay 92
4. Check Your Listening 92
6. Stress and Intonation 95
7. Further Practice 96
Unit 11 /?/as in cat 98
2. Contrast:/?/and/?/ 98
Unit 11 /?/as in cat 98
1. Producing/?/ 98
3. Check Your Listening 99
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in cat with/e/as in met 100
5. Stress and Intonation 103
6. Further Practice 104
Unit 12 /?/as in not 105
1. Producing/?/ 105
2. Contrast:/?/,/?/, and/?/ 105
Unit 12 /?/as in not 105
3. Check Your Listening 106
4. Practice the Contrast:/a/as in not, /?/as in cat, and/?/as in met 107
5. Stress and Intonation 110
6. Dialogs 111
7. Further Practice 112
Unit 13 /ay/ as in buy 114
1. Producing/ay/ 114
2. Contrast:/ay/and/?/ 114
Unit 13 /ay/as in buy 114
3. Check Your Listening 115
4. Practice the Contrast:/ay/as in buy with/?/as in cat 116
5. Stress and Intonation 117
6. Further Practice 118
Unit 14 /aw/as in now 119
Unit 14 /aw/as in now 119
1. Producing/aw/ 119
2. Contrast:/aw/and/?/ 119
3. Check Your Listening 120
4. Practice the Contrast:/aw/as in now with/a/as in not 121
5. Stress and Intonation 123
6. Further Practice 124
Unit 15 /?/as in up 125
1. Producing/?/ 125
2. Contrast:/?/,/?/?/, and/?/ 125
Unit 15 /?/as in up 125
3. Check Your Listening 126
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in up with/?/as in cat 127
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in up with/?/as in met 128
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in up with/?/as in not 130
7. /?/in Unstressed Syllables 131
8. Stress and Intonation 132
9. Further Practice 133
Unit 16 /?/as in sir 134
1. Producing/?/ 134
Unit 16 /?r/as in sir 134
2. Contrast:/?/and/?/ 135
3. Check Your Listening 135
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in sir/?/as in far and/?/as in up 136
5. Spelling of/?/ 138
6. Stress and Intonation 140
7. Further Practice 141
Unit 17 /?y/as in boy 142
Unit 17 /?/as in boy 142
1. Producing/?/ 142
2. Practice the Sound 142
3. Check Your Listening 143
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/ as in boy with/ay/as in buy 144
5. Stress and Intonation 145
6. Further Practice 146
Unit 18 /?/as in all 147
1. Producing/?/ 147
2. Contrast:/?/, /?/,/?/, and/?/ 147
Unit 18 /?/as in all 147
3. Check Your Listening 148
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in all with/?/as in boy 149
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in all with/?/as in up 150
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in all with/?/as in not 151
7. Stress and Intonation 153
8. Further Practice 155
2. Contrast:/ow/,/?/,/?/, and/?/ 156
1. Producing/ow/ 156
Unit 19 /ow/as in no 156
Unit 19 /ow/as in no 156
3. Check Your Listening 157
4. Practice the Contrast:/ow/as in no with/?/as in all 158
5. Practice the Contrast:/ow/as in no /?/as not, and/o/as in up 159
6. Stress and Intonation 161
7. Further Practice 162
Unit 20 /?w/as in do/?/as in book 163
1. Producing/uw/ 163
Unit 20 /uw/as in do;/?/as in book 163
3. Contrast:/uw/, /?/, and/?/ 164
2. Producing/?/ 164
4. Check Your Listening 165
5. Practice the Contrast:/uw/as in do with/u/as in book 165
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in book with/?/as in up 167
7. Stress and Intonation 169
8. Dialog 169
9. Further Practice 170
Part 4 Consonant Sounds 173
part 4 Consonant Sounds 173
Consonant Chart 176
Consonant Chart 176
Unit 21 /?/as in like 178
Unit 21 /l/as in like 178
1. Producing/l/ 178
2. Practice the Sound 178
3. Check Your Listening 179
4. Different Positions of/l/ 179
5. No Sound for l 180
6. Stress and Intonation 181
7. Further Practice 182
1. Producing/r/ 183
2. Practice the Sound 183
Unit 22 /r/as in red 183
Unit 22 /r/as in red 183
3. Check Your Listening 184
4. Practice the Contrast:/r/as in red with/l/as in like 185
5. Practice the Contrast:/r/as in red with/w/as in walk 187
6. Different Positions of/r/ 189
7. Stress and Intonation 190
8. Further Practice 191
Unit 23 /p/as in/pen;/b/as in boy 192
Unit 23 /p/ as in pen;/b/ as in boy 192
1. Producing/p/ 192
2. Producing/b/ 193
3. Contrast:/p/and/b/ 193
4. Check Your Listening 194
5. Practice the Contrast:/p/as in pen with/b/as in boy 195
6. Consonant Clusters With/p/as in pen and/b/as in boy 197
7. Doubled Consonants 198
8. No Sound for b and p 199
9. Stress and Intonation 200
10. Further Practice 200
Unit 24 /t/as in ten;/d/as in day 202
Unit 24 /t/as in ten;/d/as in day 202
1. Producing/t/ 202
2. Producing/d/ 203
3. Contrast:/t/and/d/ 203
4. Check Your Listening 204
5. Practice the Contrast:/t/as in ten with/d/as in day 205
6. Consonant Clusters With/t/as in ten and/d/as in day 207
7. When/t/Sounds Like/d/ 207
8. Consonant Clusters/lt/and/Id/ 208
9. Syllabic/l/After/t/and/d/ 209
10. Stress and Intonation 210
11. Pronunciation of the -ed Ending 211
12. Practice/t/,/d/, and/?/ Endings 212
13. Further Practice 213
Unit 25 /k/as in cat;/g/as in go 215
Unit 25 /k/ as in _cat, /g/ as in go 215
1. Producing/k/ 215
2. Producing/g/ 216
3. Contrast:/k/and/g/ 216
4. Check Your Listening 217
5. Practice the Contrast:/k/as in cat with/g/as in go 218
6. Consonant Clusters With/k/as in cat and/g/as in go 220
7. Sounds for the Letters cc 221
8. Sounds for the Letter x 222
9. Sounds for the Letters qu 223
10. No Sound for k and g 224
11. Stress and Intonation 224
12. Further Practice 225
Unit 26 /f/as in food;/v/as in voice 226
Unit 26 /f/as in food/v/as in voice 226
1. Producing/f/ 226
2. Producing/v/ 226
3. Contrast:/f/and/v/ 227
4. Check Your Listening 227
5. Practice the Contrast:/f/as in food with/v/as in voice 228
6. Practice the Contrast:/f/as in food with/p/as in pen 230
7. Practice the Contrast:/v/as in voice with/b/as in boy 232
8. Consonant Clusters With/fl/and/fr/ 234
9. Stress and Intonation 235
10. Further Practice 237
Unit 27 /?/as in thin;/?/as in the 238
Unit 27 /?/as in thin;/?/as in the 238
1. Producing/?/ 238
2. Producing/?/ 239
3. Contrast:/?/and/?/ 239
4. Check Your Listening 240
5. Most Common Words With/?/ 241
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in thin with/t/as in ten 241
7. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in the with/d/as in day 243
8. Consonant Clusters With/?/as in thin 244
9. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in thin with/f/as in food 245
10. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in the with/v/as in voice 247
11. Stress and Intonation 248
12. Further Practice 249
Unit 28 /s/as in see;/z/as in zoo 250
Unit 28 /s/as in see;/z/as in zoo 250
1. Producing/s/ 250
2. Producing/z/ 251
3. Contrast:/s/and/z/ 251
4. Check Your Listening 252
5. Practice the Contrast:/s/as in see with/z/as in zoo 252
6. Practice the Contrast:/s/as in see with/?/as in thin 254
7. Practice the Contrast:/z/as in zoo with/?/as in the 256
8. Consonant Clusters With/s/ 257
9. Consonant Clusters/sks/,/sps/,and/sts/ 258
10. Pronunciation of the -s Ending 259
11. Stress and Intonation 263
12. Further Practice 264
Unit 29 /?/as in she;/3/as in pleasure 266
Unit 29 /?/as in she;/?/as in pleasure 266
1. Producing/?/ 266
2. Producing/?/ 267
3. Contrast:/?/and/?/ 267
4. Check Your Listening 268
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in she with/s/as in see 268
6. Stress and Intonation 270
7. Further Practice 271
Unit 30 /tf/as in child;/?/as in job 272
Unit 30 /?/as in child;/?/as in job 272
1. Producing/?/ 272
2. Producing/?/ 273
3. Contrast:/?/and/?/ 273
4. Check Your Listening 274
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in child with/?/as in job 274
6. Practice the Contrast:Final/?/with final/ts/ 276
7. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in child with/?/as in she 277
8. Stress and Intonation 279
9. Further Practice 280
Unit 31 /h/as in house 282
1. Producing/h/ 282
Unit 31 /h/as in house 282
2. Practice the Sound 282
3. Check Your Listening 283
4. Practice the Contrast:Words with initial/h/as in house and words without/h/ 283
5. Practice the Contrast:/h/as in house with/f/as in food 284
6. No Sound for h and gh 285
7. Stress and Intonation 287
8. Further Practice 287
Unit 32 /y/as in yes 289
1. Producing/y/ 289
Unit 32 /y/as in yes 289
2. Practice the Sound 290
3. Check Your Listening 290
4. Practice the Contrast:/y/as in yes with/d?/as in job 290
5. Consonant-Vowel Combination/yuw/ 293
6. Stress and Intonation 293
7. Further Practice 294
Unit 33 /w/as in walk 296
Unit 33 /w/as in walk 296
1. Producing/w/ 296
2. Practice the Sound 297
3. Check Your Listening 297
4. Practice the Contrast:/w/as in walk with/v/as in voice 298
5. No Sound for w 299
6. Stress and Intonation 300
7. Further Practice 301
Unit 34 /m/as in me 302
1. Producing/m/ 302
2. Practice the Sound 302
Unit 34 /m/as in me 302
4. Practice the Contrast:Words with final/m/as in come and words without final/m/ 303
3. Check Your Listening 303
5. Contraction I m 305
6. Stress and Intonation 306
7. Further Practice 307
Unit 35 /n/as in no 308
1. Producing/n/ 308
2. Practice the Sound 308
Unit 35 /n/as in no 308
3. Check Your Listening 309
4. Practice the Contrast:Words with final/n/as in soon and words without final/n/ 310
5. Practice the Contrast:Final/n/as in soon with final/l/as in well 311
6. Practice the Contrast:Final/n/as in soon with final/m/as in come 312
7. Syllabic/n/ 313
8. Stress and Intonation 314
9. Further Practice 315
Unit 36 /?/as in king 316
1. Producing/?/ 316
Unit 36 /?/as in king 316
3. Check Your Listening 317
2. Practice the Sound 317
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in king /n/as in no, and/?k/as in bank, 318
5. ng Rules 320
6. Stress and Intonation 322
7. Further Practice 323
Appendix Homophones 325
Answer Key (参考答案) 339
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