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  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王英主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7530816500
  • 页数:715 页

A 1

ability, capability, capacity 1

able, capable 2

absorb, assimilate, digest, ingest 2

accept, get, receive 3

accident, chance, incident, event, occurrence 4

accompany, attend, escort 5

account, description 6

accumulate, amass 7

accurate, correct, exact, precise 7

accuse, charge 8

acknowledge, admit, confess 9

acquaintance, familiarity, companion, intimacy 10

act, action, deed 11

adapt, adjust, fit 11

add, affix, attach 12

address, speech, lecture 13

adequate, enough, sufficient 14

adorn, decorate, ornament 14

advance, proceed, progress 15

advantage, profit, benefit, gain 16

advice, counsel 17

affable, amiable, cordial, friendly 18

affair, business, matter 19

affect, influence 20

afraid, fearful, frightened, scared, terrified 20

age, epoch, era 22

agree, assent, consent 22

aggression, invasion 23

aim, goal, object, purpose 24

allow, permit 25

almost, nearly 26

aloof, detached reserved 26

also, too, likewise 27

amplify, augment, enlarge, expand, magnify 28

amuse, entertain, interest 29

ancestor, forebear, forefather 30

ancient, antique, old 30

anger, fury, indignation, rage 31

animal, beast, brute, creature 32

announce, declare, proclaim, publish, broadcast 33

answer, reply, response 34

anxiety, dread, worry 35

apparent, evident, obvious, manifest 36

appear, emerge, loom 37

appearence, aspect, look 38

appoint, assign, name 38

appointment, date 39

approval, approbation 40

approximately, about, around, roughly, 40

argue, debate, discuss, dispute 41

arms, armament, arsenal, weapon 42

army, forces, troops 44

arrive, come, reach 44

artificial, false 45

ascend, climb, mount 46

ask, demand, request, require 46

assert, affirm, maintain, testify 47

assistant, helper, aide 49

associate, ally, colleague 49

assure, ensure, guarantee 50

at once, immediately, instantly 51

attack, assail, assault, besiege 52

attentive, careful, cautious, scrupulous, prudent, wary 53

attribute, ascribe, impute 54

author,writer 55

auxiliary, secondary, subordinate 56

avenge, revenge 57

avoid, eulde, escape, shun 57

awake, awaken, wake, waken 58

award, honour, prize, reward 59

aware, conscious 60

B 62

backward, developing, underdeveloped, primitive 62

bad, ill, evil, wicked 63

baggage, luggage 64

ball, party, masquerade 65

ban, forbid, prohibit 65

bank, beach, coast, shore, seashore, seaside 66

bar, cocktail lounge, nightclub, pub 67

bare, naked, stripped 68

barren, sterile, infertile 69

basic, elementary, fundamental 70

basis, base, foundation, ground, bottom 71

bath, bathe 72

battle, campaign, fight, war 73

bay, gulf 74

beak, bill 74

bear, endure, stand, tolerate, withstand, put up with 75

beat, hit, strike 76

beautiful, fair, fine, handsome, pretty, good-looking, lovely 77

begin, commence, launch, start 79

behaviour, conduct, demeanour, manner 80

belief, faith 81

believable, credible 82

believe, believe in, trust 82

belittle, minimize 83

below, under, beneath 84

bend, bow, stoop 85

beneficial, profitable 85

benevolence, generosity, good-will, unselfishness 86

besides, but, except 87

bet, wager 88

beverage, drink 89

biased, partial, prejudiced 89

big, grand, great, giant, gigantic, large, huge, vast 90

bitterness, harshness, sourness 92

blame, criticize, reproach, rebuke, scold 93

blink, wink 94

blithe, genial, light-hearted 95

bloody bloodthirsty 95

bloom, blossom, flower 96

blow, box, knock, punch, slap 97

blush, flush, redden 98

boat, ship, canoe 99

bookcase, bookshelf 99

border, bound, boundary, frontier, limit 100

boring, dull, tedious, tiresome 101

borrow, lend 102

boss, chief, commander, head, leader, master 103

box, case, suitcase, briefcase, trunk 104

branch, bough, twig 106

brand, trademark, tag, label 106

brave, bold, courageous, daring, intrepid, heroic 107

break, interval, interlude, pause, respite 109

break, crack, crush, fracture, smash 110

breast, chest 111

bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, wise 112

bring, carry, fetch, take 113

broad, wide 114

brook, river, stream, creek 115

build, construct, found, establish, set up 116

burden, load, cargo, freight 117

business, occupation, profession 118

businessman, merchant, tradesman, trader 119

busy, active, engaged, occupied 120

buy, purchase 121

C 122

calculate, count, estimate 122

call, cry, shout, scream, shriek, yell, roar 123

calm, quiet, silent, still 124

canal, channel, strait 125

capitol, capital 126

capture, arrest, catch, trap, seize, apprehend 127

carriage, coach, cab 128

catastrophe, calamity, cataclysm, disaster 129

cathedral, church, chapel 130

cause, reason 131

cease, stop, halt, pause 131

centre, core, heart, middle, midst 132

chance, occasion, opportunity 134

chance, accidental, incidental 134

change, alter, modify 135

characteristic, attribute, feature, trait 136

cheat, deceive, delude, defraud 137

check, examine 138

cheerful, cheery, gay, joyful, merry 139

chief, principal, main, major 140

child, baby, infant 141

childish, childlike 142

choose, eleet, pick, select 143

circumstance, surroundings, environment 144

cite, quote, refer 145

city, town, metropolis 146

clasp, embrace, hug 146

classic, classical 147

clean, tidy, neat, orderly 148

clear, definite, distinct 149

close, shut 150

clothes, clothing, dress, garment 150

club, association, federation, league, union 151

clumsy, awkward 153

clutter, chaos, confusion, disorder 153

cold, chilly 154

collapse, fall 155

college, institute, university 155

colour, hue 156

comfort, ease, leisure, relaxation, relief, 157

comic, comical 158

command, instruction, order 158

common, general, ordinary, universal, usual 159

commodity, goods 160

compact, compressed, concise, condensed, dense, thick 161

compare, contrast 162

compel, force,oblige 163

complain, grumble 164

complete, finish, fulfil, accomplish 164

complex, complieated 165

component, element, ingredient 166

composition, article, dissertation, essay, paper 167

compulsory, imperative, mandatory 168

concentrate, focus 169

condemn, convict, sentence 170

confident, confidential 170

confinement, imprisonment, captivity 171

connect, combine, join, link, unite 172

conserve, keep, maintain, preserve, reserve, store 173

consider, regard 175

conspiracy, cabal, junta 175

contain, include 176

contented, content, satisfactory, satisfied 177

continual, continuous, constant 178

contradictory, conflicting, contrary, opposed 179

controversy, argument, conflict, debate, friction, quarrel 180

conversation, chat, dialogue 182

convince, persuade 183

copy, duplicate, model 183

corpse, body 184

cost, expense 185

counterpart, opposite number 185

countless, immeasurable, incalculable, innumerable 186

country, nation, state 187

couple, pair 188

create, discover, find, invent 188

creed, doctrine, dogma 190

creep, crawl 190

crucial, critical, pressing, urgent 191

cruel, bestial, brutal 192

cry, sob, weep 193

cure, heal, remedy, treat 194

curious, inquisitive 195

custom, habit 195

D 197

daily, everyday 197

damp, moist 197

danger, peril, risk 198

dark, dim, obscure, vague 199

deception, deceit, trickery 200

decide, determine, resolve, settle 201

decline, sink, drop, fall, 202

decline, refuse, reject 203

decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce 204

dedicate, devote 205

deep, profound 205

defend, protect, guord 206

delay, postpone, put off 207

delegate, deputy, representative 208

department, store, store, shop 209

despair, desperation, hopelessness 210

destiny, fate, fortune 211

destroy, damage, demolish, eradicate, extinguish, ruin 212

die, depart, pass away, perish 213

difference, distinction 214

difficult, hard 215

disagree, disapprove, differ, dissent, object 215

disappear, vanish 217

discharge, dispatch 217

discriminate, differentiate, distinguish, discern 218

disinterested, fair, just, impartial, objective 219

dislike, antipathy, aversion, distaste 220

dismiss, fire, sack 221

distant, remote 222

divide, separate 223

doctor, practitioner, physician, surgeon 223

door, gate 224

doubtful, dubious, suspicious 225

drag, draw, pull, push 226

drawing, cartoon, picture, portrait, sketch, painting, illustration 227

drift, float 228

drive, ride 229

drunk, drunken 229

dumb, mute 230

duty, obligation, responsibility 231

E 232

each, every 232

eager, enthusiastic, keen 232

eat, consume, devour, wolf 233

economic, economical 234

edge, brim, brink, margin, rim, verge 235

edit, compile 236

efficient, effective 237

eider, older 238

embarrassment, humiliation 238

emigrate, immigrate, migrate 239

emit, give off 240

emotion, feeling, passion, sentiment, sensation 240

emperor, king 242

emphasize, stress 242

empire, kingdom 243

empty, hollow, vacant 244

encourage, embolden, foster, inspire, support 245

encroach, intrude, invade, trespass 246

end, terminate 247

endeavour, effort, exertion, pains 248

enemy, foe, rival, opponent 249

energy, force, power, strength 250

entire, complete, total, whole 251

entrance, entry 252

envy, jealousy 253

equipment, apparatus, device, appliance 254

equivocal, ambiguous 255

erase, cancel, delete 255

escape, flee, fly, run away 256

esteem, regard, respect 257

everlasting, endless, eternal, unending 258

evidence, proof 259

examine, inspect, investigate 260

exam, examination, quiz, test 261

example, instance 262

exhibition, display, show 262

expectation, expectancy 263

expensive, costly, high-priced, dear 264

experiment, test, trial 265

extend, lengthen, prolong, stretch 266

exterior, external, outer 267

exude, seep, ooze 267

F 269

face, confront 269

factory, mill, plant, works 269

faint, pass out, swoon 271

faithful, loyal 272

fame, reputation 272

famous, noted, notorious 273

farther, further 274

fat, corpulent, obese, plump, stout 274

fatal, deadly, mortal 275

fault, defect, blunder, error, mistake 276

feel, touch 278

female, feminine, woman, womanish, womanly 278

final, concluding, last 280

flag, banner 280

flesh, meat 281

flood, deluge, swamp 282

floor, ground, earth 283

fluid, liquid 283

fog, mist 284

follow, chase, pursue 284

foolish, silly, stupid, absurd 285

foretell, predict, prophesy, forecast 286

forget, neglect, overlook, ignore 287

forgive, excuse, pardon 289

form, figure, shape 290

fragile, brittle, frangible, friable 290

frighten, scare, startle, terrify, alarm 292

fun, joke, jest 293

G 295

game, sport, play 295

gas, steam, vapour 296

gather, collect, mass, assemble 296

gaze, glance, glare, peer, stare 297

gem, jewel, jewellery, stones 299

genius, gift, talent 300

genuine, actual, real, true 301

gesture, posture 302

get, acquire, gain, obtain, procure 302

gift, present 304

give, accord, award, confer, grant, present 304

go, move 306

gold, golden 306

good-bye, farewell, adieu 307

graphic, pictorial, picturesque 308

grateful, appreciative, thankful 309

grave, tomb, cemetery 310

greet, hail, salute 311

grieve, mourn, sorrow 311

group, band, company, gangy, party 313

guide, direct, lead 314

guile, cunning, duplicity 315

gullible, credulous 316

H 318

happen, befall, occur, take place 318

happiness, bliss, delight, joy 319

harbour, port 320

harm, damage, hurt, injure 321

haste, hurry, speed 322

hate, abhor, disgust 323

healthy, healthful, wholesome 323

heap, pile 324

hear, listen 325

heaven, heavens, sky 325

help, aid, assistance 326

herd, flock, school, swarm 327

hesitate, falter 328

hide, conceal 329

high, tall, lofty 329

hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct, prevent 330

hint, implication, suggestion 332

hire, employ 332

historic, historical 333

holiday, festival, vacation 334

home, house, family 335

honest, sincere 335

hope, anticipate, expect, wish 336

hot, warm 337

hotel, hostel, inn, motel, tavern 338

house, hut, cabin, cottage, shed 339

I 341

idea, concept, conception, thought 341

idle, lazy 342

ill, sick 343

illness, sickness, disease, malady 343

illusion, vision, delusion, fantasy 344

imaginary, imaginable, imaginative 345

impassive, apathetic, indifferent, insensible 346

impel, drive, motivate, move 348

implement, instrument, tool 349

improve, better 350

incite, arouse, provoke, rouse, stir up 350

income, pay, salary, wage 352

indecent, improper 353

individual, personal, private 353

inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable 354

inexpensive, cheap, low-priced 355

infinite, boundless, limitless 356

inheritance, bequest, heritage, legacy 357

inner, interior, internal, inward 358

innocent, ignorant 359

interfere, intervene, interrupt 359

invariable, constant, unchanging 360

J 362

jail, prison 362

journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, travel, voyage 362

jump, leap, skip, spring 364

K 366

keen, acute, penetrating, sharp, shrewd 366

kill, assassinate, execute, dispatch, murder, slay, slaughter 367

kind, sort, species, type, category 369

kindle, fire, ignite, light 370

L 372

labour, toil, travail, work 372

labourer, worker, working man, workman 373

lack, shortage 374

lamp, light 375

laugh, sneer, chuckle, giggle, grin, smile, titter 375

lawful, legal, constitutional 377

lawyer, attorney, barrister, solicitor 378

league, alliance, coalition, confederacy, confederation 379

learn, study 380

learning, knowledge, crudition 381

leave, depart, quit 382

liberty, freedom 382

lie, falsehood, untruth 383

likely, probable, possible 384

list, catalogue, index 385

little, small, petite, tiny 385

live, dwell, inhabit, reside, settle 387

living, alive, live 388

locate, situate 389

lonely, alone, lonesome, solitary 389

love, affection 391

luck, fortune 391

M 393

mad, crazy, insane, lunatic 393

make, manufacture, produce 394

mankind, humanity, humankind, men, man 395

market, fair 396

marvelous, splendid, wonderful, magnificent 396

massive, enormous, immense 398

material, matter, substance 398

mature, ripe 399

meadow, pasture 400

mean, imply, indicate, suggest 400

medicine, capsule, drug, pill, the pill, tablet 401

meet, encounter, see 403

meeting, assembly, congress, convention, council, conference 404

melt, dissolve 405

mend, fix, patch, repair 406

mercy, pity, sympathy, compassion 407

merit, virtue 408

method, approach, way 409

mind, brain, head 409

minister, preacher, priest, missionary 410

miserable, sorry, wretched 411

misery, agony, anguish, torment, torture 412

mix, blend, mingle 413

modern, contemporary 414

moment, instant, minute 415

money, bill, cash, check 416

mountain, hill, cliff 417

move, remove, shift 417

mysterious, mystic 418

N 420

near, close 420

need, want, require 420

neglect, negligence 421

neighbour, neighbourhood, vicinity 422

news, information, tidings 423

noise, clamour, hubbub 424

notice, announcement 424

O 426

oath, pledge 426

obstacle, bar, barricade, barrier 426

odd, peculiar, queer, strange 427

officer, official 429

often frequently 429

old, aged, elderly 430

only, single, sole, unique 430

opinion, view 431

orchestra, band 432

organize, arrange, order 432

origin, original, root, source 433

outspoken, open, straightforward 434

outstanding, distinguished, eminent, prominent 435

P 437

package, parcel, packet 437

pain, ache 438

part, portion, section, segment 438

path, road, route, way 439

patience, forbearance, endurance 440

penalty, punishment 441

perform, execute 442

perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably 442

permanent, durable, lasting, perpetual 443

physical, corporal, corporeal, bodily 444

pierce, penetrate, probe, stab 445

plan, design, programme, plot, project, scheme 446

plead, beg 448

pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, pleased 448

plentiful, abundant, ample 449

poem, poetry, verse 450

polite, civil, courteous 451

pollute, contaminate 452

pool, pond 452

portray, depict, describe 453

position, rank, status 454

possess, have, hold, own 454

powerful, potent, mighty 455

practice, drill, exercise 456

praise, laud, commend 457

previous, prior, preceding, former 458

proverb, motto, saying 459

purse, wallet, pocket book 460

puzzle, bewilder, confuse, embarrass, perplex, rattle 461

Q 463

quantity, amount, number 463

question, issue, problem 464

queue, row 464

quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt 465

quiver, shiver, quake, tremble, shake 466

R 468

raise, elevate, hoist, lift 468

raise, promotion 469

random, casual, haphazard 470

rare, unusual 471

reach, achieve, attain 471

read, browse, devour, scan, skim 472

recede, retreat, withdraw 474

recognize, identify 474

recover, regain, restore 475

region, district, area 476

release, relieve 477

relevant, related, relative 478

rely, depend 478

remain, stay 479

remember, memorize, recall, remind, recollect 480

replace, displace, substitute 481

reprehensible, culpable 482

rescue, save, deliver 483

resemblance, likeness, similarity 484

respectable, respectful 485

result, consequence, outcome 486

reveal, disclose, betray, expose 487

revere, venerate, worship 488

riches, wealth, property 489

ridicule, irony, mockery, sarcasm, satire 490

right, correct, exact 491

robbery, burglary, theft 492

room, space 493

rot, decay, decompose 494

rotate, revolve, spin, turn, whirl 495

rough, coarse, rude 496

rule, govern 497

run, jog, trot, race 498

S 500

safe, secure 500

sailor, seaman 500

sample, specimen 501

sarcastic, biting, cutting 502

say, speak, state, talk, tell 503

scatter, disperse, dispel, dissipate 504

scoff, jeer, sneer 505

search, seek 506

see, look, watch 506

seem, look, appear 507

send, deliver, dispatch 508

sequence, series, succession 509

serious, grave, sober, solemn 510

severe, stern, strict 511

shade, shadow 512

shame, disgrace 512

sheet, slice, piece 513

shorten, abbreviate, abridge, condense 514

significant, important, serious, vital 515

simple, easy 516

sin, crime, guilt 517

sing, chant 518

site, location, place, scene, setting, spot 519

skilful, skilled, expert, ingenious, proficient 520

sleep, doze, slumber 522

smell, fragrance, odour, scent 522

sociable, social 524

sock, stocking 524

soft, gentle, mild 525

soil, clay, earth, mud 526

solicitude, care, concern 527

soul, ghost, spirit 528

sound, voice 529

sparkle, flash, flicker, glimmer, glitter, twinkle 529

special, especial, particular, peculiar, specific 531

speed, rate, velocity 532

spend, cost 533

spiteful, resentful 534

spread, distribute 534

standard, criterion 535

statesman, politician 536

stick, staff, cane 536

stone, gravel, pebble, rock 537

storey, floor 538

story, tale, legend 538

stove, furnance, oven 539

strain, stress, pressure, tension 540

street, avenue, lane, rosd 542

struggle, competition, conflict 543

student, pupil, learner, scholar 544

subject, theme, topic 545

suggest, propose 546

suitable, fit, appropriate, proper 547

summit, peak, climax, zenith 548

supply, provide, afford 549

suppose, assume, presume 550

sure, certain, definite 551

surprise, astonish, amaze, astound 552

symbol, sign, token 553

systematic, orderly, regular 554

T 556

talkative, garrulous, glib 556

task, assignment, job, work, chore 557

teach, coach, educate, instruct, train, tutor 558

technology, technique 560

telegram, telegraph, telegraphy 560

temperament, character, disposition, nature, personality 561

temperate, moderate 563

temporary, momentary 563

tempt, allure, lure, attract 564

thief, bandit, brigand, bourglar, gangster, pirate, robber 565

thin, lean, slender, slim 567

think, deliberate, muse, ponder 568

thoughtful, considerate 569

thrive, prosper, flourish 570

throng, crowd, gang, horde, mob 571

throw, cast 572

tie, bind, fasten 573

timid, shy, cowardly 574

tired, weary, exhausted 575

title, heading, headline 576

tolerable, tolerant 576

trace, track, trail 577

trade, commerce, business 578

transform, reform, remould 579

treacherous, disloyal, unfaithful, treasonable 580

trivial, trifling, petty 581

trouble, disturb, bother 582

truck, lorry, bus, car, automobile 583

try, attempt 584

tube, pipe 585

turbulent, stormy, violent, wild 585

U 587

unbelief, disbelief, incredulity 587

understand, apprehend, comprehend 588

unfortunately, unluckily, unhappily 589

union, unity 589

uphold, maintain, support, sustain 590

uprising, rebellion, revolt 591

upset, agitate, disturb 592

use, consume, expend, employ, utilize 593

utter, express, pronounce 594

V 596

valuable, precious 596

vanquish, conquer, overcome 596

verbose, diffuse, wordy 597

version, translation 598

vertical, upright 599

vessel, container 599

vest, waistcoat 600

vibrate, sway, swing, rock 600

victory, triumph 601

view, scenery, scene, sight 602

vigour, strength, power, force 603

virus, bacterium, germ 604

vision, perception, sight 605

wsit, call, drop in, call at, call on 606

vocal, oral, spoken, colloquial 607

W 609

wait, await 609

waiter, servant, attendant 609

walk, stride, stroll, plod 610

waste, garbage, junk, refuse, rubbish, trash 611

weak, feeble, frail, infirm 613

weather, climate 614

wet, dampen, moisten, soak, drench 615

wheelbarrow, handbarrow 616

when, whild, as 616

wild, fierce, savage 617

wither, fade 618

wood, grove, forest 619

wood, lumber, timber 619

word, vocabulary, glossary 620

world, globe, earth 621

wound, injury, hurt 622

write, inscribe, scribble, jot 623

Y 625

yet, already 625

youth, adolescent, teenager 626

Z 627

zero, cipher, nil, nought 627

