- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:欧阳旭东等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7119026771
- 页数:213 页
Unit1 Food&Health(食品与健康) 1
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 1
PartB Joy of Soy(大豆的喜悦) 2
PartC Flu Fighters(流感克星) 6
Unit2 Y2K(千年虫) 9
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 9
PartB Weekly Business Review(一周财经要闻) 10
PartC Y2K Time Bomb(Y2K定时炸弹) 12
Unit3 Across the Border(跨越国界) 16
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 16
PartB Sino-U.S. Trade Agreement(中美贸易协定) 17
PartC Investing in Overseas Stocks(投资海外股票) 20
Unit4 Memories(往事片段) 23
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 23
PartB Sony s Story(索尼的故事) 24
PartC Stock Market Crash of 1929(1929年华尔街股灾) 28
Unit5 A Farewell to Arms! (“永别了,武器!”) 31
PartA Gun Dealers Ethics Code(枪械商道德公约) 31
PartB Colt out of Business(Colt公司关门大吉) 32
PartC Gene Rush(淘“基因”热) 34
Unit6 Rights to Consumers(消费者权益) 38
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 38
PartB Stae Farm Case(State Farm连锁汽修厂诉讼案) 39
PartC HMO Class Action Case(医疗保险机构集体诉讼案) 42
Unit7 Hi-tech in Life(生活中的高科技) 45
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 45
PartB Re-creation(再创名作) 46
PartC House of the Future(未来家居) 48
Unit8 The Visible Hand (看得见的“手”) 52
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 52
PartB Fed s Action(美联储的行动) 53
PartC Threat of Inflation(通胀的威胁) 55
Unit9 Campaign of Win(广告之战) 59
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 59
PartB Auto Commercial Campaigns(汽车广告攻势) 60
PartC Outdoor Ad Goes Digital(数字化的户外广告) 63
Unit10 Ups and Downs in Stock Market(股海沉浮) 66
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 66
PartB IBM Stocks Plunge(IBM股票跳水) 67
PartC Microsoft Stocks Keep Strong(微软股票强势依然) 70
Unit11 Safety Issues(安全问题) 73
PartA Aftermath of Hack Attack(黑客袭击之后) 73
PartB Are Cell Phones Safe?(手机安全吗?) 75
PartC Extended Working Place(工作场所的延伸) 78
Unit12 To Be Trendy(追赶时髦) 80
PartA Economy Growth Report(经济增长报道) 80
PartB Keep on Working(永不言退) 81
PartC A New Trend in Wardrobe(衣橱里的新时尚) 84
Unit13 Die Leiden des Microsoft (“微软的烦恼”) 87
PartA European Way to the Web—Wireless(欧洲的网络之路——无线上网) 87
PartB Microsoft Antitrust Suit(微软垄断经营案) 88
PartC Break up! (“分拆微软!”) 91
Unit14 The Jurassic Park (“侏罗纪公园”) 94
PartA Buying Binge(购并狂潮) 94
PartB Telecom Tussie(电信业内的角力) 95
PartC Enterprise Extensions(企业的延伸) 98
Unit15 The Age of the Web(1)(互联网时代)(一) 102
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 102
PartB Net History(互联网的未来) 103
PartC Domain Name Game(争夺域名的游戏) 106
Unit16 The Age of the Web(2)(互联网时代)(二) 109
PartA Business News(财经简讯) 109
PartB Web Shopping(网上购物) 110
PartC Job Searching on the Net(网上求职) 113
Unit17 Information Highways(信息高速公路) 116
PartA E-commerce(电子商务) 116
PartB Broadband in Glasgow(宽带网在Glasgow) 117
PartC High Speed Internetworking(高速网络) 121
Unit18 Love of Gold(最爱是金) 124
PartA Investing in B2Bs(投资于B2B公司) 124
PartB A Shine to the Gold(金光灿烂) 127
PartC Gold Rush(新淘金热) 128
Appendix I Tapescripts with Notes 131
Unit1 131
Unit2 134
Unit3 137
Unit4 139
Unit5 142
Unit6 145
Unit7 148
Unit8 151
Unit9 154
Unit10 157
Unit11 160
Unit12 165
Unit13 169
Unit14 172
Unit15 176
Unit16 180
Unit17 183
Unit18 187
Appendix II Key to Exercises 191
Unit1 191
Unit2 192
Unit3 192
Unit4 193
Unit5 194
Unit6 195
Unit7 196
Unit8 197
Unit9 198
Unit10 199
Unit11 200
Unit12 202
Unit13 203
Unit14 204
Unit15 206
Unit16 208
Unit17 209
Unit18 211
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