全国公共英语等级考试阅读手册 三级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘蔚铭,陆广书主编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502136940
- 页数:373 页
第一部分 阅读技能与应试对策 3
一、阅读技能 3
1.阅读技巧 3
(1)速读 3
(2)略读 3
(3)跳读 4
(4)细读 4
2.阅读策略 4
(1)如何确定中心思想 5
(2)如何识别与判断特殊信息 6
(3)如何推论 8
(4)如何猜测词义 10
(5)如何识别信号词 13
二、应试对策 15
1.PETS第三级对阅读理解的要求 15
2.常用题型分析 16
(1)主旨大意题 17
(2)细节题 18
(3)推断题 20
(4)语义题 22
(5)语气态度题 23
(6)文章目的题 24
3.解题思路 26
4.搭配题解法 27
Text1*33 Computer Crimes 33
PartA 33
第二部分 阅读理解实践 33
Unit1 33
Text2 35
Text3 37
PartB 39
Unit2 43
PartA 43
Text1 Types of Reding 43
Text2 Children s Education 45
Text3 Biological Clocks 47
PartB 49
Text1 Credit Cards is America 52
PartA 52
Unit3 52
Text2 A Boy s Working Experience 54
Text3 Volcanoes 55
PartB 57
Unit4 60
PartA 60
Text1 Personal Growth 60
Text2 Cloning Pets 62
Text3 Bring Art into Hospitals 64
PartB 66
Text1 69
Unit5 69
PartA 69
Text2 Water Wars 71
Text3 The Discovery of X-ray 73
PartB 75
Unit6 79
PartA 79
Text1 A Mysterious Story 79
Text2 81
Text3 The Nature of Education 83
PartB 85
Text1 89
PartA 89
Unit7 89
Text2 Jazz Music 90
Text3 Special Value of Coins 93
PartB 95
Unit8 98
PartA 98
Text1 Financial Resources 98
Text2 Nature of Teaching 100
Text3 What Is Your Favourite Colour? 102
PartB 105
PartA 108
Text1 The Character of the English 108
Unit9 108
Text2 A Special Study of Gene 110
Text3 Language as an International Sign 112
PartB 114
Unit10 117
PartA 117
Text1 How to Make the Most of Our Brain 117
Text2 The Debate on Economic Growth 119
Text3 121
PartB 122
PartA 126
Text1 How to Make Workers More Productive 126
Unit11 126
Text2 Love and Hate 128
Text3 The Problem of Influenza 130
PartB 132
Unit12 135
PartA 135
Text1 A Special Interview between a Boy and a College Teacher 135
Text2 A Young Couple against British Traditions 137
Text3 The Television Canmera and the Human Eye 139
PartB 142
Unit13 145
PartA 145
Text1 Women and the Stock Exchange 145
Text2 The Threat of Computers 147
Text3 Confidence Develops Your Potential 149
PartB 152
Unit14 155
PartA 155
Text1 Aging 155
Text2 The Brief Description of Modem Universities in the U.S 157
Text3 A Strange Advertisement 159
PartB 161
Unit15 164
PartA 164
Text1 An Escaped Robber 164
Text2 High Blood Pressure 166
Text3 A Miserable and Lucky Girl 169
PartB 171
Unit16 174
PartA 174
Text1 Environmental Pollution 174
Text2 Dress--the Sign Language 176
Text3 The Bennuda Triangle--the Graveyard of the Atlantic 178
PartB 180
Unit17 183
PartA 183
Text1 Dangers near a House 183
Text2 Senses of Man 185
Text3 The British Postmen 187
PartB 189
Unit18 192
PartA 192
Text1 Mind Your Manners 192
Text2 Causes of Colds 194
Text3 Different Space Requirements in Different Cultures 196
PartB 199
Unit19 202
PartA 202
Text1 How to Look After Elderly People 202
Text2 The History and Use of the Umbrella 204
Text3 Colors of Birds 206
PartB 208
Unit20 211
PartA 211
Text1 211
Text2 Nature of Insurance 213
Text3 Short-term and Long-term Memory 215
PartB 217
Unit21 220
PartA 220
Text1 The Definition of Politicians 220
Text2 A New Method of Searching for Minerals 222
Text3 A Queer Story of a Woman 224
PartB 226
PartA 229
Text1 Kite Flying 229
Unit22 229
Text2 231
Text3 Flower Clock 233
PartB 235
Unit23 238
PartA 238
Text1 Pronunciation as a Key Factor 238
Text2 How do Choose a Career 240
Text3 Types of the Influenza Virus 242
PartB 245
Text1 Friends 248
Unit24 248
PartA 248
Text2 250
Text3 Ecosystems 252
PartB 254
Unit25 258
PartA 258
Text1 Science Fiction 258
Text2 260
Text3 Difference between Men and Women 262
Unit23 262
PartB 264
第三部分 答案与详解 269
Unit1 269
Unit2 273
Unit3 278
Unit4 283
Unit5 288
Unit6 292
Unit7 297
Unit8 301
Unit9 305
Unit10 309
Unit11 313
Unit12 317
Unit13 321
Unit14 325
Unit15 330
Unit16 334
Unit17 339
Unit18 342
Unit19 346
Unit20 351
Unit21 354
Unit22 358
Unit24 366
Unit25 370
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