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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘召民主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7506808439
  • 页数:291 页
标签:主编 军事

Lesson 1.Instructions to New Recruits 新兵动员 1

Lesson 2.An Emergency Muster 紧急集合 10

Lesson 3.The Observation Post 观察哨 14

Lesson 4.Receiving a Foreign Military Delegation 接待外国军事代表团 20

Lesson 5.Visiting Military Barracks 参观军营 24

Lesson 6.Troops Inspection 阅兵 31

Lesson 7.Military Strength 军事力量 37

Lesson 8.Military Aircraft 军用飞机 42

Lesson 9.Armor and Artillery 装甲与火炮 51

Lesson 10.Military-purposed Satellites 军用卫星 57

Lesson 11.Military Mapping 军事测绘 63

Lesson 12.Military Modeling and Simulation (M S) 作战模拟 68

Lesson 13.Military Information 军事情报 75

Lesson 14.Battlefield Situation 战场态势 85

Lesson 15.Logistics Support 后勤保障 89

Lesson 16.Mobility and Countermobility 机动与反机动 96

Lesson 17.C3 I System 指挥、控制、通讯、情报 104

Lesson 18.Information Warfare 信息战 110

Lesson 19.Ground Operations 地面作战 120

Lesson 20.Air Operations 空战 128

Lesson 21.Maritime Operations 海战 139

Lesson 22.Amphibious Operations 两栖作战 146

Lesson 23.Minefield Breaching Operations 地雷场开辟通路 153

Lesson 24.Explosion 爆破 159

Lesson 25.Air Medical Support 空中遇险 166

Lesson 26.Field Hospital 野战医院 174

Lesson 27.Military Intangibles; Esprit, Morale and Cohesion 影响部队战斗力的无形因素:集体精神、士气和凝聚力 182

Lesson 28.Leadership and Management 领导与管理艺术 189

Lesson 29.International Conflicts 国际冲突 197

Lesson 30.Counter-terrorism 反恐怖活动 208

Lesson 31.Balance of Power 力量均衡 218

Lesson 32.Nonviolent Use of Force 非武力运用 225

Lesson 33.China s Stand on International Security Co-operation 中国对国际安全与合作的立场 230

Lesson 34.Arms Control and Disarmament 军控与裁军 237

Lesson 35.Peacekeeping Operations 维和行动 250

Lesson 36.National Defence Policy of China 中国国防政策 257

Lesson 37.National Defence Gonstruction of China 中国国防建设 262

Lesson 38.China s Military Legal System 中国军事法制建设 268

Lesson 39.History of the PLA 中国人民解放军军史 273

Lesson 40.Army Day Reception 建军节招待会 281

Lesson 41.General Military Knowledge 综合用语 285
