语言的范畴化 语言学理论中的类典型 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)John R.Taylor著;蓝纯导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560023703
- 页数:321 页
1.The Categorization of Colour 1
1.1 Why colour terms? 2
1.2 Arbitrariness 5
1.3 An alternative approach:focal colours 8
Preface by Halliday 10
王宗炎序 11
Preface by Chomsky 14
1.4 Autonomous linguistics vs.cognitive linguistics 16
沈家煊序 21
2.The Classical Approach to Categorization 21
2.1 Aristotle 22
导读 24
2.2 The classical approach in linguistics:phonology 24
2.3 The classical approach in semantics 29
3.Prototype Categories:I 38
3.1 Wittgenstein 38
Preface 40
3.2 Prototypes:an alternative to the classical theory 40
Typographical Conventions 44
3.3 Basic level terms 46
3.4 Why prototype categories? 51
3.5 A note on fuzziness 54
3.6 Some applications 55
4.Prototype Categories:II 59
4.1 Prototypes 59
4.2 Prototypes and schemas 65
4.3 Folk categories and expert categories 68
4.4 Hedges 75
5.Linguistic and Encyclopaedic Knowledge 81
5.1 Domains and schemas 83
5.2 Frames and scripts 87
5.3 Perspectivization 90
5.4 Frames and scripts in language comprehension 91
5.5 Fake 92
5.6 Real 95
6.Polysemy and Meaning Chains 99
6.1 Monosemous and polysemous categories 99
6.2 An illustration:Climb 105
6.3 Over 109
6.4 Some problems 116
7.1 Metonymy 122
7.Category Extension:Metonymy and Metaphor 122
7.2 Metaphor 130
8.Polysemous Categories in Morphology and Syntax 142
8.1 The diminutive 144
8.2 The past tense 149
8.3 A note on yes-no questions 154
9.Polysemous Categories in Intonation 158
9.1 The problem of intonational meaning 158
9.2 The meanings of falling and rising tones 160
9.3 High key 168
10.Grammatical Categories 173
10.1 Words,affixes,and clitics 175
10.2 Grammatical categories 183
10.3 The semantic basis of grammatical categories 190
11.Syntactic Constructions as Prototype Categories 197
11.1 Constructions 198
11.2 The possessive genitive 202
11.3 The transitive construction 206
11.4 The transitive construction:more marginal members 210
11.5 Metaphorical extension of syntactic constructions 215
11.6 A comparison with German 218
11.7 Concluding remarks 220
12.Prototype Categories in Phonology 222
12.1 Phoneme categories 223
12.2 The gradience of phoneme categories 230
12.3 The syllable as a construction 234
13.The Acquisition of Categories 239
13.1 Hypothesized acquisition routes 240
13.2 Grammatical categories 243
13.3 Conceptual development 247
13.4 Word meanings 252
14.Recent Developments(1995) 257
14.1 Overview of prototypicality 258
14.2 Prototypes and basic level terms 261
14.3 Polysemy and the two-level approach 264
14.4 Two illustrations:in and round 271
14.5 Polysemy and the network model 281
14.6 The historical perspective 290
14.7 Epilogue:on zebras and quaggas 294
References 297
Index 311
文库索引 313
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