现代英语妙语语林 中级本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪福祥著
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7502126635
- 页数:366 页
Lesson1 1
1.1 Text for Reading 2
Tolerance Is the Best Medicine 2
1.2 Language Exercise 6
1.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 9
1.4 Language Game 12
1.5 Supplementary Reading 14
Lesson2 17
2.1 Text for Reading 18
Misfortunes Never Come Singly 18
2.2 Language Exercise 21
2.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 24
2.4 Language Game 28
2.5 Supplementary Reading 30
Lesson3 33
People Are Not Always in the Pink 34
3.1 Text for Reading 34
3.2 Language Exercise 38
3.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 41
3.4 Language Game 46
3.5 Supplementary Reading 48
Lesson4 51
4.1 Text for Reading 52
Nip It in the Bud 52
4.2 Language Exercise 55
4.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 58
4.4 Language Game 62
4.5 Supplementary Reading 64
Lesson5 67
5.1 Text for Reading 68
Money Is a Good Servant, but a Bad Master 68
5.2 Language Exercise 73
5.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 76
5.4 Language Game 81
5.5 Supplementary Reading 83
Lesson6 85
6.1 Text for Reading 86
Never Smite with the Tongue 86
6.2 Language Exercise 91
6.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 94
6.4 Language Game 100
6.5 Supplementary Reading 102
Lesson7 105
7.1 Text for Reading 106
Barking Dogs Do Not Bite 106
7.2 Language Exercise 111
7.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 114
7.4 Language Game 120
7.5 Supplementary Reading 122
Lesson8 125
8.1 Text for Reading 126
Do Not Beard the Lion in His Den 126
8.2 Language Exercise 130
8.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 133
8.4 Language Game 139
8.5 Supplementary Reading 141
Lesson9 145
9.1 Text for Reading 146
Never Change Horses in the Middle of the River 146
9.2 Language Exercise 151
9.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 154
9.4 Language Game 160
9.5 Supplementary Reading 162
Lesson10 165
10.1 Text for Reading 166
Keep a Stiff Upper Lip 166
10.2 Language Exercise 170
10.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 173
10.4 Language Game 179
10.5 Supplementary Reading 181
Lesson11 185
11.1 Text for Reading 186
Breaking the Ice 186
11.2 Language Exercise 191
11.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 194
11.4 Language Game 200
11.5 Supplementary Reading 202
Lesson12 205
12.1 Text for Reading 206
Better a Witty Fool than a Foolish Wit 206
12.2 Language Exercise 210
12.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 213
12.4 Language Game 218
12.5 Supplementary Reading 220
Lesson13 223
13.1 Text for Reading 224
Bring Home the Becon 224
13.2 Language Exercise 228
13.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 231
13.4 Language Game 235
13.5 Supplementary Reading 236
Lesson14 239
14.1 Text for Reading 240
The One to Tickle You Pink 240
14.2 Language Exercise 243
14.3 Learning and Using Puns and Idioms 246
14.4 Language Game 251
14.5 Supplementary Reading 253
Lesson15 255
A One-Day Pop Star Makes a Life-Long Millionaire 256
15.1 Text for Reading 256
15.2 Language Exercise 260
15.3 Learning and Using Euphemisms and Idioms 263
15.4 Language Game 267
15.5 Supplementary Reading 269
Lesson16 271
16.1 Text for Reading 272
Smile, and the World Smiles with You 272
16.2 Language Exercise 276
16.3 Learning and Using Puns and Idioms 279
16.4 Language Game 283
16.5 Supplementary Reading 285
Lesson17 289
17.1 Text for Reading 290
No Rose Without a Thorn 290
17.2 Language Exercise 294
17.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 297
17.4 Language Game 302
17.5 Supplementary Reading 304
Lesson18 307
18.1 Text for Reading 308
Marry in Haste, and Repent at Leisure 308
18.2 Language Exercise 311
18.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 314
18.4 Language Game 319
18.5 Supplementary Reading 321
Lesson19 325
19.1 Text for Reading 326
All s Well That Ends Well 326
19.2 Language Exercise 330
19.3 Learning and Using Idiomatic English 333
19.4 Language Game 338
19.5 Supplementary Reading 340
练习参考答案 343
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- 《世界佳句妙语》钟礼平,钟瀛编著 2009
- 《历代小品妙语》唐富龄主编 2010
- 《世界传世经典阅读吧 巴尔扎克的妙语》张秀章,解灵芝编 2012
- 《情与爱珍言妙语大全》陈我忠编著 1991
- 《妙语微言》太桥旦增堪布编 2012
- 《妙语人生》栾国君,董维锋主编 2009
- 《张大可文集 第5卷 史记精言妙语》张大可编 2013
- 《妙语箴言集成大词典》丁海顺编著 1995
- 《网络时代生活智慧短文妙语》傅强编著 2013
- 《中风偏瘫 脑萎缩 痴呆 最新治疗原则与方法》孙作东著 2004
- 《水面舰艇编队作战运筹分析》谭安胜著 2009
- 《王蒙文集 新版 35 评点《红楼梦》 上》王蒙著 2020
- 《TED说话的力量 世界优秀演讲者的口才秘诀》(坦桑)阿卡什·P.卡里亚著 2019
- 《燕堂夜话》蒋忠和著 2019
- 《经久》静水边著 2019
- 《魔法销售台词》(美)埃尔默·惠勒著 2019
- 《微表情密码》(波)卡西亚·韦佐夫斯基,(波)帕特里克·韦佐夫斯基著 2019
- 《看书琐记与作文秘诀》鲁迅著 2019
- 《酒国》莫言著 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《北京生态环境保护》《北京环境保护丛书》编委会编著 2018
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《石油圣城》何建明著 2019
- 《高等院校旅游专业系列教材 旅游企业岗位培训系列教材 新编北京导游英语》杨昆,鄢莉,谭明华 2019
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017
- 《新工业时代 世界级工业家张毓强和他的“新石头记”》秦朔 2019
- 《智能制造高技能人才培养规划丛书 ABB工业机器人虚拟仿真教程》(中国)工控帮教研组 2019
- 《陶瓷工业节能减排技术丛书 陶瓷工业节能减排与污染综合治理》罗民华著 2017