英国文学新编 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭群英主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560023304
- 页数:282 页
Part One: Anglo-Saxon Literature 1
ChapterⅠ.Introduction 1
ChapterⅡ.Anglo-Saxon Poetry 2
Section 1.Pagan Poetry 2
Section 2.Religious Poetry 5
Chapter Ⅲ.Anglo-Saxon Prose 6
Part Two: Medieval English Literature 8
ChapterⅠ.Anglo-Norman Literature 8
Section 1.Introduction 8
Section2.The Romances in Anglo-Saxon Penod 10
ChapterⅡ. English Literature in Age of Chaucer 14
Section 1. Introduction 14
Section 2. William Longland 14
Section 3. Geoffrey Chaucer 18
ChapterⅢ. English Literature in the Fifteenth Century 23
Section 1.English and Scottish Ballads 24
Section2.Thomas Malory 25
Part Three: English Literature in the Renaissance Period 27
ChapterⅠ.Introduction 27
ChapterⅡ.English Poetry in the Renaissance Period 29
Section1.Thomas Wvatt 29
Section2.Henry Howard 30
Section3.Sir Philip Sydney 31
Section4.Edmund Spenser 33
ChapterⅢ.English Prose in the Renaissance Period 35
Section1.Thomas More 35
Section2.John Lyly 37
Section3.Francis Bacon 38
Section1.Shakespeare s Predecessors 40
ChapterⅣ.English Drama in the Renaissance Period 40
Section2.William Shakespeare 45
Section3.Shakespeare s Contemporaries and Successors 59
Part Four: English Literature in the Seventeenth Century 63
ChapterⅠ.Literature of the Revolution Period 63
Section1.Social Background 63
Section2.Literature of the Period 65
Section3.John Milton 67
Section4.John Bunyan 73
ChapterⅡ.English Literature in the Restoration Period 76
Section1.Introduction 76
Section2.John Dryden 78
Part Five: English Literature in the Eighteenth Century 82
ChapterⅠ. A General View of the Literature 82
Section1.Introduction 85
ChapterⅡ.Neo-Classicism in English Literature 85
Section2.Major Writers of the Neo-Classical School 86
ChapterⅢ.English Novelists of Realistic Tradition 92
Section1.Daniel Defoe 93
Section2.Jonathan Swift 97
Section3.Henry Fielding 103
Section4.Tobias George Smollett 110
ChapterⅣ.English Novelist of Sentimentalist Tradition 112
Section1.Samuel Richardson 112
Section2.Laurence Sterne 116
Section3.Oliver Goldsmith 119
ChapterⅤ.Poetry of Pre-Romanticism 123
ChapterⅥ.William Blake and Robert Burns 132
Section1.Introduction 136
ChapterⅦ.English Drama in the 18th Century 136
Section2.Richard Brinsley Sheridan 137
Part Six: English Literatuer of the Romance Age 142
ChapterⅠ.Introduction 142
ChapterⅡ.Romantic Poets of the First Generation 144
Section1. William Wordsworth 145
Section2.Samuel Taylor Coleridge 149
Section3.Robert Southey 152
ChapterⅢ.Romantic Poets of the Second Generation 153
Section1.Introduction 153
Section2.George Gordon Byron 154
Section3.Percy Bysshe Shelley 159
Section4.Jonh Keats 165
ChapterⅣ.Prose Writers of Romantic Age 170
Section1.Charles Lamb 171
Section2.William Hazlitt 173
ChapterⅤ.English Prose Fiction in the Romantic Age 177
Section1.Walter Scott 177
Section2.Jane Austen 182
Part Seven:English Literature in Victorian Age 185
ChapterⅠ.Introduction 185
ChapterⅡ.Critical Realist Novelists in Victorian Age 189
Section1.Charles Dickens 189
Section2.William Makepeace Thackeray 201
Section5.George Eliot 201
Section3.The Bronte Sisters 204
Section4.Mrs. Gaskell 208
Section6.Thomas Hardy 213
Section7. George Meredith 215
Section8.Samuel Butler 217
ChapterⅢ.Victorian Poetry 219
Section1.Alfred Tennyson 219
Section2. The Brownings 222
ChapterⅣ.Victorian Prose 224
Section1.Thomas Carlyle 224
Section2.J0ohn Ruskin 227
Section3.Matthew Arnold 230
ChapterⅤ.Working Class Literature in the 19th Century 232
Section1.Ernest Jones 232
Section2.William Morris 233
ChapterⅥ.Literary Trends at the End of the 19th Century 236
ChapterⅠ.General View of English Literature 241
Part Eight: English Literature of the Twentieth Century 241
ChapterⅡ.Realism in the Early 20th Century English Literature 244
Section1.John Galsworthy 244
Section2.Bernard Shaw 247
ChapterⅢ.Modernists in the 20th Century English Literature 252
Section1.William Butler Yeats 252
Section2.T.S.Eliot 254
Section3.Wystan Hugh Auden 257
Section4.David Herbert Lawrence 258
Section5.James Joyce 261
Section6.Virginia Woof 265
ChapterⅣ.Proletarian Literature in the 20th Century 269
Section1.Robert Tressell 269
Section2.Ralph Fox 272
Suggestive Questions 274
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