高级科技英语 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:航天科技情报研究所编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7200016101
- 页数:581 页
CONTENTS(上册)Lesson OneText:The Fields and Uses of Physics 1
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Laboratory Work in Physics 9
Ⅱ.(1)"Ever Tried Talking to a Computer?" 13
(2)Qube 15
Lesson TwoText:The Role of Chance in Scientific Discovery 19
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Discovery by Accident 26
Ⅱ.Signals from Space 31
Lesson ThreeText:How to Avoid Foolish Opinions 36
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.An Observation and an Explanation 43
Ⅱ.Sources of Error in Scientific Research 47
Lesson FourText:Chance or Probability 50
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Make Thinking Your Business 57
Ⅱ.The Future of Physics 61
Lesson FiveText:The Karburator 66
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Splitting the Atom 76
Ⅱ.A Killer Is Born 80
Lesson SixText:Ⅰ.Preface to"Applied Optics and Optical Engineering"Volumes Ⅰ—Ⅴ 87
Ⅱ.Foreword to"Applied Optics and Optical Engineering"Volume Ⅸ 88
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Preface to"Practical Applications of Infrared Techniques" 94
Ⅱ.Particles or Waves? 98
Lesson SevenText:Science and Scientific Method 103
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Science and Technology in a World Transformed(1) 110
Ⅱ.Science and Technology in a World Transformed(2) 114
Lesson EightText:Roentgen and the X Ray 119
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Marconi and the Invention of Radio 128
Ⅱ.Asimov on Gravitation 131
Lesson NineText:A Scientist Looks at Tomorr 136
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Tool of the Future 146
Ⅱ.Fact Catches up with Fiction 152
Lesson TenText:Cooperation Between Europe and the United States in Space 159
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Needed:Colonists for Space 169
Ⅱ.We'll Never Conquer Space 174
Lesson El evenText:Magic in Mathematics 180
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Why Study Math? 190
Ⅱ.Is Mathematics an Art? 193
Lesson TwelveText:Protecting Spacecraft from Atomic Oxygen 201
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Danger in Space 211
Ⅱ.Radiations:Safety and Security 215
Lesson ThirteenText:On Nuclear Energy 222
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Come Aboard an Atomic Sub! 233
Ⅱ.Hiroshima—the"Liveliest"City in Japan 239
Lesson FourteenText:The Use of Oceanography 247
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Graveyard of the Atlantic 259
Ⅱ.Cashing in on the Ocean—the New Manganese Klondike 264
Lesson FifteenText:Now You Don't See It 271
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.The Truth About Those"INVISIBLE"ADS 282
Ⅱ.The Age of Advertising 287
Lesson SixteenText:US Product Liability Law—Its Impact on Commercial Space Activities 294
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.The Satellite Space Station 304
Ⅱ.How Satellites Will Change Your Life 310
(下册)Lesson SeventeenText:Our Brain's Successor 319
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Robotics:The Human Touch 325
Ⅱ.Is a Race of Robots Possible? 328
Lesson EighteenText:Conditions for the Flourishing of Science 334
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.How Science Grows 344
Ⅱ.Scientific Knowledge and the Young Scientist 348
Lesson NineteenText:The City 354
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.The Art of the Skyscraper 362
Ⅱ.Last of the Seven Wonders 365
Lesson TwentyText:The Study of Man 373
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Life on other Planets 380
Ⅱ.The Human Machine 385
Lesson Twenty-OneText:The Struggle for Wisdom 391
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.What Happens to Child Prodigies? 399
Ⅱ.Numbers on the Brain 404
Lesson Twenty-TwoText:The Miracle of Language 408
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Your Speech Is Changing 415
Ⅱ.Needed:An International Language 420
Lesson Twenty-ThreeText:Einstein and Research 426
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Albert Einstein and the Atomic Bomb 433
Ⅱ.A Key to the Universe 438
Lesson Twenty-FourText:Science vs.the Humanities 444
Supplementary Readings:Ⅰ.Machines with and without Freedom 453
Ⅱ.The Social Consequences of Engineering 460
Key to Exercises 465
Glossary 495
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