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Ode to Youth  上海市世界外国语2016届学生英语作文集
Ode to Youth  上海市世界外国语2016届学生英语作文集

Ode to Youth 上海市世界外国语2016届学生英语作文集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:厉笑影主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787544469012
  • 页数:299 页
《Ode to Youth 上海市世界外国语2016届学生英语作文集》目录

Magic of Wonderland 桃源芬芳 1

My Colorful Life in Paradise&20120436 潘薇霖 3

A Lesson Learned&20120439 田佳依 4

Strolling in WFLMS&20120449 邬嘉晟 5

My Change&20120632 陆晨芸 6

My Favorite Place in Our School&20120636 徐诗萌 7

The White Sail—My Dream&20120641 干云天 8

Cheer Up for the Memories&20120643 解力行 9

A Memorable Place&20120644 唐子安 10

The Unforgettable Basketball Court&20120645 倪海栋 11

The Best Place in Our School&20120648 徐子鸿 12

WFLMS,My Pretty Sunshine&20120653 赵庄羽 13

Love the Days Here&20125110 解正 13

The First of Many Memories&20120328 胡晓宇 14

My Favorite Playground&20125115 郑永琪 15

Four Years in WFLMS&20125113 徐知恒 15

The School Library&20120347 刘博涵 17

Something Will Never Change&20125117 张雨淮 17

The Memorable Place&20120138 惠诗仪 18

The Classroom&20120209 赵一鸥 19

Time of My Life in WFLMS&20120222 张博民 20

In the School I Love,in the School Named WFLMS&20120143 刘彦霖 21

My Years in WFLMS&20120144 邵天旸 22

My Colorful Life&20120150 张成亮 22

If I Can Always Stay with You&20120608 彭家悦 23

Thank You,WFLMS&20120617 高方载 24

My Colorful Life&20120619 蒋天戈 25

WFLMS:Where Dreams Come True&20120620 李潇楷 26

If Time Could Flow Backward&20120623 王晓平 27

WFLMS—The Wellspring of My Happiness&20120419 蒋天煦 28

Memory Carrier&20126203 陈思然 29

My Colorful School Life&20126213 何庆仪 30

Special Places&20126216 梁俞悦 31

WFLMS—Whenever Forever Love My School&20120229 洪芃怡 31

The Playground,Which Witnessed Our Friendship&20120242 甘佳旻 32

A Place of Memory&20120245 许家齐 33

Becoming Optimistic&20120248 王易舟 34

My Youth in the School Yard&20120527 常欢 35

My Meaningful Middle School Life&20120531 蒋云璘 36

Beautiful WFLMS&20120105 瞿伊冉 37

The Magical Place in School&20120106 王祎晨 37

To My Dear Ms.Alameda&20120121 徐逸翀 38

Magic of Wonderland&20120124 张景源 39

The Memories in WFLMS&20120126 张宸安 39

My School and My Teachers&20120226 周楚涵 40

A Place Where My Memories Filled&20120514 周嘉林 40

My Colorful Life&20120525 张浩然 42

My Colorful School Life&20120521 沈俊言 42

Please Don't Say“Goodbye”&20126301 阮雨点 43

My Colorful School Life&20120520 金远哲 44

The Time I Spent with You—WFLA&20126316 李享 44

My Colorful Life&20126331 段庄 45

Everlasting Care from Teachers 师情隽永 47

My Class Teacher&20120430 杜已洁 49

A Beneficial Friend&20120445 李佳蔚 50

Gratitude to My Mentors&20120631 林忆安 51

Gratitude to My Teacher&20120637 张天禹 52

My Teacher,My Friend&20120346 蒋曦健 53

Gratitude to Teachers&20125103 赵卿钰 53

An Admirable Teacher&20125109 黄晨曦 54

My Favorite Teacher&20120132 张蕴仪 55

The Most Memorable Teacher&20120136 王之艺 55

My Respected Teacher&20120225 赵可彤 56

My English Teacher&20120151 陆培洲 57

She,Is the Best Teacher&20120127 钱朵朵 58

An Unforgettable Teacher&20120203 季心予 58

An Unexceptionable Teacher&20120217 陈鸿儒 59

My Unforgettable Teachers&20120219 陶师元 60

My Teacher&20120220 许德濠 61

The Most Memorable Teacher&20120221 严睿麟 61

My Favorite Teacher&20120216 杨熠 62

My Favorite Chinese Teacher&20120223 朱黄子轩 63

My Dear Chinese Teacher&20120205 孙琪雯 64

Cult of Joyce&20120401 鲍菁 65

My Favorite Teacher&20120416 周泠仪 65

Emily and I&20120424 吴辰运 66

A Unique Teacher&20120426 燕行健 68

An Attractive Teacher&20126118 许一诺 69

My English Teacher&20126127 朱军 69

A Special Lesson&20126230 金书豪 70

The Last Lesson&20120231 李黄沁 71

Ms.Zhu,My Chinese Teacher&20120246 屠匡泽 71

Gratitude to My Teachers&20120546 张知行 72

My Favorite Teacher&20120547 郑涵 73

Grammar Grandma&20120552 何思成 74

My Colorful Life&20120113 陈思和 75

My Colorful Life&20120302 徐庭筠 75

My Favorite Teacher&20120316 曹利贞 76

My Favorite Teacher&20126311 戴卓霖 77

Savor the Class 品味课堂 79

Giving Myself a Lesson&20120448 孙开昕 81

Colorful Lessons in WFLMS&20120646 阙旭洋 82

A Lesson&20120146 邹洲 83

My Colorful Life—Biology Class&20120402 陈博凡 83

An Unforgettable Lesson&20120603 顾一苇 84

An Unforgettable Lesson&20120616 王奕萱 85

The First Presentation,the First Step&20126102 李宣辰 86

A Little More Fresh Air,Please&20120519 蒋曾昊 87

Responsibility&20120505 金小凡 87

Diverse Extracurricular Activities 缤纷课外 89

Journey to“Wonderland”&20120432 黄希尧 91

A Lesson from BA TEE GA&20120433 李易泓 92

An Unforgettable Experience&20120435 刘奕辰 93

As Long as I Have Music&20120437 彭佳颖 94

Spotlight&20120438 茹宁 95

Career Day&20120447 沈晨玙 96

The Country of Gardens—Singapore&20120629 蒋子悦 97

An Unforgettable Activity&20120634 任可嘉 98

Drama Enlightens My Life&20120635 谭欣然 99

The Unforgettable Memory of Growing Up&20120642 胡智健 100

Debate Lights Up My World&20120651 姚诗婷 101

The Special Team at the Charity Sale&20120350 于歆豪 102

The Charity Bazaar&20120327 郭彧敏 102

Cooperation&Communication&20120349 杨一诚 103

Growing During a Summer&20120330 林逸辰 104

A Nice Meeting&20125111 钱泓竹 105

The Memorable Diabolo&20120336 施轶凡 105

An Unforgettable Experience&20120339 王司宇 106

My Trip to New Zealand&20125102 倪佳韵 107

Perform with Classmates&20125106 张易杰 108

A Trip to Holland&20120343 楼哲雯 108

Performance at the English Festival&20120344 崔灿曦 109

The Most Meaningful Hobby&20120335 沈祺琦 109

Interesting After-class Activities&20125112 吴旻昊 110

Being a Volunteer&20120342 祝心怡 110

The Most Unforgettable Experience in My School Life&20120210 沈俞廷 111

My Beautiful Memories&20120213 胡晓瑀 112

Wonderful Memories&20120208 赵晓辰 113

An Unforgettable Talent Show&20120140 李巽 113

An Unforgettable Experience&20120218 唐永涵 114

Unforgettable Memories&20120212 陈佳璐 115

Walk Towards the Stage&20120406 顾之玮 116

The Charm of Sports&20120410 乔伊可 117

Notes About Basketball&20120412 杨涵泳 118

The Colorful Activities I'll Never Forget&20120414 张雨琦 119

An Unforgettable Science Festival&20120417 陈诺 120

Making the Impossible Possible&20120418 单光霁 121

My Colorful Life&20120601 蔡思敏 123

My Life in WFLMS&20120602 仇天麟 123

Different Classes,Different Sparks&20120605 李易潇 124

The Charity Bazaar&20120611 徐晗菁 125

An Unforgettable Trip to Germany&20120618 胡岩龙 126

Try My Best&20120621 吕晗辰 127

A Wonderful Trip&20120625 杨喻丰 128

An Unforgettable Experience&20126104 孙逸琳 130

My Colorful Life&20126108 许光钰 130

Ocean Dreamland&20126112 刘斯婷 131

The Fury of Prometheus&20120428 屠若扬 132

A Turning Point in My Life&20126123 谭持中 133

School Activities Make Me Grow Up&20126131 申济豪 134

The Best Birthday Ever&20126207 徐若晗 135

An Unforgettable Festival&20126210 崔馨予 136

My Colorful Life&20126218 陈晓彤 136

The Meaningful Charity&20126225 施志昊 137

A Memorable Experience&20120227 樊心会 138

The Time When I Rediscovered Myself&20120228 费怡昕 138

An Unforgettable Birthday&20120230 单淑珺 139

My Love Affair with Basketball&20120236 王佳怡 140

Changes&20120237 王韵佳 141

An Unforgettable English Festival&20120239 罗予旌 142

The Most Impressive Event&20120241 陈钧义 143

My Changes at WFLMS&20120243 韩乾淳 143

The Charity Bazaar&20120247 汪佳炀 144

Basketball Time at WFLMS&20120250 冯原 145

A Memorable Experience&20120534 王祎晓 146

My Changes at WFLMS&20120536 恽涵琦 146

Whenever Forever Love My School&20150537 赵家仪 147

My Volunteer Experience&20120542 戴旻晨 148

My 14th Birthday Celebration&20120545 许博 149

See You Again&20120548 朱星宇 150

Traveling Broadens My Horizon&20120549 朱子玉 151

My Unforgettable 14th Birthday Celebration&20120550 潘宇杰 152

Try Our Best and Never Give Up!&20120553 潘雨禾 152

Exploring Italy&20120102 李嘉宁 153

An Unforgettable Summer Holiday&20120103 穆濛儿 154

An Impressive Visit&20120104 潘欣怡 155

My Fabulous Trip&20120112 董溢喆 156

An Unforgettable Trip&20120117 董怡洋 157

My Colorful Life&20120123 顾雨辰 158

A New Journey&20120306 孙沁榕 159

Volunteering Makes My Life Colorful&20120307 史柯嘉 160

Dream Flower&20120303 徐琴舟 160

A Meaningful Experience&20120312 江佳乐 161

The Youth Time&20120314 段雪妮 162

My Colorful Life&20120317 黄奕东 163

My Wonderful Trip to Australia&20120321 卫昱成 164

A Glamorous Country—Australia&20120322 徐玥洋 165

An Unforgettable Match&20120326邹知言 165

An Unforgettable Trip&20120324 俞辰浩 166

Various Activities in WFLMS&20130309 刘颍 167

Wonderful School Life&20126320 野尻智彦 168

The Most Extraordinary Experience&20120506 李昕玥 168

A Trip to Russia&20120503 华琦雯 169

Whenever Forever Love My School&20120515 曹贻辰 170

My Colourful Life&20120507 李欣桐 171

Colorful Memories&20120508 刘鎏 172

My Stay with the Potts&20126304 童海玥 173

Growth&20120524 徐之荻 173

Colorful School Life&20120501 陈迦南 174

My Colorful School Life&20126313 施琪文 174

Wonderful Days with Horses&20120510 沙婧祯 175

The Diversity of WFLMS&20126330 郑奕昕 175

My Colorful Life&20126314 林依辰 176

An Unforgettable Experience&20126318 沙若珩 177

Seasons in the Sun&携手青春 179

Never Say Goodbye&20120428 陈郑祺 181

Go BACK in TIME&20120431 顾珈伊 182

The Bond&20120446 卢俊辰 183

A Precious Gift&20120628 丁悦彤 184

Thank You,My Friends&20120630 况承慧 185

You Are My Sunshine&20120639 赵栩如 186

The Double Love&20120654 钟天涵 187

Days with Friends&20120329 金一诺 188

Kids to Teens&20125104 刘睿轩 189

Growing Up&20120338 王珵 190

My Friends&20120129 魏雨潇 191

Friends like Us&20120133 庄一茗 191

An Isolated Coterie&20120135 高胜寒 192

My Colorful Life&20120139 袁艺文 193

Friends&20120206 童静茹 194

My Colorful Life&20120128 沈嫣灵 195

My Youth Is Wonderful Because of You&20120137 吴蔚 195

The Meaning of My School Life&20120142 李元伟 197

My Friend—Jenny Shi&20120211 吴菡之 197

Friendship&20120134 邹佳吟 198

My Colorful Life&20120149 周祺贺 199

My Serious Partner&20120421 沈冠儒 200

Youth and Growth&20120422 沈修齐 200

The Best Team Ever&20120423 唐毓昊 201

Friendship&20120604 蒋芸 202

My Colorful Life&20120622 王若帆 203

Youth and Growth&20120409 黄心淑 204

My Colorful School Life&20126106 傅馨仪 205

Our Pavilion&20126107 钱心蕙 207

The Best Mernory&20126109 张馨文 207

Fleet of Time&20126201 刘思勤 208

The Last German Class&20126202 方安然 209

The Best Friend in My Life&20126231 金琦涵 210

Thank You,My Friend&20120238 王斯洋 211

My Best Friend&20120535 魏佳辰 212

Thank You,My Friends!&20120544 钱晨鸿 212

WFLMS,My Love&20120111 张煜琳 213

Forever Friendship&20120109 赵丘旸 214

Nothing's Gonna Change My Memory of You&20120120 吴昕恺 214

It's You,My Friend&20120304 王书涵 215

Glory of Youth&20120310 刘亦扬 216

My Colorful Life&20120311 李筱赢 217

It's Always a Good Time&20120313 黄晨意 218

Work Hard to Make Everything Come True&20120315 陈怡宁 219

My Unforgettable Middle School Life&20120118 李昊泽 220

The Precious Memory&20120301 赵丹绮 220

My Colorful Life&20126305 张濯沁 221

Stories Between My Friend and Me&20126309 孙安雯 222

Colorful Memories&20126332 薛可凝 223

The Precious Memories About Us&20120516 崔懿德 223

Unforgettable Memories&20120502 陈心昀 224

My Colorful Life in WFLA&20126322 陈昊炜 224

The Unforgettable Moment&20120518 何朋华 225

Best Memories in My Life&20126323 施正维 225

Growing Up&20126315 蔡圩玮 226

Harbour of Love 温暖港湾 227

Till the End of the Street&20120440 王洁茗 229

Express Gratitude&20120331 刘雨心 230

A Special Night to Remember&20120340 邬容易 231

My Family&20120202 陈韵婕 231

An Unforgettable Experience&20120214 施佳熠 232

Gratitude to My Parents&20120403 陈蜻怡 232

Invisible Love&20120408 华伊朵 233

Gratitude&20120626 周涵涛 235

My Family&20120652 王维清 236

I Want to Say Thanks to My Parents&20120413 余凯闻 237

The Footprints&20120609 王馨聆 238

The Brightness in My Heart&20126111 盛多文 239

So Lucky to Meet You&20126113 邵辰 239

My Colorful Life&20126119 彭翊凌 240

The Friends I Have in WFLMS&20126122 严海辰 241

Friendship&20126223 袁思为 242

Growing Up&20120249 吴凯文 243

Thank You,My Dear Parents&20150529 陈沛璇 243

Phuket Island—Harbor of Warmth&20120118 盛溢文 244

My Warm Family&20120526 陆奕衡 246

Blossom of Dreams 理想绽放 247

Virtual Reality—A Miracle like Magic&20120638 张云帆 249

Fight for My Dreams&20125116 阮玮毅 250

Dream&20120333 罗颖 250

An Unforgettable Experience&20120337 田智瑜 251

My Future&20125101 丁宁 252

My Dream&20125105 夏雨萌 252

Come back in the Future&20125108 胡沐昕 253

Fight for My Future&20125114 张济瑞 253

My Dream&20125107 赵子涵 254

My Bright Future&20120201 包容 254

My Dream—Dream Is a Force You Can't Resist&20120204 施怡冰 255

Life and Future&20120207 韩启喆 256

Once Upon a Time&20120411 王纯熙 256

For the Future&20120415 智蓓欣 258

The Future&20120610 熊方静 258

The Pursuit of My Dream&20126221 王巍翰 259

My Ambition&20120232 李懿寒 260

My Dream&20120233 李上上 261

A Weekday&20120240 周安妮 262

My Ambition&20120541 曹睿宁 262

Youth&20120551 姚晟祥 263

Courage&20120108 徐世佳 264

My Plan for the Future&20120114 马欣然 264

My Dream Job&20120122 赵逸杨 265

My Wonderful Dream&20120125 荣至轩 266

My Dream&20120320 王宇泓 266

My Future Plan&20120323 杨逸飞 267

Singing Is a Part of My Life&20120511 王清扬 267

Words from My Heart&20120517 高智健 268

My Colorful Life&20120504 姜涵文 269

Echoes from Overseas 海外回声 271

Cell—To My Fellow WFLMSers&20126105 邓沁 273

Goodbye,Old Times&20120334 倪菲琳 277

This Is a Tale of an Ordinary Student&20120443 曾辰 278

Farewell,WFLMS&20120450 徐博涵 279

To My Beloved WFLMS&20126219 朱天岳 282

A Letter to My Friends&20120420 阮世麟 283

Everything Changes&20120624 杨羿飞 284

What I Have Learned&20120404 高雅文 285

To WFLMS and Classmates&20120425 徐晓霖 286

Good Old Days&20120606 连怡程 287

Forever Love for WFLMS&20126309 胡思源 288

附录 优秀剧本 291
