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Celebrating Youth上海市世界外国语中学2014届学生英语作文集
Celebrating Youth上海市世界外国语中学2014届学生英语作文集

Celebrating Youth上海市世界外国语中学2014届学生英语作文集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:厉笑影主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787544454490
  • 页数:216 页
《Celebrating Youth上海市世界外国语中学2014届学生英语作文集》目录

缤纷课外 1

创意广告大赛 3

Diet Tea&20100223 周文祺 3

达人秀 4

Talent of WFLMS&20100308 武文佳 4

My Talent Show&20100635 周郑郑 4

配音比赛 6

A Fantastic Experience&20100105 黄子仪 6

Precious Memories&20100127 单纳川 6

An Unforgettable Dubbing Contest&20100424 郑心宁 7

An Unforgettable Competition&20100519 丁泽宇 7

Dubbing to Success&20100606 汪宸玥 8

Taking Part in the Dubbing Contest&20106304 陈序一 9

十四岁生日 10

My Unforgettable 14th Birthday&20100107 经典 10

Footprints&20100115 杨姝怡 10

The Fourteen-year-old Star&20100116 周怡霞 11

The Unforgettable Ceremony&20100124 徐江山 12

The Birthday&20100128 杜漘昕 12

Hard Work Paid Off&20100135 俞冠晔 13

Our 14th Birthday&20100204 胡仪芸 14

The Celebration of My Fourteenth Birthday&20100210 汪于扬 14

The Fourteenth Birthday&20100233 张思雨 15

The Fourteenth Birthday&20100241 蔡胤栋 15

My Fourteenth Birthday&20100242 陈溥君 15

A Special Birthday Party&20100339 刘新源 16

My School Life&20100401 陈笑葳 17

The 14th Birthday Party&20100430 王雨薇 17

The Night of the 14th Birthday&20100434 陈谦路 18

My Fourteenth Birthday&20100638 杜亦 19

That Day,We Celebrated Our Youth&20106206 高文欣 20

世外杯 21

A Challenge I Can't Forget&20100315 孟星宇 21

Work as a Team&20100318 徐瀚森 22

We Love Drama!&20100524 郑仁君子 22

新生新年音乐会 24

The New Year Concert&20100645 李雪涵 24

演讲比赛 25

Unexpectedness&20100525 陈若磊 25

An Exciting Experience&20100610 徐昕怡 26

No Pain,No Gain&20106308 李思果 26

英语广场 28

English Square&20100330 赵沐涵 28

Enjoy English Square&20100437 沙鑫烨 28

What English Square Has Helped Me&20100523 章峻 29

英语节 30

The Memorable English Festival&20100118 顾天祥 30

The Impressive English Festival&20100138 王思玮 30

The Unforgettable Festival,the Unforgettable Guys&20100213 杨思琪 31

The English Festival&20100309 张丹 32

The Most Unforgettable Memory&20100403 李信惠 33

English Festival&20100404 刘畅 33

An Unforgettable English Class&20100405 周佳雯 34

Learn It,Enjoy It,and Love It&20100413 白天宇 35

The Most Unforgettable English Festival&20100435 金世豪 36

English Carnival Made Me Grow&20100504 金依纯 36

Unforgettable Memory&20100634 俞可艾 37

My Last English Festival in WFLMS&20100637 陈迪 38

An Unforgettable Experience&20106212 吴天瑜 39

原创小品 41

An Impressive Experience&20100130 李嘉怡 41

Growing Up in Team Work&20100132 孙舒桐 41

An Unforgettable Activity&20100146 朱天放 42

Building Up My Confidence&20100305 刘应萱 43

An Unforgettable English Activity&20100423 袁铖 44

I Learn,I Gain,I Change&20100613 章诗然 44

We Cooperated,We Succeeded&20106101 白昀菲 46

其他 47

The Most Impressive Experience&20100102 丑一凡 47

The Most Unforgettable Test&20100139 黄禛 47

Sing My Way Out&20100209 孙梦圆 48

Not Just a Competition&20100545 张彬彬 48

Memories&20100629 施乐闻 49

One Point&20106104 华诗煜 49

进步成长 51

创造力 53

Of Creativity&20100538 戴思崴 53

词汇量 54

The Darkness Before Dawn&20106222 夏观澜 54

沟通能力 55

The Growth of Being an English Rep&20100303 傅皓琨 55

The Moments Which I Recall&20100415 何彦 55

Incredible Memory of Youth&20100422 薛飞扬 57

English TV Series Are Helpful Friends&20100531 莫宗滢 57

The Importance of Studying English&20100535 姚雨琪 58

My Turning Point&20100550 胡子扬 59

English Opened My Mouth&20100633 魏正恩 59

It Is You Who Make Me Discover the Joy of Learning English&20106313 杨喻令 60

语音语调 62

Pronunciation&20100342 应越 62

Precious Tapes&20100343 张以衡 62

阅读能力 64

Reading Accompanies My Growing&20100425 安琪 64

Reading Is Important&20106120 季昊元 65

Reading Heaven&20106210 洪婴文 65

自信心 67

My Progress in English&20100149 刘威龙 67

Regaining My Confidence&20100228 秦莹理 67

Confidence&20100229 沈雨婷 68

Confidence&20100238 陈语然 69

Growing Up in WFLMS&20100307 吴思怡 69

Speak English Loudly and Confidently&20100317 王嵩立 70

I Want to Say“Work Harder”to Myself&20100337 廖纪霖 71

Challenge Makes Perfect&20100406乔才真 71

My Improvement in English&20100409张馨元 72

Working My Way Up&20100604 沈逸菲 73

I Grow,I Progress&20100608 王雨瑄 74

On the Way of English Study&20100612 张铭洲 74

The Most Valuable Memories&20100615 朱颖 75

You Gave Me Confidence&20106112 杨依依 76

Confidence&20106214 殷睿之 76

其他 78

The Wrath of a Loser&20100133 汪奕安 78

I Want to Say“Thank You”to WFLMS&20100225 龙蕴华 79

WFLMS Makes Who I Am&20100226 卢庭安 80

Dreams&20100227 吕东宁 81

Thank You,WFLMS&20100230 王今忆 81

My School Life&20100333 陈博文 82

Studying Abroad&20100418 邵学思 83

Thank You,WFLMS&20100420 汤羽尧 84

Thank You,WFLMS&20100421 王斐然 85

Life in WFLMS&20100445 郑嘉伟 85

My School Life in WFLMS&20100502 顾颖菲 85

A Splendid Journey&20100515 周昕怡 86

Goodbye to WFLMS&20100614 郭语荃 87

The Thing That Made Me Angry&20100618 景旭寅 89

The Way of Making Progress&20106115 张玥舟 89

A Cheap Way to Study English&20106117 安徹 90

Endless Growth,Endless Progress&20106224 阎浩然 90

On My Way to Success&20106328 刘童华 91

精彩课堂 93

课堂趣事 95

An Interesting English Lesson&20100643 俞奕安 95

眼中的课堂 96

Our Interesting English Class&20100312 朱之卉 96

An Interesting English Class&20100329 许谋嘉 96

Memories of SBS&20100601 陈沁 97

English Classes,Sweet Memories&20100602 董笑羽 97

最爱的一课 99

An Interesting Lesson&20100323 周逸文 99

An Unforgettable Lesson&20100336 黄令谌 99

An Unforgettable Lesson&20100345 钟禛 100

Let's Sit Around !&20100510 王嘉铭 100

That's Why We All Love English&20100512 杨佳华 101

良师益友 103

父母朋友 105

I Want to Say“I Love You”to My Parents&20100117 陈逸嘉 105

I Want to Say“I Love You”to My Father&20100201 陈睿洁 105

Hero in My Eyes&20100239 沈晨玮 106

My Strongest Support&20100338 刘金杰 107

They Stand Beside Me&20100427 胡瑜 107

An Inspiring Letter&20100536 朱亦姚 108

The Best Edificatory Teacher&20100549丁海晴 109

Mom,I Love You&20100632 王袁琳 109

My Great Mother&20106125 杨翼飞 110

Love Is Around&20106215 赵悠然 111

The Most Important Person in My Life&20106311 武玥 112

世外老师 113

English Time on Kirkland&20100513 姚依伽 113

The Best Teacher I've Ever Met&20100522 石悦 114

同学同伴 115

A Lesson to Learn&20100104 胡倚月 115

To My Dearest Friend&20100108 赖籁 115

Long Live Our Friendship&20100111 唐安祯 116

My Friends,My Bros&20100119 韩钟文 117

The Best Friend in My Middle School Life&20100140 刘浩文 117

My Dear Friend&20100147 潘若婵 118

Lucky Ones&20100212 吴晶晶 118

Friendship Between Us&20100236 吴子妍 119

My Good Friends in the Class&20100247 黄泓淼 120

Celebrating Youth&20100314 姜弘睿 120

My Gratitude to My Friend&20100402康叶恬 121

A Scholarly Teacher and a Beneficial Friend&20100440 王旭凡 121

I Want to Say“Thank You”to Apple&20100506 李怡骋 122

I Want to Say Thanks to My Friends&20100526 陈歆仪 123

My Dear Deskmate&20100530 李婧宜 123

Friendship&20100546 张子杰 124

I Want to Say“Thank You”to My Friends&20100631 仝知秋 124

A Letter&20106202 曹宇婷 125

My Friend,Thank You for Your Company&20106301 陈少恺 126

Bestie Forever&20106327 顾妍 126

英语老师 128

An Unforgettable Teacher&20100109 李燕怡 128

Memories That Last Forever&20100123 肖尧 128

A Dedicated Instructor in English&20100144 张弛 129

The Most Unforgettable Teacher&20100205 李嘉雯 130

My English Teacher&20100206 李雯露 130

Unforgettable Youth in WFLMS&20100216 张漪竹 131

Teachers in WFLMS&20100218 徐昊 131

My English Teacher&20100313 贺乃轩 132

My English Teacher&20100316 钱可诚 132

I Want to Say“Thank You”to My Teacher&20100320 余悦田 133

I Want to Say“Thank You”to Grace&20100324 朱文迪 134

My English Teacher&20100335 董宜成 134

My Dear Teacher Uncle William&20100414 嵇正杰 135

The Best Teacher I Have Ever Met&20100419 孙可欣 136

Because of You&20100429 王怡文 136

My English Teacher&20100527 陈星颐 137

I Want to Say“Thank You”to My English Teacher&20100617 鲍星雨 138

A Wonderful Teacher&20100619 李佳卓 139

I Want to Say“Thank You”to Wendy&20100636 黄晗钧 139

My English Learning Journey&20100649 田春祺 140

The Most Dedicated Teacher I've Ever Met&20106123 邱柏智 141

I Want to Say“Thank You”to Katie&20106124 沈郭泰 142

My English Teacher&20106213 徐紫璐 142

Kirkland&20106227 刘陈元 143

I Want to Say“Thank You”to Katie&20106319 乔然 143

Our Foreign English Teacher&20106321 王逸豪 144

其他 146

An Unforgettable Teacher&20100143 翁呈明 146

I Want to Say“Thank You”to Music&20100150 李嘉瑄 146

I Want to Say“Thank You”to My Teachers&20100246 孙焱极 147

To WFLMS&20100507 彭昕瞳 148

Memories in WFLMS&20100508 乔佳琪 148

“Surviving”School&20100509 孙怡雯 149

I Want to Say“Thank You”to My Mom&20106116 竺铭宁 150

I Want to Say“Thank You”to My English Teachers&20106208 郭玉雯 151

难忘点滴 153

背书掠影 155

A Glimpse of Our Noon Time&20100321 张致远 155

Recite the Text,Memorize the Time&20100327 陶佳木 156

Reciting Passages&20100438 沈可垚 156

Sow a Habit,Reap a Destiny&20100505 李婧逸 157

Not Only Recite&20100529 何陆怡 157

You Can Always Catch Sight of Us in the Corridor&20100611 杨婧仪 158

Things About Reciting&20100621 钱皓程 159

Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Heart&20106114 姚媛慧 159

Our Traditional Recitation&20106320 沈正熙 160

对话排练 161

The Snaps of Rehearsal&20100442 姚鑫 161

An Unforgettable Experience&20100521 阮恺枫 162

录磁带 164

Anything but These&20100511 徐嘉怡 164

其他 165

WFLMS&20100125 蔡子慕 165

Unforgettable Memories&20100234 朱沁悦 165

My Dream&20100248 龙越明 166

An Unforgettable Experience of English Oral Quiz&20100319 许谋懿 167

An Unforgettable Experience&20100322 周洪凯悦 168

Dream&20100603 符萱 168

Beautiful Paradise&20100605 施筱卓 169

An English Speech Exam&20106207 顾婧禾 170

Three Toughest Assignments in Our English Class&20106322 王逸阳 171

未来影响 173

未来影响 175

There Is No Terminal in Dreaming&20100208 秦铎恬 175

What Can English Learning Bring?&20100214 尤天一 175

English for Life&20100306 王壬 176

The Benefits for the Future&20100411 朱玥莹 177

Always Remember&20100501 陈沁怡 178

Remember the Time&20100503 侯怡雯 179

Once a WFLMSer,Always a WFLMSer&20100514 虞佳悦 179

My Future Plan&20100518 黄子易 180

My School,My Future&20100532 唐梦真 181

My New Life&20100551 张子祯 182

My Dream Starts Here&20100628 李承霖 182

Benefits of English Learning in WFLMS&20106223 谢佳凌 183

The Advantage of English Learning&20106310 王钊薇 184

文化交流 185

个人出国访问 187

My Trip to the USA&20100103 胡睿怡 187

Read and Travel&20100219 许嘉元 187

A Trip to Hawaii&20100539 李嘉森 188

An Unforgettable Experience&20100625 方佳楠 189

A Trip to Australia&20100626 高文恺 189

Memorable Experience Abroad&20100627 孔玮 190

An Unforgettable Experience&20106201 敖鑫晨 191

An Unforgettable Experience&20106216 朱柯静 191

姐妹校交流 193

A Trip to Germany&20100112 唐菲阳 193

The Most Unforgettable Journey in My Life&20100215 张晨琳 194

The Most Glorious Memory&20100232 吴雨薇 195

Friendship in America&20100243 陈荣 195

“Lazy”Australians&20100244 饶沛麟 196

An Unforgettable Experience in the USA&20100301 鲍逸伦 198

An Impressive Experience in Germany&20100303 郭齐家 199

An Unforgettable Trip&20100304 胡希言 200

An Unforgettable Trip&20100310 周艺臻 201

An Exchange Trip to American&20100332 诸天能 202

A Rewarding Trip Abroad&20100340 陆乐 202

The Memorable Two-week Travel&20100407 王文雯 203

Unforgettable Memories&20100408 吴亦安 204

My Trip to America&20100410 赵悠然 205

An Unforgettable Trip to England&20100520 秦玉鑫 206

German Partnership&20100540 励天一 207

My Exchange Program&20100607 王乐吟 207

An Unforgettable Tour&20100623 阎辰旻 208

An Unforgettable Experience&20100639 凌骁 209

An Exchange Program&20106102 曹佳阳 210

An Amazing Trip to America&20106113 姚君洁 211

A Cultural Trip to Harker&20106205 方歆童 212

A Trip to the Netherlands&20106325 叶千圣 213

夏令营活动 214

An Inspiring Trip&20100129 龚也真 214

An Unforgettable Trip to Hawaii&20100237 陈昕紫 215

Explo,Explo,Here We Go&20106108 潘嘉纯 215
