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小品生活  42
小品生活  42

小品生活 42PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:阳程,王莹主编
  • 出 版 社:呼和浩特:远方出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787807230441
  • 页数:178 页
《小品生活 42》目录

A Baboon That Has Learned to Count 1

学会了数数的狒狒 3

A Boy and His Tree 5

男孩和树 9

A Cub Reporter,the Important Step Towards a Career in Newspaper Reporting 12

实习记者—通向新闻生涯的重要一步 14

A Dream Laboratory at the University of Chicago 16

芝加哥大学的梦幻实验室 18

A Giraffe That Did Not Believe in Himself 20

一头不相信自己的长颈鹿 22

A Greek to Remember 24

记忆中的希腊人 26

A Large Lake of Asphalt on the Island of Trinidad 28

特立尼达岛上的大沥青湖 30

A Little Piece of Me 31

生命的过客 35

A Temperature Change on the Moon 38

月球上的气温变化 40

A Tornado That Makes Red Rain 41

制造红雨的龙卷风 43

America’s Dead Sea 45

美国的死海 47

An Old Legend About Cheese 49

关于乳酪的一个古老传说 51

Army Life in the American Civil War 53

美国南北战争中的军旅生活 55

Ballet,a Combination of Four Arts 57

芭蕾舞是四门艺术的结合 59

Beautiful Smile and Love 61

美丽的微笑和爱情 65

Bidding the Lovely Scenes at Distance Hail 68

向远方的美景欢呼 70

Climbing Out of a Space Ship onto the Surface of the Moon 72

从宇宙飞船登上月球表面 74

Columbus That Made Four Voyages to the West 76

四次西航的哥伦布 78

Consider...YOU 80

超越卓越的你 82

Cookware during the Reign of Edward Ⅲ of England 84

英国爱德华三世在位时的炊具 86

Copper,the First Metal That Man Learned to Make 88

铜,人类学会冶炼的第一种金属 90

Diamonds in the United States 92

美国的钻石 94

Earthworms That Help Improve the Soil 95

帮助改良土壤的蚯蚓 97

From Land Animal to King of the Sea 98

从陆上动物到海中之王 100

Growing Plants Know Right from Left 102

生长中的植物能分辨左右 104

Hancock’s Signature 106

汉考克的签字 108

How a Hunter Captures a Monkey 110

猎人是怎样逮住猴子的 112

How Americans Showed Their Respect for Edison 114

美国人怎样表达他们对爱迪生的敬意 116

How the Falls of Iguassu Was Discovered 118

伊瓜苏瀑布是怎样被发现的 120

How the Hawaiian Islands Were Built 122

夏威夷群岛是怎样形成的 124

Iceberg Season of Newfoundland and the Steamship Titanic 125

纽芬兰的冰山季节和轮船泰坦尼克号 127

If I Were a Boy Again 129

假如我又回到了童年 131

If George Washington Could Visit the United States Now 133

假如乔治·华盛顿能参观今日的美国 135

Licorice Good for Both Man and Beast 137

对人畜两利的甘草 139

Love Your Life 141

热爱生活 143

Man’s First Real Invention 145

人类第一项真正的发明 147

On the Beaches of Block Island 149

在布洛克岛的海滨 151

Sea Otters off the Coast of California 153

加利福尼亚近海的海獭 155

Strong and Gentle Shetlands 156

壮实、温顺的设得兰矮种马 158

The Air-Cushioned Vehicle That T ravels Clear Out of Sea and Land 160

脱离海面和陆地行驶的气垫船 162

The American Museum of Natural History 164

美国自然史博物馆 166

The Antarctic,a Desert of Ice All Year Round 168

南极——终年冰封的不毛之地 170

The Badger,a Courageous Fighter 171

獾——勇猛的斗士 173

The Best Season for Thinking 175

思考的最佳季节 177
