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美国人最爱聊de短语TOP 365
美国人最爱聊de短语TOP 365

美国人最爱聊de短语TOP 365PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:浩瀚主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787502174972
  • 页数:365 页
《美国人最爱聊de短语TOP 365》目录

A 1

No.1.a bit一点儿,少许,微量 1

No.2.a companion to……同伴,……伴侣,……朋友 2

No.3.a great deal of许多,大量 3

No.4.a kind of某种……,一种 4

No.5.accompanied by由……陪同,由……带着 5

No.6.acquaint...with熟悉,了解 6

No.7.adapt to(使)适应(合) 7

No.8.admit of容许有……,有……余地 8

No.9.adorn with装饰,打扮 9

No.10.after time迟到,误(过)期,延迟 10

No.11.agree to同意,赞成 11

No.12.all but几乎 12

No.13.all of a sudden突然地,出乎意料地,冷不防 13

No.14.alter to使(某人)警惕,警告(某人)提防 14

No.15.amount to合计达到(某数量) 15

No.16.apply one's mind to埋头于,专心于,全神贯注于 16

No.17.argue about争吵,争执 17

No.18.argue sb.down驳倒某人 18

No.19.as a matter of fact事实上,实际上 19

No.20.as for至于,就……方面来说 20

No.21.as it is事实上,其实;按照原样;像现在这样 21

No.22.as long as只要…就…… 22

No.23.as well as不但……而且,不仅……而且 23

No.24.ask of向某人问/要求/请求某事或做某事 24

No.25.at last最后,终于,到底 25

No.26.at one's bidding遵……之命,照……的旨意 26

No.27.at table在吃饭时;用餐进餐 27

No.28.at the moment此刻,现在,目前,当时 28

No.29.attribute to归因于 29

B 30

No.30.barge in插嘴 30

No.31.be able to能(干),有能力 31

No.32.be about to就要,即将,正要 32

No.33.be admitted/allowed into a school入学 33

No.34.be alike相同,相似 34

No.35.be alive with挤满,充满(着) 35

No.36.be apt to易于……的;有……倾向的 36

No.37.be at one's wit's end不知如何是好 37

No.38.be certain of/about/that确信,弄清楚 38

No.39.be envious of羡慕,嫉妒 39

No.40.be familiar to熟悉,了解 40

No.41.be fond of爱好,喜欢 41

No.42.be in hot water陷入困境 42

No.43.be in sight能被看见,在视线范围之内 43

No.44.be interested in对……有兴趣,感到……有趣 44

No.45.be out of favor with失宠 45

No.46.be satisfied with满足于,对……满意 46

No.47.be sick of对……感到讨厌或腻烦 47

No.48.be sorry抱歉,遗憾 48

No.49.be taken ill患病,病倒了 49

No.50.be to必须,应该 50

No.51.be worth值得 51

No.52.bear away把人或东西运走、搬走 52

No.53.become of……发生什么情况 53

No.54.before the Flood上古时代,很久以前 54

No.55.believe in相信,信任 55

No.56.bend an ear to听,倾听 56

No.57.bend before迎着……而倾斜、弯、俯身 57

No.58.black eye丑事 58

No.59.blind alley死胡同,绝境 59

No.60.break in打断,插嘴说,闯入 60

No.61.bring an end to结束,停止 61

No.62.bring home to说服某人相信……,使某人认识到 62

No.63.bring back回忆起,(使)想起 63

No.64.burn out烧光,烧尽 64

No.65.burst out突然间…… 65

No.66.but that要不是,如没有,若不是,若非 66

C 67

No.67.call at/on/upon访问,拜访 67

No.68.can not不能,不得,不许 68

No.69.care about在乎,关心 69

No.70.cast an eye over浏览 70

No.71.catch a cold感冒,伤风,受冷 71

No.72.catch hold of抓住,握住,夹住 72

No.73.close one's doors关门,停业 73

No.74.come back回来,回归 74

No.75.come from来自,起源于 75

No.76.come into contact with与……接触(联系) 76

No.77.compare with与……比较(对比) 77

No.78.compensate for弥补,补偿 78

No.79.compete against与某人竞争,以图赢得奖金或生意等 79

No.80.concentrate at/in集中于 80

No.81.condescend to以高人一等的态度做某事或对待某人 81

No.82.connect with连接,联系 82

No.83.considering that既然,由于 83

No.84.contrast with和……相对照(对比),和……形成对比 84

No.85.cool down平静下来 85

No.86.cope with对付,处理,应付 86

No.87.cough up交出,移交 87

No.88.count off选出 88

No.89.crow over为自己取得的成就而高兴 89

No.90.cry down贬低;污蔑,诋毁,诽谤 90

D 91

No.91.dally with玩弄,戏弄 91

No.92.dare not不敢 92

No.93.day to day天天 93

No.94.deal with应付,处理 94

No.95.decide against做出不利于(某人)的裁决,决定不做某事 95

No.96.decorate after按……装饰,布置 96

No.97.defeat by击败,战胜 97

No.98.depend on/upon依靠,取决于 98

No.99.desire for希望,渴望 99

No.100.devote to献身于,奉献给 100

No.101.die of死,死于 101

No.102.differ from与……不同 102

No.103.dig up挖掘,找到 103

No.104.disagree with不同意,不一致,不适合 104

No.105.distinguish between辨别,识别(两者)之间的不同 105

No.106.divide into把……分开,分离 106

No.107.do for适合,供养,代替 107

No.108.do time坐牢,服刑 108

No.109.do up整理,打扮,破产 109

No.110.double up把……叠起来,弯腰 110

No.111.doubt whether怀疑是否 111

No.112.draw in吸入,拉近 112

No.113.dress up打扮,伪装 113

No.114.drive sb.mad/crazy使某人发疯 114

No.115.dry up(使)干涸,用光 115

No.116.due to由于 116

E 117

No.117.each other相互,彼此 117

No.118.engage in从事,参与 118

No.119.enter for报名参加 119

No.120.enter into开始进入 120

No.121.(be)equal to和……相等,相当于 121

No.122.even if即使,甚至,虽然 122

No.123.even off变得平坦 123

No.124.even up拉平,使相抵 124

No.125.excuse me对不起,请原谅 125

F 126

No.126.faced with面对,面临 126

No.127.fall for上当,听信,爱上 127

No.128.fall in with符合,与……一致 128

No.129.fall into落入,进入,陷入 129

No.130.fasten one's hope on把希望寄托在……上 130

No.131.feed(...)on/to喂……,给……吃 131

No.132.fight with同……作战 132

No.133.figure out计算出,解决 133

No.134.fill out填写,填进 134

No.135.fit in适合,配合 135

No.136.fit oneself(使)适合(于) 136

No.137.fix on选定,决定 137

No.138.free of免于……的,没有……的,摆脱了……的 138

No.139.for a moment片刻,一会儿 139

No.140.for example例如 140

No.141.for fear of唯恐,生怕 141

No.142.for the sake of为了…… 142

G 143

No.143.gear up换高速档,改进 143

No.144.get around欺骗,欺诈 144

No.145.get at够得着,得到,收买 145

No.146.get away with被放过,不受惩罚 146

No.147.get down使沮丧,下车,下来 147

No.148.get in收割,到达,插话 148

No.149.get off with与……交朋友 149

No.150.get on穿,戴 150

No.151.get on to转入,联系 151

No.152.get over克服 152

No.153.get trouble处于(陷于)困境 153

No.154.give away送掉,失去,泄露 154

No.155.give in屈服,上交 155

No.156.give up放弃 156

No.157.go by度过,经过 157

No.158.go+doing去做…… 158

No.159.go down落下,被记录在案 159

No.160.go Dutch AA制 160

No.161.go easy(on/with)慢慢来,别着急 161

No.162.go for得到,争取,适用于,认为是 162

No.163.go on继续下去,进行下去 163

No.164.go out of one's mind疯了,焦虑不安 164

No.165.go without saying更不用说 165

No.166.grow out of由……产生,出自于…… 166

No.167.grow up长大,成熟 167

H 168

No.168.had better最好还是,还是……的好 168

No.169.had rather宁愿……也不……,与其…不如…… 169

No.170.hand down把……传递下来 170

No.171.hardly...but每当……总是…… 171

No.172.have a good time玩得愉快,尽情地玩,快活一下 172

No.173.have a look看一看 173

No.174.have+object+doing使(某人)做某事 174

No.175.have to必须,有义务 175

No.176.have words with争吵,吵架 176

No.177.here of听说 177

No.178.hot news最新新闻(消息) 178

No.179.How about…?……怎么样? 179

No.180.How are you?你好吗? 180

I 181

No.181.if only要是……多好(就好了),只要,如果(假如) 181

No.182.in accord(ance)with sth.按照,根据 182

No.183.in case假如,万一,以防 183

No.184.in charge of由……负责 184

No.185.in despite of尽管;不顾;不管 185

No.186.in place of代替,取代 186

No.187.in sight见到 187

No.188.in spite of尽管 188

No.189.in the dark(about sth.)对(某事)全然不知 189

No.190.in the future今后,将来 190

No.191.in the water水中,生活在水里 191

No.192.in order that为的是,以便,以至 192

No.193.in view of有鉴于,考虑到 193

No.194.incline to倾斜,倾向于 194

No.195.it is...for sb./sth.to do sth.做……是…… 195

No.196.instead of代替 196

J 197

No.197.join in参加,加入 197

K 198

No.198.keep a good watch for提防,警惕 198

No.199.keep away from避开,离开 199

No.200.keep from阻止 200

No.201.keep to坚持,遵守 201

No.202.keep up with跟上,不落后 202

No.203.knock down使降价,说服……降价 203

No.204.knock on敲(门,窗等) 204

L 205

No.205.laugh off一笑置之 205

No.206.lay aside把……放在一边,积攒 206

No.207.lay hold of抓住,抓紧 207

No.208.live at one's投宿在…… 208

No.209.live by靠(以)……为生 209

No.210.live in居住,居留 210

No.211.live with与……同住,适应 211

No.212.long ago从前,很久以前 212

No.213.look after注视,照顾 213

No.214.look at观看,过目,检查,看待 214

No.215.look down on/upon轻视,看不起 215

No.216.look over检查,核查 216

M 217

No.217.make for走向,前进 217

No.218.make of由……制成 218

No.219.make the best of充分利用 219

No.220.manage to do设法做到,努力做到 220

No.221.many a许多 221

No.222.mark down记下,减价 222

No.223.marry to结婚,嫁娶 223

No.224.may well(do)完全能(做某事) 224

No.225.meet with碰到,遇到 225

No.226.miss out(of)将……遗漏 226

No.227.mistake...for认为,看作,当作,把……错当成 227

No.228.more often than not常常,屡屡 228

No.229.move up向前移动,升级 229

No.230.must needs偏偏,偏要,非…不可,必是……无疑 230

N 231

No.231.name for以……名字命名,任命为 231

No.232.near to接近,靠近 232

No.233.no better than与……一样 233

No.234.no less...than不亚于…… 234

No.235.no longer再也不,再没有,不再 235

No.236.no more...than不多于,不超过,和……同样不 236

No.237.no to mention更不用说 237

No.238.no use无用,没有用,无益 238

No.239.no wonder难怪,不足为奇的 239

No.240.not a bit一点也不…… 240

No.241.nothing(else)but除了……以外什么也(没有),只是,不过 241

O 242

No.242.of a Sunday在星期天,每逢星期天 242

No.243.of course当然,自然 243

No.244.offend with触怒,伤害 244

No.245.on display展出 245

No.246.on one's own独自,依靠自己 246

No.247.on the ball机警,高明,敏锐的 247

No.248.on the contrary相反地,正相反 248

No.249.on the street在街上,在外面 249

No.250.one of these(fine)days将来总有一天,有朝一日 250

No.251.only that要不是因为…… 251

No.252.only too太……了 252

No.253.originate from起源于 253

No.254.open up开门,打开,加速 254

No.255.out of breath喘不过气来 255

No.256.out of question一定,毫无疑问 256

No.257.owing to归因于,由于 257

P 258

No.258.part with分别,同……分手 258

No.259.pass away消磨掉,去世 259

No.260.pass by过去了 260

No.261.pass off逐渐消失,发生,冒充 261

No.262.pay off使人收益,还清 262

No.263.persist in坚持 263

No.264.persuade sb.to do sth.劝服某人做某事 264

No.265.pick at拉扯,找茬 265

No.266.pick on挑选,责备 266

No.267.prefer...to宁可……也不,与其……不如 267

No.268.prepare for为……做好准备 268

No.269.preside over主持 269

No.270.pretend to假装,佯称 270

No.271.protectagainst保护……免受 271

No.272.prove to be证明是,成为 272

No.273.point to指向,指着 273

No.274.positive about肯定,确切 274

No.275.put off延期,推迟 275

No.276.put on假装,冒充 276

No.277.put up上涨,上升 277

No.278.put up with忍受,容忍 278

Q 279

No.279.qualify for有资格,合格 279

No.280.quarrel with争吵,争辩 280

R 281

No.281.reach after/at/for达到,得到 281

No.282.read over看一遍,看完 282

No.283.reproach for责怪 283

No.284.result from由……引起,产生 284

No.285.right away马上,立刻 285

No.286.run a risk冒险 286

No.287.run away with与……私奔,消耗,用掉 287

No.288.run into合计为……,达到 288

No.289.run out用完,快用完 289

S 290

No.290.sail through通过,应付 290

No.291.search for寻找,搜寻 291

No.292.see somebody off送行,送别 292

No.293.see that使……发生 293

No.294.seek after追求,谋求,设法得到 294

No.295.send for去请,去拿 295

No.296.sensible of知道……,觉察 296

No.297.set off出发,启程 297

No.298.set on/upon攻击,袭击 298

No.299.sick of厌烦,厌腻 299

No.300.so far迄今为止,到目前为止 300

No.301.so that为的是,以便,以至 301

No.302.so...that...如此(这样)……以至于…… 302

No.303.stand for代表,表示;容忍,容许 303

No.304.stay at逗留,暂住 304

No.305.stop...from阻止 305

No.306.suffer from因……而受罚(苦,损);忍受,遭受 306

No.307.supply with供应,供给 307

No.308.switch off关上,(使)停止 308

T 309

No.309.tail off逐渐减弱,减少 309

No.310.talk to oneself自言自语 310

No.311.tear apart拆开,伤害 311

No.312.tear down拆毁,摧毁 312

No.313.tend to容易,往往 313

No.314.tell against对……不利 314

No.315.tell of告诉 315

No.316.tempt from劝说(某人)离开 316

No.317.testify to证明,作证 317

No.318.the best man伴郎 318

No.319.there is no...doing无法……,不能…… 319

No.320.thin down稀释,减少 320

No.321.think ahead预先考虑到 321

No.322.think back回想起,回忆 322

No.323.think out想出,仔细盘算 323

No.324.throng in/into进入,涌入 324

No.325.tide over克服;度过 325

No.326.topple down倒塌,摔倒 326

No.327.toy with玩弄,戏弄 327

No.328.trade in做……生意 328

No.329.trade in...for交换 329

No.330.trample on/upon踩踏,伤害 330

No.331.tread on sb's toes冒犯,伤害 331

No.332.trial to试验,检验 332

No.333.trifle away浪费,挥霍 333

No.334.trouble about为……费心 334

No.335.trouble to do sth.费心做…… 335

No.336.trust to依靠,相信 336

No.337.try to do试图去做某事 337

U 338

No.338.unburden oneself(one's heart)to sb.向某人倾诉 338

No.339.under repair正在修理 339

No.340.unfit for(使)不适合 340

No.341.up to now到目前 341

No.342.use as用……服务于…… 342

No.343.use to过去常常 343

No.344.useful as对……有用(有帮助的) 344

V 345

No.345.valuable to贵重的,珍贵的 345

No.346.value...as由于……是……而受重视或珍爱 346

No.347.vacillate between在……之间摇摆不定 347

No.348.verge on濒临,接近,即将 348

No.349.very good好的,很好 349

No.350.vest in归属于…… 350

No.351.visit with看望,拜访 351

No.352.vote against投票反对 352

No.353.vouch for保证 353

W 354

No.354.wade through走过,费力做 354

No.355.wait on伺候,服侍 355

No.356.wallow in沉溺于 356

No.357.walk through穿过,通过 357

No.358.waltz through通过 358

No.359.warn sb.against警告(告诫)某人 359

No.360.wash out洗掉,冲坏 360

No.361.with a/the view of以……为目的,为了 361

No.362.with reference to关于 362

No.363.work at在……工作,努力钻研,从事 363

No.364.worm into混进,潜入 364

No.365.would sooner(than)宁可……也不…… 365
