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天天向上  家庭课堂作业本  英语  三年级  上
天天向上  家庭课堂作业本  英语  三年级  上

天天向上 家庭课堂作业本 英语 三年级 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李淑玉主编
  • 出 版 社:银川:宁夏人民教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787807648468
  • 页数:78 页
《天天向上 家庭课堂作业本 英语 三年级 上》目录

Unit 1 Hello! 1

A.Let's talk Let's play 1

A.Let's learn Let's chant 2

A.Let's sing Let's find out 3

A阶段复习训练 4

B.Let's talk Let's play 6

3.Let's learn Let's do 7

B.Start to read 8

B.Let's check Let's sing 9

C.Story time 10

单元检测 11

Unit 2 Let's paint! 13

A.Let's talk Draw and say 13

A.Let's learn Let's do 14

A.Letters and sounds 15

A阶段复习训练 16

B.Let's talk Let's play 18

B.Let's learn Let's do 19

B.Start to read 20

B.Let's check Let's sing 21

C.Story time 22

单元检测 23

Unit 3 Look at me! 25

A.Let's talk Let's play 25

A.Let's learn Let's do 26

A.Letters and sounds 27

A阶段复习训练 28

B.Let's talk Let's play 30

B.Let's learn Let's do 31

B.Start to read 32

B.Let's check Let's sing 33

C.Story time 34

单元检测 35

期中检测 37

Unit 4 We love animals 39

A.Let's talk Let's play 39

A.Let's learn Let's chant 40

A.Letters and sounds 41

A阶段复习训练 42

B.Let's talk Let's play 44

B.Let's learn Let's do 45

B.Start to read 46

B.Let's check Let's sing 47

C.Story time 48

单元检测 49

Unit 5 Let's eat! 51

A.Let's talk Let's play 51

A.Let's learn Let's do 52

A.Letters and sounds 53

A阶段复习训练 54

B.Let's talk Let's play 56

B.Let's learn Let's do 57

B.Start to read 58

B.Let's check Let's sing 59

C.Story time 60

单元检测 61

Unit 6 Happy Birthday! 63

A.Let's talk Count and say 63

A.Let's learn Let's chant 64

A.Letters and sounds 65

A阶段复习训练 66

B.Let's talk Let's play 68

B.Let's learn Let's do 69

B.Start to read 70

B.Let's check Let's sing 71

C.Story time 72

单元检测 73

期末检测 75

听力材料及参考答案 77
