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上海自贸区建设与国际金融中心发展战略  英文版
上海自贸区建设与国际金融中心发展战略  英文版

上海自贸区建设与国际金融中心发展战略 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙立坚主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787208122505
  • 页数:417 页
《上海自贸区建设与国际金融中心发展战略 英文版》目录

Preface: New Mission of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on Financial Development 1

Part A: Special Research on China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 1

Special Subject Ⅰ: Enlightenment from TPP to the Construction of China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 3

Chapter 1: Policy Recommendation 4

Ⅰ.Price-based Capital Management Measures Have Great Relevance to China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (CSPFTZ) 4

Ⅱ.Our Lessons from Singapore’s Development of Offshore Financial Market 4

Ⅲ.Strengthen the Management of the “Negative List” and Information Communication 5

Ⅳ.Maximize the Economic Pulling Effect of CSPFTZ 6

Chapter 2: Theoretical Research 7

Ⅰ.Relevant TPP Progress and China’s Economic Opening-up 7

Ⅱ.The International Experience of TPP’ S Founding Member Singapore and What We Can Learn from It 21

Ⅲ.Research and Analysis on the Development Status of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone And Its Gap With TPP Standards 33

Ⅳ. Quantitative Study of TPP Economic Effects 39

Special Subject Ⅱ: Offshore Banking Risk Management in CSPFTZ 53

Chapter 1: Policy Recommendation 54

Ⅰ.The Reference Significance of the Functional Positioning of Foreign Offshore Banks for the Regulation in the CSPFTZ 54

Ⅱ.Enlightenment from the Offshore Banking Regulation in Countries Like the US, Japan and Singapore 54

Ⅲ.Defining the Regulatory Framework for Offshore Banking in the CSPFTZ 55

Ⅳ. A New Pattern for Offshore Banking Risk Management Should Be Created As Soon As Possible 56

Chapter 2: Theoretical Research 57

Ⅰ.Relevant Research Assessment of Offshore Banking Risk Management 57

Ⅱ.International Experience for Offshore Banking Risk Management—the US, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia 80

Ⅲ.Research and Analysis on Offshore Banking Risk Management in the CSPFTZ 99

Ⅳ. Applied Research of Stress Testing for Offshore Banking Risk Management in the CSPFTZ 112

Special Subject Ⅲ: Comparative Study on Open Policies in Six Fields of Service Industry in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (CSPFTZ) 127

Ⅰ.Field of Financial Services 128

Ⅱ.Field of Shipping Services 149

Ⅲ.Field of Commercial and Trading Services 167

Ⅳ.Professional Services Sectors 177

Ⅴ.Cultural Services 210

Ⅵ.Field of Social Services 218

Special Subject Ⅳ: Strategy Research on Improving the Competitiveness of the Trade in Services in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone from the Perspective of Financial Support 225

Chapter 1: Policy Recommendation 226

Ⅰ.Establishing Institutions or Departments Dedicated to Financing Services Trade Companies in the CSPFTZ 227

Ⅱ.Policy Banks Should Make Greater Effort in Developing Credit Products 227

Ⅲ.Commercial Banks and Policy Banks Should Actively Develope Intermediary Businesses 228

Ⅳ.Special Export Guarantee Fund for Trade in Services Should Be Created in the CSPFTZ 228

Ⅴ.An Intangible Asset Value Assessment System Should Be Established to Facilitate the Mortgaging of Service Products 228

Chapter 2: Theoretical Research 230

Ⅰ.Relevant Research and Assessment of Financial Support and the Competitiveness of Trade in Services in the CSPFTZ 230

Ⅱ.Research and Analysis on the Improvement of Trade in Services Competitiveness through Financial Support in the CSPFTZ 240

Ⅲ.Empirical Analysis of Financial Support and Trade in Services Competitiveness 245

Ⅳ.An International Comparison of Financial Support for the Trade in Services 255

Part B: Research on International Financial Centers 273

Ⅰ.Comparative Research on International Financial Centers 275

Chapter 1: Introduction 276

Chapter 2: Body of Report 280

Ⅱ.Construction of Shanghai Financial Center, RMB Globalization and Restructuring of International Currency System 365

Ⅲ.Where Should Informal Finance Go? 373

Ⅳ.Financial Center Revelations 381

References 407
