第四届国际地质对比计划项目“古河道系统构造和古气候演化与资源勘查”(IGCP-514)会议论文集 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:文美兰,罗先熔,舒立霞主编
- 出 版 社:中国地质大学出版社有限责任公司
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787562529798
- 页数:98 页
Experimental Research of Erosion of Consolidated Soils by High-speed Water Flow Applied to Paleochannels& G.Berthault,A.Veksler,A.Lalomov 1
Statistical Analysis of Mineralogical Characters and Lithological-facial Zoning of Fluvial System&Anna Bochneva,Alexander Lalomov,Roman Chefranov 6
Transformation of Mineral Parageneses of Oligocene Sedimentation System:Fluvial Paleovalley-sedimentary Basin of East Sub-ural District&Roman Chef ranov,Alexander Lalomov,Anna Bochneva 11
The “Donauplatin”:Source Rock Analysis,Morphology,Granulometry,and Ori-gin of Fluvial and Alluvial Au-pge Placers Related to Ultramafic Rocks and Impacts in Central Europe&H.G.Dill,D.Klosa,G.Steyer,B.Weber 17
Impact of Tsunami on A Coastal Placer in India&Suresh Babu DS,Babu Nallusamy 22
Eustatic and Fluvial Influence on Placer Minerals in the Shelf off Aryapalli-kushab-hadra,East Coast of India&Budruddin Mohammad Faruque 29
Depositional and Prospective Models of Beach Placers in the Eucla Basin,Southern Australia&Baohong Hou,John Keeling,Anthony Reid,Ian Warland,Larry Frakes 35
Geological Characteristics and Formative of Dachang Alluvial Tin Deposit in Guangxi&Galian Gan,Ci’an Song 43
Mathematical Modelling of Forming of Fine Cassiterite Distal Placers in Fluvial Channels&Alexander Lalomov,Anna Bochneva,Roman Chefranov 57
Placer Geology,Paleogeography and Exploration Potential of Pliocene to Holocene Alluvial Terraces in Indian River,West-central Yukon,Canada&William LeBarge,Vladimir Naumov,Vitaly Bryukhov 62
Origin of the Dongsheng Sandstone Type Uranium Deposit in Jurassic Paleochannel System in Northeastern Ordos Basin,China&Ziying Li,Xiheng Fang,Ye Sun,Guangxi Ou,Yuliang Xia 64
Ionic Conductivity Anomaly in Soil Cover—Exploration of Blind Mineralization Beneath Regolith Cover&Xianrong Luo,Meilan Wen,Lixia Shu,Baohong Hou,John Keeling 71
Distribution of Vertical Channel of Lower Cretaceous and Uranium Potential in Erlian Basin&Mingkuan Qin,Daisheng Chen,Sanyuan Wei 86
Geological Evolution of Diamondiferrous Placers of Western Flank of the Ural Mountains(Russia)&Igor Shmakov 87
Cassiterite Alluvial Placers in the Karstic Areas(on Example of Northern Vietnam)& Lidiya Sporykhina 93
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