商务人员实用英语 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国国际经济技术交流中心编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国商务出版社
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:282 页
Part One International Trade and EconomicsChapter 1 International Trade 3
1 Essential knowledge 3
Globalization 3
2 Readings 4
Ⅰ The forces of globalization 4
Ⅱ New world trade patterns 1970—2003 6
Ⅲ New trends in international trade 9
Ⅳ Balance of trade 10
Ⅴ Balance of payments 13
3 Specialized word list 14
The environment 14
4 Common economic terms 16
5 Case study 16
Let us ioin hands and work for a better world 16
Chapter 2 Types of Trade 18
1 Essential knowledge 18
Why trade matters 18
2 Readings 19
Ⅰ The value of imports 19
Ⅱ Visible and invisible trade 22
Ⅲ Trade in services 23
Ⅳ Technology transfer 25
Ⅴ Foreign exchange 26
Ⅵ Export leasing 27
Ⅶ E-commerce 29
Ⅷ Franchises 30
3 Specialized word list 33
Banking 33
4 Common economic terms 35
5 Case study 35
Adapting to local markets 35
Chapter 3 Barriers to Trade 38
1 Essential knowledge 38
Tariff barriers 38
2 Readings 39
Ⅰ Tariffs 39
Ⅱ Non-tariff barriers 40
Ⅲ Technical barriers to trade 41
Ⅳ Trade facilitation 43
Ⅴ Anti-dumping 45
Ⅵ Anti-subsidy 47
Ⅶ Government procurement 48
Ⅷ Quality inspection 48
3 Specialized word list 51
Contracts 51
4 Common economic terms 52
5 Case study 52
Potential obstacles to market access 52
Chapter 4 Internal Trade 55
1 Essential knowledge 55
Development of internal trade 55
2 Readings 56
Ⅰ Stages of economic growth 56
Ⅱ The effect of domestic demand on China's growth 59
Ⅲ Commodity markets 60
Ⅳ The development of commodity markets 63
Ⅴ China's futures trading in 2002 66
Ⅵ Small and medium sized enterprises(SMEs) 70
Ⅶ Labor market 73
Ⅷ China:21st century workshop of the world 74
3 Specialized word list 75
Advertising 75
4 Common economic terms 77
5 Case study 77
SARS—a driver of social and economic change 77
Chapter 5 Investment 80
1 Essential knowledge 80
International investment 80
2 Readings 81
Ⅰ Foreign direct investment 81
Ⅱ International investment and WTO 84
Ⅲ The benefits of investment rules 87
Ⅳ Transnational corporations(TNC) 89
Ⅴ The contribution of TNCs 93
Ⅵ The impact of TNCs on trade patterns 94
Ⅶ The DOHA WTO Ministerial Conference on Investment 98
3 Specialized word list 100
World politics 100
4 Common economic terms 103
5 Case study 103
Global top ten transnationals 103
Chapter 6 International Economic Co-operation 106
1 Essential knowledge 106
The importance of international co-operation 106
2 Readings 108
Ⅰ Adapting to meet the challenges of globalization 108
Ⅱ What is Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 112
Ⅲ China's Europe Policy Paper 2003(Extracts) 115
Ⅳ A world of development experience 117
Ⅴ UNIDO solutions 120
Ⅵ Capacity building 125
3 Specialized word list 127
Journalism 127
4 Common economic terms 128
5 Case study 128
NGOs—Non-governmental organizations 128
Corporates and NGOs 130
Chapter 7 Intellectual property rights 134
1 Essential knowledge 134
The importance of protection 134
2 Readings 135
Ⅰ Patents,trademarks,copyright 135
Ⅱ Jeeps and champagne 138
Ⅲ A question of origin:What's in Champagne that ain't in Basmati 139
Ⅳ Patent exclusivity ensures growth of medicines 145
Ⅴ Fair use,digital technology and copyright 147
Ⅵ The abolition of intellectual property 148
3 Specialized word list 150
Intellectual Property 150
4 Common economic terms 154
5 Case study 154
The Basmati Conundrum 154
Part Two International Economic Co-operation 154
1 International Organizations in Brief 158
ADB Asian Development Bank 159
APEC Asia Pacific Economic C-operation 161
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations 167
ASEM Asia-Europe Meeting 170
EU European Union 173
IMF International Monetary Fund 176
NAFTA North American Free Trade Association 181
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 183
UNDP United Nations Development Programme 186
UNIDO United Nations Industry Development Organization 188
WB World Bank 190
WTO World Trade Organization 192
2 Speeches on Trade Issues 197
3 The Way Forward 206
4 Postscript 222
5 Essential Acronyms 224
6 Vocabulary 238
Glossary 258
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