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西方美术大师简介  紫竹园中学英语校本课程读本
西方美术大师简介  紫竹园中学英语校本课程读本

西方美术大师简介 紫竹园中学英语校本课程读本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张岚主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海科技教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787542855350
  • 页数:164 页
《西方美术大师简介 紫竹园中学英语校本课程读本》目录

Chapter One Renaissance 1

Unit 1 Leonardo da Vinci 3

More Reading A Mirror Writing 5

More Reading B The Last Supper 6

More Reading C Mona Lisa 8

Unit 2 Michelangelo Buonarro 10

More Reading A Michelangelo’s David 13

More Reading B Sistine Chapel Ceiling 16

More Reading C Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Dying Slave 19

Unit 3 Raphael 22

More Reading A Sistine Madonna 26

More Reading B Story 28

Chapter Two Baroque 30

Unit 4 Peter Paul Rubens 33

More Reading A Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus 36

More Reading B The Descent from the Cross 38

Unit 5 Rembrandt van Rijn 40

More Reading A Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits 42

More Reading B Night Watch 44

Unit 6 Johannes Vermeer 46

The Milkmaid 47

Chapter Three Rococo 49

Unit 7 William Hogarth 51

More Reading Marriage a-la-mode 54

Unit 8 Diego Velazquez 56

More Reading A More Reading A 57

More Reading B Masterpieces 59

Chapter Four Neoclassicism 61

Unit 9 Jacques-Louis David 63

Unit 10 Jean-Auguste-Dominique 67

More Reading Ingres’s paintings 69

Chapter Five Romanticism 71

Unit 11 Eugene Delacroix 73

More Reading Liber leading the people 76

Unit 12 Francisco Goya 78

More Reading Story 80

Chapter Six Realism 83

Unit 13 Gustave Courbet 85

Unit 14 Jean-Francois Millet 88

More Reading A The Gleaners 91

The Angelus 92

More Reading B Legacy 94

Chapter Seven Impressionism 96

Unit 15 Claude Monet 98

Unit 16 Paul Cezanne 102

Unit 17 Vincent Van Gogh 105

Unit 18 Edgar Degas 108

Unit 19 Edouard Manet 109

More Reading A The Fifer 113

More Reading B Manet and His Influence 115

Chapter Eight Abstract art 119

Unit 20 Pablo Ruiz Picasso 120

More Reading Picasso and Guernica 122

Unit 21 Salvador Dali 124

More Reading Persistence of Memory 127

Appendix 129

Ⅰ Sculpture 129

Ⅱ Oil Painting 131

Ⅲ Watercolor Painting 133

Ⅳ Cartoon 135

Ⅴ Chinese Painting 139

Ⅵ Portrait Painting 142

Ⅶ Still Life 144

Ⅷ Landscape 146

Key 148
