- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:对外经济贸易大学出版社著
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787566306463
- 页数:114 页
Chapter 1 Overview: Reviewing and Anticipating the Economic Situation of the E11 1
1.1 Economic Growth with a Lower Speed in 2012 1
1.2 A Modest Economic Recovery in 2013 5
Chapter 2 Basic Social Conditions of the E11 7
2.1 Natural Resources 7
2.2 Population Resources 11
2.3 Social Capital 13
2.4 Infrastructure 20
Chapter 3 Basic Economic Conditions of the E11 29
3.1 Continuing Expansion of the Economic Scale, Uneven Level of Economic Development 29
3.2 Better Fiscal Balance Ability, Lower Public Debt Burden 34
3.3 Easing Inflationary Pressures, Differential Performance in the Real Exchange Rate 36
3.4 Relieved Pressure of Unemployment and Large Potential Room for Structural Adjustment 39
3.5 More Balanced Current Accounts and Slower International Trade Growth 40
3.6 Low Interest Rates and Rebounded Stock Markets 43
Chapter 4 Economic Performances and International Rankings of the E11 47
4.1 Slow but Strong Economic Recovery 47
4.2 Fast but Unstable Growth in Labor Productivity and TFP 51
4.3 Lower Speed in Export Expansion 53
4.4 Rising Global Share of FDI with Accelerated Outward FDI 54
4.5 Steady Growth in International Reserves 56
4.6 Changes in Major International Rankings of the E11 56
4.7 Changes in Corporate Strength of the E11 58
Chapter 5 Economic Cooperation among the E11 Economies 61
5.1 LowerTrade Growth but CloserTrade Relations 61
5.2 Decreased Mutual FDI but Outstanding China Performance 71
5.3 Financial Cooperation among the E11 Economies 77
Chapter 6 Economic Cooperation between the E11 and Developed Economies 81
6.1 Trade Links between the E11 and Developed Economies 81
6.2 Direct Investment between the E11 and Developed Economies 86
Chapter 7 Country Report of the E11 Economies 92
7.1 Argentina 92
7.2 Brazil 94
7.3 China 96
7.4 India 98
7.5 Indonesia 101
7.6 Korea 103
7.7 Mexico 105
7.8 Russia 107
7.9 Saudi Arabia 109
7.10 South Africa 110
7.11 Turkey 112
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