- 电子书积分:27 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:广州出入境检验检疫局编
- 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:753594048X
- 页数:1061 页
中文部分 1
(一)食品添加剂法典标准序言 1
1.序言附录A 根据每日允许摄入量制订食品添加剂最大使用量的指南 5
2.序言附录B 食品添加剂法典标准的食品分类系统 7
3.序言附录C 法典标准食品与用于建立GSFA的食品分类系统的对照 7
(二)表1 允许在某类食品或个别食物中依照特殊规定使用的食品添加剂 35
(三)表2 允许使用添加剂的食品种类或个别食品 69
(四)表3 依照GMP允许在食物中使用的食品添加剂 90
表3附录 95
英文部分 97
(一)Preamble 97
1.Annex A to The Preamble Guidelines for The Development of Maximum Levels for The Use of Food Additives with Numerical Acceptable Daily Intakes 102
3.Annex C to The Preamble Cross-Reference of Codex Standardized Foods with The Food Category System Used for The Elaboration of The GSFA 105
2.Annex B to The Preamble Food Category System to The Codex General Standard for Food Additives 105
(二)Table One Additives Permitted for Use Under Specified Conditions in Certain Food Categories or Individual Food Items 129
(三)Table Two Food Categories or Individual Food Itemsin Which Food Additives Are Permitt 159
(四)Table Three Additives Permitted for Use in Food in General,Unless Otherwise Specified,in Accordance with GMP 186
Annex To Table Three Food Categories or Individual Food Items Excluded From The General Conditions of Table Three 191
中文部分 193
(一)前言 193
(二)分类、定义和技术应用 195
(三)食品添加剂国际编码系统① 196
补充列表——变性淀粉① 212
(四)食品添加剂国际编码系统② 213
补充列表——变性淀粉② 229
(一)Foreword 230
英文部分 230
(二)Table of Functional Classes,Definitions and Technological Functions 233
(三)International Numbering System for Food Additives① 235
Supplementary List—Modified Starches① 252
(四)International Numbering System for Food Additives② 253
Supplementary List—Modified Starches② 270
三、美国食品添加剂法规 271
中文部分 271
(一)前言 271
(二)第170部分 食品添加剂 271
(三)第73部分 免除产品证书的着色剂清单 275
(四)第74部分 需要产品证书的着色剂清单 280
(五)第172部分 已批准的直接用于食品的添加剂 281
(六)第180部分 有待进一步研究的、临时允许在食品中使用的食品添加剂 308
(七)第181部分 过去批准的食品配料 310
(八)第182部分 一般公认为安全的物质 311
(九)第184部分 已确认为一般公认为安全的(GRAS)可直接加入食品中的物质 324
(十)第189部分 禁止用于人类食品的物质 345
中文部分 346
(一)允许使用的食品添加剂 346
(二)食品添加剂生产标准 356
(三)食品添加剂使用总则 356
(四)有使用标准的食品添加剂 357
(五)无使用标准的食品添加剂 381
(六)现有的食品添加剂 387
(七)天然调味剂 398
(八)通常既是食品又是食品添加剂的物质 407
英文部分 409
(一)Designated Food Additives Directives 409
(二)Standards of Manufacture of Food Additives 416
(三)General Standards for Use of Food Additives 418
(四)Food Additives with Standards of Use 419
(五)Food Additives with No Standard of Use 451
(六)Existing Food Additives 459
(七)Origin of Natural Flavouring Agents 471
(八)Substances Generally Provided as Food and Used also as Food Additives 475
中文部分 477
(一)框架指令 477
1.理事会指令 89/107/EEC 关于各成员国许可使用于食品中的食品添加剂的法律 477
(1)附录Ⅰ 食品添加剂分类 481
(2)附录Ⅱ 食品添加剂通用标准 482
2.欧洲议会和理事会指令 94/34/EEC 修订关于各成员国许可使用于食品中的食品添加剂的法律的指令89/107/EEC 483
1.欧洲议会和理事会指令94/36/EEC 关于食品中所用的着色剂 484
(二)着色剂指令 484
(1)附录Ⅰ 已批准使用的食品着色剂 487
(2)附录Ⅱ 不允许使用着色剂的食品 489
(3)附录Ⅲ 可添加部分已批准的着色剂的食品 490
(4)附录Ⅳ 允许用于某些食品的着色剂 494
(5)附录Ⅴ 允许用于食品的着色剂 495
(三)甜味剂指令 498
1.欧洲议会和理事会指令 94/35/EEC 关于食品中使用的甜味剂 498
2.欧洲议会和理事会指令 96/83/EEC 修订关于食品中甜味剂指令 94/35/EEC 501
3.欧洲议会和理事会指令 2003/115/EEC 修订关于食品中使用的甜味剂指令 94/35/EEC 502
4.食品中甜味剂限量汇总表 504
(四)其他食品添加剂指令 516
1.欧洲议会和理事会指令 95/2/EEC 关于着色剂和甜味剂以外的食品添加剂的指令 516
2.欧洲议会和欧共体理事会指令 96/85/EEC 修订关于除着色剂和甜味剂以外的食品添加剂指令 95/2/EEC 521
3.欧洲议会和欧共体理事会指令 98/72/EEC 修订关于除着色剂和甜味剂以外的食品添加剂的指令 95/2/EEC 522
4.欧洲议会和理事会指令 2001/5/EEC 修订关于除着色剂和甜味剂以外的食品添加剂的指令 95/2/EEC 523
5.欧洲议会和欧共体理事会指令 2003/52/EEC 修订指令 95/2/EEC 关于食品添加剂E425魔芋粉的使用条件 524
6.欧委会和理事会指令 2003/114/EEC 修订除着色剂和甜味剂以外的食品添加剂的指令 95/2/EEC 525
7.其他食品添加剂(除着色剂和甜味剂外)的限量汇总表 527
(1)附录Ⅰ 食品中允许使用的添加剂 527
(2)附录Ⅱ 可使用附录Ⅰ中部分添加剂的食品 532
(3)附录Ⅲ 有条件限制使用的防腐剂和抗氧化剂 539
(4)附录Ⅳ 其他允许使用的添加剂 547
(5)附录Ⅴ 食品中允许使用的载体和载体溶剂 559
(6)附录Ⅵ 婴儿和儿童食品中允许使用的添加剂 562
英文部分 567
(一)General Food Additive Directive 567
1.Council Directive 89/107/EEC On The Approximation of The Laws of The Member States Concerning Food Additives Authorized for Use in Foodstuffs Intended for Human Consumption 567
(1)Annex Ⅰ Categories of Food Additives 573
(2)Annex Ⅱ General Criteria for The Use of Food Additives 574
2.European Parliament and Council Directive 94/34/EEC Amending Directive 89/107/EEC on The Approximation of The Laws of Member States Concerning Food Additives Authorized for Use in Foodstuffs Intended for Human Consumption 575
(二)Directive of Colours 577
1.European Parliament and Council Directive 94/36/EEC On Colours for Use in Foodstuffs 577
(1)Annex Ⅰ List of Permitted Food Colours 581
(2)Annex Ⅱ Foodstuffs Which may Not Contain Added Colours,Except Where Specifically Provided for in Annexes Ⅲ,Ⅳ and Ⅴ 583
(3)Annex Ⅲ Foodstuffs to Which only Certain Permitted Colours may Be Added 585
(4)Annex Ⅳ Colours Permitted for Certain Uses only 589
(5)Annex Ⅴ Colours Permitted in Foodstuffs Other Than Those Mentioned in Annexes Ⅱ and Ⅲ 590
(三)Directive of Sweeteners 592
1.Eupopean Parliament and Council Directive 94/35/EEC On Sweeteners for Use in Foodstuffs 592
2.Directive 96/83/EEC of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 94/35/EEC on Sweeteners for Use in Foodstuffs 603
3.Directive 2003/115/EEC of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 94/35/EEC on Sweeteners for Use in Foodstuffs 607
(四)Directive of Food Additives Other Than Colours and Sweeteners 613
1.European Parliament and Council Directive No.95/2/EEC On Food Additives Other Than Colours and Sweeteners 613
2.Directive 96/85/EEC of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 95/2/EEC on Food Additives Other Than Colours and Sweeteners 653
3.Directive 98/72/EEC of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 95/2/EEC on Food Additives Other Than Colours and Sweeteners 655
4.Directive 2001/5/EEC of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 95/2/EEC on Food Additives Other Than Colours and Sweeteners 667
5.Directive 2003/52/EEC of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 95/2/EEC as Regards The Conditions of Use for A Food Additive E425 Konjac 669
6.Directive 2003/114/EEC Of The European Parliament and of The Council Amending Directive 95/2/EEC on Food Additives Other Than Colours and Sweeteners 671
中文部分 680
(一)表Ⅰ 用作抗结剂的食品添加剂 680
(二)表Ⅱ 用作漂白剂、熟化剂、面团改良剂的食品添加剂 682
(三)表Ⅲ 用作着色剂的食品添加剂 683
(四)表Ⅳ 用作乳化剂、胶凝剂、稳定剂和增稠剂的食品添加剂 686
(五)表Ⅴ 用作酶制剂的食品添加剂 703
(六)表Ⅵ 用作固化剂的食品添加剂 711
(七)表Ⅶ 用作上光剂和抛光剂的食品添加剂 712
(八)表Ⅷ 其他的食品添加剂 713
(九)表Ⅸ 用作甜味剂的食品添加剂 721
(十)表Ⅹ 用作pH调节剂、酸度调节剂和水分调节剂的食品添加剂 723
(十一)表Ⅺ Ⅰ 用作第Ⅰ类防腐剂的食品添加剂 732
(十二)表Ⅺ Ⅱ 用作第Ⅱ类防腐剂的食品添加剂 736
(十三)表Ⅺ Ⅲ 用作第Ⅲ类防腐剂的食品添加剂 739
(十四)表Ⅺ Ⅳ 用作第Ⅳ类防腐剂的食品添加剂 741
(十五)表Ⅻ 用作螯合剂的食品添加剂 745
(十六)表ⅩⅢ 用作淀粉变性剂的食品添加剂 748
(十七)表ⅩⅣ 用作酵母养料的食品添加剂 749
(十八)表ⅩⅤ 用作载体或萃取溶剂的食品添加剂 751
英文部分 756
(一)Table Ⅰ Food Additives That may Be Used as Anticaking Agents 756
(二)Table Ⅱ Food Additives That may Be Used as Bleaching,Maturing and Dough Conditioning Agents 759
(三)Table Ⅲ Food Additives That may Be Used as Colouring Agents 760
(四)Table Ⅳ Food Additives That may Be Used as Emulsifying,Gelling,Stabilizing,and Thickening Agent 764
(五)Table Ⅴ Food Additives That may Be Used as Food Enzymes 786
(六)Table Ⅵ Food Additives That may Be Used as Firming Agents 795
(七)Table Ⅶ Food Additives That may Be Used as Glazing and Polishing Agents 797
(八)Table Ⅷ Miscellaneous Food Additives 798
(九)Table Ⅸ Food Additives That may Be Used as Sweeteners 810
(十)Table Ⅹ Food Additives That may Be Used as pH Adjusting Agents,Acid-Reacting Materials and Water Correecting Agents 813
(十一)Table Ⅺ Part Ⅰ Food Additives That may Be Used as Class Ⅰ Preservatives 825
(十二)Table Ⅺ Part Ⅱ Food Additives That may Be Used as Class Ⅱ Preservatives 831
(十三)Table Ⅺ Part Ⅱ Food Additives That may Be Used as Class Ⅲ Preservatives 835
(十四)Table Ⅺ Part Ⅳ Food Additives That may Be Used as Class Ⅳ Preservatives 837
(十五)Table Ⅻ Food Additives That may Be Used as Sequestering Agents 843
(十六)Table ⅩⅢ Food Additives That may Be Used as Starch Modifying Agents 847
(十七)Table ⅩⅣ Food Additives That may Be Used as Yeast Foods 848
(十八)Table ⅩⅤ Food Additives That may Be Used as Carrier or Extraction 850
(一)定义 854
中文部分 854
(二)添加剂的禁用通则 855
(三)添加剂允许使用的规则 855
(四)高甜度甜味剂的使用要求 855
(五)添加剂的最大允许量 855
(六)相同功能的添加剂 856
(七)添加剂的迁移 856
(八)用于制备其他食品的食品 856
(九)食品佐料的添加 856
(十)着色剂及其铝和钙的色淀 856
(十一)允许使用的食用香料 856
(十二)表1 允许使用的食品添加剂(按食品类别列表) 858
(十三)表2 允许用于表1所列明的加工食品的食品添加剂(按GMP使用) 889
(十四)表3 允许用于表1所列明的加工食品的着色剂(按GMP使用) 899
(十五)表4 允许用于表1所列明的加工食品的着色剂(按最大允许量) 901
(十六)表5 食品添加剂的功能分类 902
英文部分 904
(一)Definitions 904
(二)General Prohibition on the Use of Additives 904
(三)Permitted Use of Additives 904
(四)Requirements for Use of Intense Sweeteners 905
(五)Maximum Permitted Levels of Additives 905
(六)Additives Performing The Same Function 906
(七)Carry-Over of Additives 906
(八)Food for Use in Preparation of Another Food 906
(九)The Addition of a Garnish to Food 906
(十一)Permitted Flavourings Substances 907
(十)Colours and Their Aluminium and Calcium Lakes 907
(十二)Schedule 1 Permitted Uses of Food Additives by Food Type 908
(十三)Schedule 2 Miscellaneous Additives Permitted in Accordance with GMP in Processed Foods Specified in Schedule 1 935
(十四)Schedule 3 Colours Permitted in Accordance with GMP in Processed Foods Specified in Schedule 1 945
(十五)Schedule 4 Colours Permitted to A Maximum of 70 mg/L in Beverages and 290 mg/kg in Foods Other Than Beverages Specified in Schedule 1 947
(十六)Schedule 5 Technological Functions Which may be Performed by Food Additives 948
中文部分 951
(一)表1 防腐剂 951
1.可加入规定食品中的防腐剂及限量 951
2.部分食品中允许加入的防腐剂 952
(二)表2 允许使用的着色剂 953
(三)表3 香料 954
1.禁止使用的香料 954
2.允许加入规定食品中的香料及其限量 954
(四)表4 允许使用的增味剂 956
(五)表5 允许加入规定食品中的抗氧化剂及其限量 957
(六)表6 食品调理剂 958
1.允许使用的食品调理剂 959
2.加入规定食品中的食品调理剂 961
英文部分 964
(一)Sixth Schedule Permitted Preservative That may Be Added to Specified Food and The Maximum Permitted Proportion in Each Case 964
(二)Seventh Schedule Permitted Colouring Substance 967
(三)Eighth Schedule Flavouring Substance 969
1.Prohibited Flavouring Substance 969
2.Permitted Flavouring Substance That may Be Added to Specified Food and The Maximum Permitted Proportion in Each Case 970
(四)Ninth Schedule Permitted Flavour Enhancer 971
(五)Tenth Schedule Permitted Antioxidant That may Be Added to Specified Food and The Maximum Permitted Proportion in Each Case 972
(六)Eleventh Schedule Food Conditioner 974
1.Permitted Food Conditioner 974
2.Food Conditioner That may Be Added to Specified Food 977
中文部分 979
(一)第132H章 食品着色剂法规 979
(二)第132U章 食品甜味剂法规 982
(三)第132BD章 食品防腐剂法规 983
英文部分 996
(一)Chapter 132H Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 996
(二)Chapter 132U Sweeteners in Food Regulations 999
(三)Chapter 132BD Preservatives in Food Regulations 1000
附录 1014
中华人民共和国国家标准 食品添加剂卫生管理办法 1014
中华人民共和国国家标准 食品添加剂分类和代码GB12493—90 1017
中华人民共和国国家标准 食品添加剂使用卫生标准GB2760 1024
中华人民共和国国家标准 食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准GB14880—94 1055
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