- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常文保著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7030168410
- 页数:639 页
第1篇 化学教育 3
1-1 化学专业课程体系设计 3
1-2 北京大学化学基地建设的实践与体会 7
1-3 分析化学教学改革与人才培养 12
第2篇 综述 17
2-1 分析化学概述 17
2-2 某些滥用药物分析的进展 26
2-3 药物免疫分析及其进展 35
2-4 稀土螯合物探针及其在时间分辨荧光免疫分析中的应用 44
2-5 脂质体放大免疫分析的进展 51
2-6 NIPA系温度敏感水凝胶及分析应用 59
2-7 小分子发光免疫分析及其进展 66
2-8 胶体金免疫分析方法的进展 82
2-9 蛋白芯片研究进展 90
2-10 酚类环境雌激素的分析研究进展 96
2-11 EPO检测技术的研究进展 106
2-12 兴奋剂——禁用物质及禁用手段简介 115
2-13 兴奋剂检测与分析化学的发展 123
2-14 中药指纹图谱技术 131
2-15 生化探针技术 139
第3篇 研究论文 151
3-1 催化显色反应的研究——V.Nb(Ⅴ),Ta(Ⅴ)-邻氨基苯酚-过氧化氢-酒石酸体系 151
3-2 分光光度法测定金属铟中痕量铝 156
3-3 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)苯硫酮和Triton X-100分光光度测定钯 159
3-4 利用4,4′-二(二乙氨基)苯硫酮和Triton X-100分光光度法测定银 165
3-5 铂(Ⅱ)与4,4′-双(二甲胺)二苯甲硫酮显色反应的研究 170
3-6 痕量铜的催化光度测定 175
3-7 催化显色反应的研究——X.铜(Ⅱ)-没食子酸-过氧化氢-活化剂体系 178
3-8 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)二苯硫酮与铂(Ⅱ)显色反应的研究 183
3-9 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)二苯硫酮分光光度法测定铑 188
3-10 Determination of Platinum(Ⅳ)with Silver(Ⅰ)and 4,4′-Bis(diethylamino)Thiobenzophenone 192
3-11 模拟过氧化物酶用于葡萄糖的测定方法研究 198
3-12 Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Tetracycline and Anhydrotetracycline in Serum and Urine 202
3-13 Fluorimetric Determination of Tetracycline and Anhydrotetracycline 207
3-14 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)二苯硫酮分光光度法测定痕量铜 212
3-15 镧系螯合物荧光免疫分析法测定对硫磷 217
3-16 Preliminary Studies on the Immunochemical Behavior of BSA-TTA-Eu Conjugates 221
3-17 吗啡的化学发光测定方法的研究 224
3-18 Double-label Simultaneous Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay of Phenytoin and Phenobarbital 230
3-19 高分子控温相变免疫分析法测定苯妥因 238
3-20 Liposome Immunoassay for Determination of Phenytoin 243
3-21 时间分辨荧光免疫分析法直接测定雌二醇 247
3-22 Thermally Reversible Hydrogel Based Fluoroimmunoassay of Methyltestosterone 253
3-23 甲基睾酮的控温相分离免疫分析 261
3-24 甲基睾酮的控温相分离荧光免疫分析 267
3-25 A New Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Aniline in Environmental Water Samples 272
3-26 Thermally Reversible Hydrogel Modified Capillary Electrophoretic Immunoassay of Estradiol with Laser-induced Fluorescence Detection 278
3-27 水杨酸及其氯代物的毛细管电泳分析研究 288
3-28 吗啡的控温相分离胶体金标记免疫分析 292
3-29 时间分辨荧光免疫分析法间接测定雌二醇 298
3-30 A Phase Separation Fluoroimmunoassay of Estradiol 303
3-31 生物素-亲和素体系测定雌酮 312
3-32 Enhancement of the Sensitivity of a Capillary Electrophoresis Immuno-assay for Estradiol with Laser-induced Fluorescence Based on a Fluorescein-labeled Secondary Antibody 319
3-33 Ricin Determination by Temperature Controlled Phase-separation Immunoassay 328
3-34 Spectrophotometric Determination of Aniline in Polluted Surface Water and Wastewater-improved Reagents in Test Kit Format 335
3-35 Production and Characterization of Anti-estrone Monoclonal Antibody 342
3-36 基于温度敏感水凝胶的雌二醇荧光免疫分析 353
3-37 水中苯胺类化合物的分光光度法测定 358
3-38 二元共聚物热解碳包覆的石墨负极材料 363
3-39 雌三醇单克隆抗体的制备与表征 368
3-40 A New Competitive Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA)for Determination of Estrogenic Bisphenols 376
3-41 Development and Characterization of an Immunoaffinity Column for the Selective Extraction of Bisphenol A from Serum Samples 384
3-42 控温相变免疫分析测定雌酮 396
3-43 粒度对石墨负极材料嵌锂性能的影响 403
3-44 毛细管电泳免疫分析法分析雌三醇 411
3-45 Rapid and Sensitive Determination of Protein by Light-scattering Technique with Eriochrome Blue Black R 416
3-46 电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定血清及组织中铂类药物 426
3-47 Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Five Bioactive Components in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Formula,GuanxinⅡ,by HPLC 432
3-48 Direct Immunoassay of Estriol in Pregnancy Serum by Capillary Electropho-resis with Laser-induced Fluorescence Detector 443
3-49 Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of iv Injection of Polyphase Liposome-encapsulated Cisplatin(KM-1)in Rats 452
3-50 双酚A分子印迹聚合物的制备和识别性能研究 458
3-51 Sensitive ELISA for Determination of Serum E2 Using a New Tracer E2-Biotin 463
3-52 Production and Characterization of Antirecombinant Human Erythropo-ietin(rhEPO)Monoclonal Antibody 473
3-53 减肥保健品中芬氟拉明等8种合成食欲抑制剂的分析测定 481
3-54 反相高效液相色谱法测定葛根素和大豆苷元 487
3-55 Micelle-mediated Extraction of Tanshinones from Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge with Analysis by High-performance Liquid Chromatography 492
3-56 RP-HPLC Determination of Octanol-water Partition Coefficients for Bio-active Compounds from Chinese Herbal Medicines 504
3-57 Comparison of Microwave-assisted and Ultrasound-assisted Extraction for Determi-nation of Main Water-soluble Bioactive Constituents in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Tongmaichongji by HPLC-DAD 516
3-58 酶联免疫分析结合生物素-亲合素放大体系测定血清中的雌三醇 528
3-59 Different Biotinylation Strategies for Competitive Immunoassay of Estradiol 534
3-60 Study of Immunoassay Methods for Recombinant Human Erythro-poietin(rhEPO)Using Competitive ELISA 544
3-61 Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Four Bioactive Constituents in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Tablet Xinkeshu by HPLC-DAD 548
3-62 Determination of Papaverine by Biotin-avidin Amplified ELISA 556
3-63 Biotin-avidin Amplified Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for Determination of Isoflavone Daidzein 565
3-64 Simultaneous Determination of Cryptotanshinone,Tanshinone Ⅰand TanshinoneⅡ A in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparations Containing Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza by HPLC 575
3-65 Simultaneous Determination of Five Marker Constituents in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Le-Mai Granule by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 584
3-66 Development of an Indirect Competitive ELISA for the Determination of Papaverine 593
3-67 Analysis of Isoflavone Daidzein in Puerariae radix with Micelle-mediated Extraction and Preconcentration 604
3-68 Isolation and Characterization of an Anti-recombinant Erythropoietin Single-chain Antibody Fragment Using a Phage Display Antibody Library 615
附录 627
附录1 编译著目录 627
附录2 “非放射免疫分析的应用基础研究”工作小结 628
附录3 常文保教授生平 636
编后记 638
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
- 《绿色过程工程与清洁生产技术 张懿院士论文集精选 上》《绿色过程工程与清洁生产技术》编写组编 2019
- 《中医骨伤科学》赵文海,张俐,温建民著 2017
- 《美国小学分级阅读 二级D 地球科学&物质科学》本书编委会 2016
- 《强磁场下的基础科学问题》中国科学院编 2020
- 《小牛顿科学故事馆 进化论的故事》小牛顿科学教育公司编辑团队 2018
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- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
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- 《中医骨伤科学》赵文海,张俐,温建民著 2017
- 《美国小学分级阅读 二级D 地球科学&物质科学》本书编委会 2016
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《强磁场下的基础科学问题》中国科学院编 2020
- 《小牛顿科学故事馆 进化论的故事》小牛顿科学教育公司编辑团队 2018
- 《小牛顿科学故事馆 医学的故事》小牛顿科学教育公司编辑团队 2018
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