- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:成应翠主编
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7111197860
- 页数:201 页
1.5-Yuan Fine5元的罚款 2
2.The Parents'Meeting家长会 3
3.Is This Future-Road?这里是未来大道吗? 4
4.Subtraction减法 5
5.Just Give It to Me给我就行了 6
6.More Magical更加神奇 7
7.Smoking吸烟 8
8.A Small Surprise一个小小的惊喜 9
9.Go to Hell见鬼去吧 10
10.Things Go Contrary to My Wishes事与愿违 11
11.Stare at Me盯着我 12
12.Everyone Laughed except Me只有我没笑 13
13.Six Answers6个答案 14
14.Watch the Play看演出 15
15.Put on Weight胖起来 16
16.Cupid's Arrow丘比特神箭 17
17.Violin小提琴 18
18.Kungfu功夫 19
19.Share the Work分工 20
20.A Piece of Gold一枚金币 21
21.You Don't Know My Father你不了解我父亲 22
22.The Skin of an Elephant大象皮 23
23.Have No Time没有时间 24
24.Lose the Game输掉比赛 25
25.Shrink缩水 26
26.Good News好消息 27
27.Who Dares to Marry You?谁敢娶你? 28
28.Swimming Fishworm游泳的蚯蚓 29
29.I Have No Ticket我没有车票 30
30.A Note纸条 31
31.A P.E.Teacher体育老师 32
32.Travel Guide旅游指南 33
33.Absolutely Not绝对不行 34
34.The Imported Tooth进口牙 35
35.Just One Jiao区区一角钱 36
36.You Can't Enter你不能进去 37
37.An Exclamatory Mark一个惊叹号 38
38.Nose and Ear鼻子和耳朵 39
39.Milk挤牛奶 40
40.Enlarge Eyes放大眼睛 41
41.Have the Upper Hand占上风 42
42.Overweight超重 43
43.Splendid太好了 44
44.The New House新房子 45
45.The Baggage Is Free行李免费 46
46.It's None of Your Business与你无关 47
47.A Bigger Waste更大的浪费 48
48.Beautiful Silver Birch Woods美丽的白桦林 49
49.Rise to the Fly上当 50
50.Who Will She Marry?她要嫁给谁? 51
51.Sugar Water and Coca-Cola糖水和可口可乐 52
52.Answer the Phone接电话 53
53.A Piece of Bread一块面包 54
54.Wanted by the Police被通缉 55
55.The Same Sausage一样的香肠 56
56.Offer Seat让座 57
57.The Birthday Gift生日礼物 58
58.See the Circus看马戏 59
59.Follow Me跟着我 60
60.Be Lost丢失 61
61.Buy Some Soy买酱油 62
62.Lose Weight(1)减肥(1) 63
63.Lose Weight(2)减肥(2) 64
64.Take the Battery Out把电池拿出来 65
65.Two Obstacles两个障碍 66
66.See Nothing什么也看不见 67
67.My Pet Cat我的宠物猫 68
68.The Queen of Heaven王母娘娘 69
69.Your Thumb你的大拇指 70
70.Until 10:00 O'clock直到10点 71
71.The Steamed Bread馒头 72
72.The Invigilator监考老师 73
73.The Exhibition Center展览中心 74
74.I Cherish It So Much我很珍视它 75
75.Made in China中国制造 76
76.Just So-So马马虎虎 77
77.The Role of Scream叫声的作用 78
78.Take after God像上帝 79
79.Feel Sad难过 80
80.The Ugly Girl丑八怪 81
81.Change Another Road换一条路 82
82.Take Medicine取药 83
83.The Pet-Food Company宠物食品公司 84
84.Take it Easy别紧张 85
85.The Advertisement广告 86
86.Deposit押金 87
87.The Long-Distance Travel长途旅行 88
88.A Quarter Favor四分之一的忙 89
89.Tsinghua University清华大学 90
90.The Proverb谚语 91
91.Keep Watching My Father守着爸爸 92
92.A Bird Catching a Worm鸟捉虫 93
93.Muscle肌肉 94
94.The Shapes of Queuing排队的形式 95
95.You Should Brake你应该刹车 96
96.Keep Quiet保持安静 97
97.The Stock Market Fell股市下跌 98
98.The Wig假发 99
99.Hard Work辛苦的工作 100
100.The Tadpole蝌蚪 101
101.Praying祷告 102
102.Pilgrim to the West《西游记》 103
103.The Foxy Lady狐狸精 104
104.Knowledge Is like the Sea知识像大海 105
105.Mother's Day母亲节 106
106.The Favorite Animal最喜欢的动物 107
107.Can You Hear Me?你能听到吗? 108
108.Big Talk吹牛 109
109.Romance and Innocence浪漫与天真 110
110.You Sleepy-cat瞌睡虫 111
111.Swiss Francs瑞士法郎 112
112.Maths Exam(1)数学考试(1) 113
113.Maths Exam(2)数学考试(2) 114
114.Swimming Class(1)游泳课(1) 115
115.Swimming Class(2)游泳课(2) 116
116.Swimming Class(3)游泳课(3) 117
117.Congratulations祝贺你 118
118.Return Like for Like以牙还牙 119
119.An Angel天使 120
120.It's Dawned天亮了 121
121.What's Wrong?哪里不舒服? 122
122.Please Drive Back a Little请往后退一点 123
123.The Waiting Room候车室 124
124.Poor English蹩脚的英语 125
125.How Marvelous真了不起 126
126.Jump into the Water跳下水 127
127.In a Hurry匆匆忙忙 128
128.Poor Taste没眼光 129
129.Answer答案 130
130.The Champion冠军 131
131.The Football Game足球比赛 132
132.Two Date Trees两棵枣树 133
133.To be Lovestruck热恋 134
134.Beauty Is a Sort of Fault美丽是一种错误 135
135.The Best Way最好的办法 136
136.Why Do You Cry?你为什么哭? 137
137.Up-and-down Wind上下风 138
138.A Big Scallywag大饭桶 139
139.Sign Here,Please请在这里签个名 140
140.Beautiful Women Suffer Unhappy Fates红颜美人多薄命 141
141.The Neckline Is Too Tight领子紧得要命 142
142.One Million100万 143
143.One Hour1小时 144
144.The Biggest Hands最大的手 145
145.Ring the Doorbell按门铃 146
146.The First Half上半场 147
147.An Ass笨蛋 148
148.Emperor Caser凯撒大帝 149
149.Wedding Anniversary结婚周年纪念日 150
150.An Automatic"Getting-angry"Machine自动“生气机” 151
151.Only One只有一个 152
152.Enough Money足够的钱 153
153.Go Window-shopping逛大街 154
154.Your Lunch午饭 155
155.The Orientation方向 156
156.The Fishing Rod钓鱼竿 157
157.Another You另一个你 158
158.The Girlfriend's Mother女友的妈妈 159
159.Lifetime一生 160
160.Go on a Business Trip出差 161
161.The Fish That Has Escaped the Net漏网之鱼 162
162.The Plate Smashed盘子碎了 163
163.Help救命 164
164.Pay Expenses开销 165
165.On Purpose故意 166
166.Take a Round-the-world Tour环游世界 167
167.The Legal VCD正版VCD 168
168.The Hair-style发型 169
169.A Zongzi粽子 170
170.Have an Injection打一针 171
171.The Beautiful Waitress漂亮的女服务员 172
172.Are You Sure?你确定? 173
173.Camp Out露营 174
174.In Ancient Times在古代 175
175.A King or Servant国王还是仆人 176
176.Fall into a River跌入河里 177
177.Not High Enough不够高 178
178.Two Hearts两个心脏 179
179.The Cleverest One最聪明的人 180
180.Twin Elder Sister双胞胎姐姐 181
181.Puppy Love早恋 182
182.Poisonous有毒的 183
183.The Sooner,the Better越快越好 184
184.A Star明星 185
185.The Hardest Job最艰苦的工作 186
186.The Nest鸟窝 187
187.Picture照片 188
188.Kissing接吻 189
189.The Song Huo Yuanjia歌曲《霍元甲》 190
190.A Pulling-ring吊环 191
191.Doll洋娃娃 192
192.Time Hangs Heavy on My Hands时日难熬 193
193.A Big Umbrella一把大伞 194
194.T-shirtT恤 195
195.Wild Geese大雁 196
196.My Favorite Apples最喜欢的苹果 197
197.Pocket Money零用钱 198
198.50 States50个州 199
199.Play Basketball with God和上帝打球 200
200.A Pet宠物 201
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