创新国际英语教程 预备级 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)HughDellar,(英)AndrewWallkley著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国广播电视出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7504349593
- 页数:256 页
Unit 1 What's your name? 8
ConversationIntroducing yourself and other people 8
ReadingPeople I know 11
Using GrammarPossessive s('s):My friend's name is Barbara. 9
Adverbs of frequency:People sometimes call me Andy. 10
Be-am,are,is:This is my brother. 10
Using VocabularyNames:My surname's Dellar. 8
Countries:Brazil,Spain,etc. 8
Useful expressions:How are you? 9
Common customs when you meet:shake hands,hug each other,etc. 10
Unit 2 Where are you from? 12
ConversationTalking about where you're from 12
ReadingMy home town 14
Using GrammarQuestions with be:Where are you from? 15
Using VocabularyCountries and cities:Milan's in Italy. 12
Ways of travelling:by bus,by train,etc. 13
PronunciationStressed sounds-countries and nationalities 13
Sentence stress 15
Unit 3 What do you do? 16
ConversationTalking about your job 17
ReadingMy job 18
Using GrammarPresent simple:I'm a student.I go to Hull University. 16
Useful questions:What do you do? 17
Want to:I want to/I don't want to work in a shop. 19
Using VocabularyCommon jobs:teacher,doctor,etc. 16
Reasons for(not)enjoying your job:My boss is great.The hours are long. 17
Useful collocations:earn lots of money,work for a big company,etc. 19
PronunciationThe sound/?/ 17
Stressed sounds 19
Unit 4 What're you doing tonight? 20
ConversationTalking about your plans 21
ReadingPlaces to visit 23
Using GrammarThe future:I'm going to go for a meal with some friends. 21
Using VocabularyFree time activities:going shopping,watching TV,etc. 20
Future time expressions:tonight,at the weekend,etc. 20
PronunciationVowel sounds:/i?/and/u?/ 21
Vowel sounds:/i?/,/?/,/?/and/u?/ 22
Unit 5 Did you have a nice weekend? 24
ConversationTalking about what you did at the weekend 24
ReadingMy weekend 27
Using GrammarPast simple:I wrote a letter last night. 24
Using VocabularyUseful verb collocations:He took me to the airport/out for dinner. 26
PronunciationVowel sounds:/i?/,/e/and/?/ 25
Vowel sounds:/e?/,/a?/,/a?/and/?/ 27
Unit 6 What are you studying? 28
ConversationTalking about your studies 28
ReadingSchool and university 30
Using GrammarQuestions:Have you got a rubber? 29
Using VocabularyUniversity subjects:geography,history,etc. 28
Common classroom expressions:I'm sorry I'm late. 29
PronunciationThe weak form of are 29
Regular -ed past form endings:/d/,/t/and/?d/ 31
Review:Units 1-6 32
Unit 7 What did you do last night? 36
ConversationTalking about what you did last night 36
ReadingPen Pal Friends International-adverts and e-mails 38
Using GrammarQuestions:How often do you do that?/How long've you been doing that? 37
Past simple forms:I went/I played... 37
Questions with Who and What:Who's your favourite football player? 39
Using VocabularyFree time activities:play golf,etc. 36
PronunciationConsonant sounds:/f/and/v/ 39
Unit 8 Do you like...? 40
ConversationTalking about what you do in your free time 40
ReadingLiving abroad 42
Using GrammarQuestions:What kind of...do you...?Do you like...? 40
Agreeing:Me too./Me neither. 41
Comparatives:She's stronger than him. 43
Using VocabularyExpressions for(not)liking something:I really like them.I quite like them. 41
Describing things and people:He's very friendly.It's not good for you. 42
PronunciationWeak forms-of,to,than 43
Unit 9 What are you doing now? 44
ConversationTalking about your immediate plans 44
ReadingThings I'd like to do 47
Using GrammarNeed to:I need to phone a friend. 45
I'd like to:I'd like to buy a new car. 46
Using the present simple to describe someone:She sounds really nice. 47
Using VocabularyShops and places:supermarket,internet café,etc. 44
PronunciationVowel sounds:/i?/,/u?/,/?/and/a?/ 45
Consonant sounds:/s/and/z/ 47
Unit 10 Have you been to...? 48
ConversationTalking about places you're going to and places you've been to 48
ReadingYou should go to... 51
Using GrammarPresent perfect:Have you been to Africa? 49
Should:You should go to Rome. 50
Using vocabularyPast time phrases:last week,the day before yesterday,etc. 48
Describing places:It's got great nightlife. 50
PronunciationContractions 51
Unit 11 Is there one near here? 52
ConversationAsking for and giving directions 52
ReadingI got lost 55
Using GrammarMaking requests:Could you post this? 53
Using VocabularyPrepositions of place:opposite the station,round the corner,etc. 52
Useful expressions for giving directions:It's the second on the right. 52
PronunciationConsonants sounds:/θ/and/?/ 53
Unit 12 What are you doing here? 56
ConversationMeeting people when you're abroad 56
ReadingPlaces to stay 58
Using GrammarPresent continuous:I'm studying French. 57
Using VocabularyUseful expressions for meeting people:What are you doing here? 56
Not very+positive adjective:It wasn't very clean. 59
PronunciationConsonant sounds:/b/and/p/ 59
Review:Units 7-12 60
Unit 13 What time is it? 64
ConversationArranging to meet 64
ReadingDo you remember the first time? 67
Using GrammarQuestions:What time does it finish?When's the concert? 65
Let's:Let's go to the cinema. 65
Questions with the past simple:When was the first time you kissed someone? 66
Using VocabularyTelling the time:It's five past nine. 64
PronunciationConsonant sound:/?/ 67
Unit 14 Can you help me? 68
ConversationAsking for and offering help 68
ReadingThe kindness of strangers 70
Using GrammarCan't:I can't read without glasses. 68
Adjectives and adverbs:He's a good writer.He writes well. 69
Offering with I'll:I'll take you. 71
Using VocabularyExpressions for helping people:Can you show me where to go/how to do it? 69
PronunciationConsonant sounds:/k/and/g/ 71
Unit 15 What're you doing this weekend? 72
ConversationTalking about your plans for the weekend 72
ReadingThe meeting 74
Using GrammarTwo futures:I'll probably go shopping.I'm going to study. 73
Using VocabularyWeekend activities:playing computer games,tidying up the flat,etc. 72
Expressions for not being sure:It depends how I feel. 73
Saying sorry for being late:Sorry I'm late.I overslept. 75
PronunciationConsonant sound:/l/ 75
Unit 16 Are you OK? 76
ConversationTalking about problems 77
ReadingFamily holidays-a letter and an e-mail 78
Using GrammarDifferent question structures:Do you want a...?/Do you want to...?/Do you want me to...? 76
What was it like?:What was your hotel like?It was awful. 79
Using VocabularyAre you OK?No,not really.I've got a headache. 76
Holiday activities:going fishing,lying on the beach,etc. 78
Talking about injuries:I hurt my arm playing football. 77
PronunciationIntonation:sounding positive 79
Unit 17 Are you ready to order? 80
ConversationDiscussing a menu 80
ReadingFood memories 83
Using VocabularyFood:meat,seafood,fruit,vegetables,etc. 80
Describing food:It's a kind of seafood. 80
Ordering in restaurants:I'll have the chicken,please. 81
Useful expressions when having dinner at a friend's house:I'm full,thank you. 82
PronunciationConsonant sound:/w/ 83
Linking words naturally 83
Unit 18 Do you sell...? 84
ConversationFinding your way round a shop 84
ReadingI work in a shop 86
Using GrammarHave to:We have to do lots of homework 87
Using VocabularyParts of a department store:toiletries,the shoe department,etc. 84
Useful words in shops:the till,the top shelf,etc. 84
Things shop assistants say:Next,please! 85
Jobs in shops:shop assistant,etc. 86
PronunciationConsonant sounds:/t?/and /d?/ 85
Review:Units 13-18 88
Unit 19 Sorry I can't come 92
ConversationApologising for missing something 92
ReadingWhy can't I drive? 94
Using GrammarUsing couldn't and had to to apologise:Sorry I couldn't come. 93
Using VocabularyUseful expressions for missing things:Sorry,but I can't come to class. 93
PronunciationStressed sounds in sentences 93
Consonant sound:/h/ 95
Unit 20 Do you like sport? 96
ConversationInviting someone to join you in your plans for later 96
ReadingSporting success,sporting failure 99
Using GrammarQuestions about the future:What are you going to see? 97
Using VocabularySports,places and equipment:cycling,tennis court,football pitch,etc. 96
Useful expressions for talking about sport:I play all the time back home. 97
Talking about teams:Arsenal are top of the League.PronunciationConnected speech 99
Unit 21 What day are you travelling? 100
ConversationFinding out train information and planning a trip 100
ReadingIt's a small world 103
Using GrammarSuperlatives:What's the best way to get to the airport? 101
Revision of comparatives:I've travelled more than my parents. 102
Using Has got to talk about changes:Petrol has got more expensive. 102
Using VocabularyUseful expressions for travelling:You need to get a number 34. 100
PronunciationSilent 't' at the end of words 102
Unit 22 What's she like? 104
ConversationDescribing people 105
ReadingShe's famous! 106
Using GrammarWhat's he/she like?What's her husband like? 105
Past continuous:I was staying in a hotel and he was staying there too. 107
Using VocabularyDescribing people:She's really fit. 104
PronunciationSentence stress and weak forms 107
Unit 23 What a great flat! 108
ConversationVisiting someone's home for the first time 108
ReadingMoving house 111
Using GrammarUsing Could I...?to ask for something:Could I have some tea? 108
Using VocabularyPaying compliments:What a nice house!It's really big. 109
Describing your house:It's got two bedrooms. 110
Describing the area you live in:It's very central. 111
Unit 24 Are you doing anything to celebrate? 112
ConversationGetting good news 112
Making arrangements to meet 113
ReadingThe big day 115
Using GrammarPresent continuous for the future:I'm going out with some friends tonight. 112
Making suggestions:Why don't you wear a skirt?How about some perfume? 115
Using VocabularyRelationships:They were married for thirty-five years. 114
PronunciationSentence stress 113
Review:Units 19-24 116
Tapescript 120
Grammar commentary 136
Pronunciation 143
Expression Organiser 146
Student A/B material 158
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