英语词汇课堂 读短文学单词PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)伯纳德·西尔(Bernard Seal)著;运佳,寇学敏,单欣译
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7506277166
- 页数:172 页
目录 1
使用说明 1
Section 1:The human body 人体 1
1.1 Age 2
1.2 Beauty 4
1.3 Parts of the face 6
1.4 Hair 8
1.5 Seeing and sight 10
Translation 12
1.6 Body size and body parts 14
1.7 Arms and hands 16
1.8 Ways of touching and bolding 18
1.9 Legs and feet 20
1.10 Ways of moving 22
Translation 24
Section 2:The Inner self 内心世界 24
2.1 Happiness and sadness 26
2.2 Stress and anger 28
2.3 Fear 30
2.4 Love and loving 32
2.5 Marriage 34
Translation 36
2.6 Intelligence 38
2.7 Ways the mind works 40
2.8 Unusual states of mind 42
2.9 Good guys and bad guys 44
2.10 National characteristics 46
Translation 48
Section 3:The world around us 我们周围的世界 48
3.1 Small towns and big cities 50
3.2 The world of plants 52
3.3 The animal kingdom 54
3.4 Weather 56
3.5 Energy sources 58
Translation 60
3.6 Traveling by air 62
3.7 Driving a car 64
3.8 Noises 66
3.9 Materials 68
3.10 Size and shape 70
Translation 72
Section 4:At home 家居 74
4.1 Parts of the house 74
4.2 Furniture and furnishings 76
4.3 Sleeping 78
4.4 Washing 80
4.5 Housework 82
Translation 84
4.6 Cooking 86
4.7 Eating 88
4.8 Keeping food fresh 90
4.9 Clothes 92
4.10 Fashions 94
Translation 96
Section 5:At play 娱乐 98
5.1 Sports 98
5.2 Actions in sports 100
5.3 Party time 102
5.4 Places to go and things to do 104
5.5 Time for a laugh 106
Translation 108
5.6 Entertainers 110
5.7 Music 112
5.8 Television 114
5.9 Reading 116
5.10 The art of conversation 118
Translation 120
Section 6:At work 工作 124
6.1 Jobs 124
6.2 Farm work 126
6.3 Tools and their uses 128
6.4 Shopping 130
6.5 Money 132
Translation 134
6.6 Education 136
6.7 Medical matters 138
6.8 The law 140
6.9 Politics 142
6.10 Space 144
Translation 146
Key 答案 148
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