- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程惠芳主编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:730804680X
- 页数:450 页
第一部分 3
A Scientific Study of Financial Performance of Newly Listed Chinese Companies 3
Venture Capital in Canada 11
Foreign Direct Investment and Exchange Rate Volatility 30
UK Car Insurance Brokers'Web Sites:Some Findings and Practical Implications 50
The Regional Agglomeration of FDI Inflow in China 64
Import Strategy and National Economic Security of China 86
VaR-based Optimization Portfolio System and Empirical Research 108
Analysis on Diversification Investment Decision of Enterprise Multinational Operation 113
Research on Location Choice of Chinese FDI Based onDifferent Industrial Development Level 120
The Role of Financial Derivative Securities in the Transnational Operation of Private Enterprises 132
Utilization of FDI Is a Key Action to Second Leap Development of Zhej iang Private Enterprises 141
Exchange Risk Management of Private Multinationals 150
Debt Maturity and Finance of Private Medium&Small Enterprise 157
Inspiration and Constraint on Managers in Four-great-stated Commercial Banks 162
View on Venture Capital Investment of Listed Companies 169
The Risk Protection and Risk Control in Venture Capital 176
Comparative Analysis of the Accounting Model of Green GDP 183
Research on the Influence of Foreign Bank Entry to the Stability of Zhejiang Province's Banking System 190
The Impact of Trading Volume on Volatility Evidence from Individual Stocks of Shenzhen Market 198
Technical Barriers to Trade:Forms,Impacts and Policy Implications 205
Symbiosis Theory and Strategic Alliance among Multinational Corporations 212
Strengths and Weakness of Non-governmental Banks in Financing for SMEs 220
WTO and Bank Service Marketing 227
Empirical Analysis to FDI Influence on Economic Growth in U.S 233
Combination of Technological Innovation and Capital Market 239
Research on Interest Rate Marketing and Financing of High-tech Small&Medium-sized Enterprises 246
The Spillover Effect of Transnational Corporations'Direct Investment in China 252
International Sales of Goods and Product Liability Law 260
The Shareholding System Reforming of State-run Commercial Bank 267
Internal and External Governance Structures in the Market Competition 276
Analysis on Green Trade Barrier and the Circular Economy 288
An Analysis to the Effects of Chinese Exchange Rate Stability and Appreciation to China's Macro-Economy 294
Gear to Shanghai as Well as Promote the Interaction between Private and Foreign Investments in Zhejiang 303
Synergies and Selection of Coordination Mechanisms about M&A 312
Outsourcing Relationships in GVC and the Upgrading for Developing Countries'Industries 319
Research of the Influence that The New Export Tax Refund Policy Will bring to Zhejiang's Foreign Trade 328
Cooperate in Trans-regional Risk Investment in China 335
The Integration of Local-capital and Foreign-capital:Analysis of Its Inter-growth Economy from the View of FIES 342
Research on Utilizing Private Capital to Develop VC Investments in Yangtze Delta 347
The Benefits of Inner Capital and Foreign Capital's Integration to the Private Company 353
Trade Optimists&Trade Pessimists 360
The Impact on China of the International Idle Fund and Precautionary Measures Discussion under WTO 366
Future Trend of WTO Social Clause and the Related Countermeasures of China 374
Stock Prices and the Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate:An Empirical Investigation 383
Corporate Responsibility:The UN Global Compact,Complexity&Corporation 383
论文摘要 383
A Survey of Critical Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:Evidence from Recent European Union and North American Trade Disputes 384
Regulatory Law and Public Services:A United Kingdom Perspective on Economic and Regulatory Instruments 385
The Comparative Advantage and Countermeasure of Chinese Enterprise under the Frame of WTO 386
Investment in Fixed Assets of China:Situation Review and Trend Analysis 386
Studies on Investment of Nongovernmental Business Colleges and Universities 387
Folk Barrier:A New Problem That the Foreign Trade of Our Country Faces—On the Violent Incident That Wenzhou-made Shoes Were Burned in Spain's Elche City 387
第二部分 391
我国风险投资主体的研究 391
民营企业融资的市场失灵表现与公共财政政策支持研究 397
生产性服务业与现代经济增长 406
上证指数的波浪运动及其数学基础 415
浙江民营企业利用外资的内外条件、指导思想及基本对策 419
中国中小企业融资瓶颈与融资工具创新 425
基于EVA的薪酬激励机制 430
跨国公司并购进入与国有企业改制 435
外商直接投资对浙江经济增长的贡献度测算 440
论文摘要 445
发展中国家中小企业的金融需求与中小金融机构的业务定位 445
东北老工业基地经济发展中的金融因素及金融发展对策研究 445
消费信贷的供给与需求分析 446
中小企业融资难的逻辑和现实成因分析与对策 446
金融产业可持续发展战略研究 447
WTO条件下我国金融行业面对的局势 447
技术转让趋势 448
民营上市公司股权结构与经营绩效实证分析 448
防范出口企业外汇风险的决策支持 449
论中国民营企业海外投资的发展与战略选择 449
WTO规则与中国金融体制改革 450
论我国风险投资退出机制的建立 450
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