- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:海石,雷鸣编著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江文艺出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7533912268
- 页数:257 页
一 描写文 1
1.My Family(我的一家) 1
2.My Parents(我的父母) 2
体例说明 3
3.Our College(我们的学院) 3
4.Our Library(我们的图书馆) 4
5.What Do I Think of Myself(我怎么看自己) 5
6.Impressions of Springtime(春天印象) 6
7.Buildings on Our Campus(我们校园的建筑) 7
8.The Person I Feel the Most Grateful to(我最感激的人) 8
9.My Father(我的父亲) 10
10.Our English Teacher(我们的英语老师) 11
11.Buildings in Tianjin(天津的建筑) 12
12.The New Flyover(新建的立交桥) 13
13.Tianjin——My Hometown(天津——我的故乡) 14
14.Great Changes in My Hometown(家乡巨变) 15
15.The Asian Olympic Centre(亚洲奥林匹克中心) 17
16.A Few Remarks on Myself(讲一讲我自己) 18
17.The New Apartment of Our Own(我家的新居) 19
18.The Housing Conditions in Our City Are Improv-ing(我们这座城市的住房条件正在改善) 21
19.One of the True Stories Which Impresses Me Most(我印象最深刻的一个真实的故事) 23
二 记叙文 23
20.My Ambition(我的志向) 24
21.We Saved a Child from Drowning(我们救了一个溺水儿童) 25
22.I,Too,Have Some Genius(我也有天赋) 27
23.My Daily Activities(我的日常活动) 27
24.Styles of Clothing(服装的风格) 28
25.Travel in Xinjiang(新疆之行) 29
26.Doing Shopping in a Supermarket(在超市购物) 31
27.A Call on Professor Wu(拜望吴教授) 33
28.A Birthday Party(生日聚会) 34
29.Growing Flowers(种花) 35
30.My Hobby(我的嗜好) 36
31.The Falling Snow(下雪) 37
32.Childhood Memories of the Spring in My Home-place(童年的回忆:家乡的春天) 39
33.Watching the Sunrise(看日出) 40
三 说明文 42
34.Industry(工业) 42
35.The Task of the Chinese Youth in the 21st Cen-tury(中国青年在21世纪的任务) 43
36.The Influence of Great Men(伟大人物的影响) 44
37.The Differences Between High School Life and Col-lege Life(中学生活和大学生活的差异) 46
38.Urban Life and Rural Life(城市生活与乡村生活) 47
39.Road Accidents(交通事故) 49
40.Television(电视) 50
41.Generation Gap(代沟) 52
42.Dictionaries of English(英文字典) 53
43.We Have Achieved a Lot During the Last Decade(在过去的十年里我们取得了很大成就) 54
44.The Change of the Standard of People's Living in Our Cities(我国城市居民生活水平的变化) 56
45.Electricity(电) 59
46.Man and Mother Nature(人与大自然) 60
47.Knowledge Is Power(知识就是力量) 61
48.The Importance of Learning English(学习英语的重要性) 62
49.The Families of Stars(星系) 63
50.Part-time Jobs After Class(课外打工) 66
51.My Attitude Towards Criticism and Praise(我对批评与表扬的态度) 67
52.The Diversity of Characters(性格的差异) 68
53.The Environment(环境) 69
54.Hobbies(嗜好) 70
55.Bicycles in China(自行车在中国) 71
56.Newspapers(报纸) 72
57.Extended Families and Nuclear Families(几世同堂大家庭与核心式小家庭) 73
58.Television and Movies(电视与电影) 74
59.China(中国) 75
60.The Increase of the Consumption of Energy Sources in China(中国能源消耗量的增长) 76
61.The Railways and Highways in Our Country(我国的铁路与公路) 80
62.Solar Energy(太阳能) 81
63.Weddings(婚礼) 83
64.Colours in Our Life(我们生活中的颜色) 84
65.The Changes of Our Countryside(我国农村的变化) 85
66.The Increase of Taxis in Our Cities(我国城市中出租车的增加) 86
67.The Chinese Spring Festival and the Western Christmas-time(中国的春节和西方的圣诞节) 87
68.Which Brand of Bread to Choose(选择哪个牌子的面包) 89
69.Cars and Bicycles(汽车与自行车) 91
70.Travelling Becomes Popular(旅游日渐受人喜爱) 92
71.Science and Education Is the Key to Modernization(科学与教育是现代化的关键) 94
72.Electronic Brains(电脑) 95
73.The Problems When There Is Only One Child in a Family(独生子女带来的问题) 96
74.Physical Labour and Mental Work(体力劳动与脑力劳动) 98
75.Good and Bad Friends(好朋友与坏朋友) 99
76.Good and Bad Habits(好习惯与坏习惯) 101
77.The Wind(风) 102
78.Learning from Life as Well as from Books(既向书本学习又向生活学习) 104
79.The Advantage in Going in for Sports(参加体育运动的好处) 105
80.Literature and the World(文学与世界) 106
81.Humour(论幽默) 108
82.Scientific Knowledge Is Needed in Family Life(家庭生活需要科学知识) 109
83.How to Write Abstracts in English(怎样写英文摘要) 111
84.How to Keep Fit(怎样保持健康) 112
85.How to Reduce the Crime Rate(如何降低犯罪率) 113
86.How to Be a Good Student(如何才能成为好学生) 115
87.The Law Provides Protection for the People(法律保护人民) 116
88.The Steady Growth of Tourism in China(中国旅游业的稳步发展) 118
89.How to Learn English Well(怎样学好英语) 119
四 议论文 121
90.Forest and Ecology(森林与生态) 121
91.Opportunities(论机遇) 122
92.Smoking and Cancer(吸烟与癌症) 123
93.Failure Is the Mother of Success(失败是成功之母) 124
94.Reading Newspapers(读报) 126
95.The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller(世界在越变越小) 127
96.Advertisements(广告) 128
97.Medicine and Our Health(药品与健康) 129
98.Smoking Is a Bad Habit(吸烟是恶习) 130
99.Reading Newspapers Is of Great Benefit to Us(读报大有益处) 131
100.My Ideal Job(我理想的职业) 132
101.The Importance of English(英语的重要性) 134
102.My Most Favourite Programme(我最喜爱的节目) 135
103.Talking About Books(谈书籍) 136
104.Make Our Cities Greener(城市绿化) 137
105.Haste Makes Waste(欲速则不达) 138
106.The World Future That I Wish for(我所希望的世界的未来) 139
107.The Youth and the Future(青年与未来) 141
108.Water Is So Indispensable in Our Life(水是生活中不可或缺的) 142
109.Why Should We Control the Rapid Growth ofOur Population?(我们为什么应该控制我国人口的迅速增长?) 143
110.Preference for Colours(颜色偏好) 144
111.We Have Only One Home-planet(我们只有一个地球家园) 145
112.Trees(树) 146
113.Health Is the Guarantee of Your Career(健康是事业的保障) 147
114.Weather Forecast(天气预报) 149
115.The Housing Problem(住房问题) 150
116.Water Pollution(水污染) 151
117.Where Does Happiness Lie?(幸福在哪里?) 153
118.Family,Friends,Career(家庭,朋友,事业) 154
119.Be True to Your Word(要言而有信) 156
120.Money Isn't Everything(钱并不等于一切) 157
121.A Problem of Great Urgency(一个急迫的问题) 158
122.Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way(有志者事竟成) 159
123.Do You Believe There Are Persons with Super-natural Power?(你相信有人具有超自然能力吗?) 160
124.Physical Pastimes and Intellectual Pastimes(体育形式的消遣与智力形式的消遣) 162
125.Choosing Friends(择友) 164
126.Making a Phone Call or Writing a Letter?(打电话还是写信?) 165
127.Learn from Others' Strong Points(学习别人的长处) 167
128.Music(音乐) 168
129.Gifts(礼物) 170
130.The Moon in Fairy Tales and the Moon in Reality(神话中的月亮与实际的月球) 171
131.Be an Openhearted Man(做襟怀坦荡的人) 172
132.Value the Time of Each Day(珍惜每一天的时间) 173
133.Temptations(诱惑) 175
134.The Importance of Agriculture(农业的重要性) 176
135.Practice Makes Perfect(熟能生巧) 178
136.Money(金钱) 179
137.Make Proper Use of the Two-day Weekend(利用好两天的周末时间) 181
138.No Proper Occupations Are Unworthy(正当的职业都值得尊重) 182
139.No Gains Without Pains(没有辛劳就没有收获) 183
140.One's Character Determines His Fate(性格即命运) 185
141.Inspiration Given By Butterflies and Bees(蝴蝶与蜜蜂的启示) 186
142.Does It Pay to Explore the Moon?(探测月球划得来吗?) 188
143.Tell or Do Not Tell?(告诉还是不告诉?) 189
144.The Modest Receive Benefit While the Conceited Reap Failure(满招损,谦受益) 190
145.The Control of Population(人口控制) 192
146.Radio Broadcasts and TV Programmes(无线电广播和电视节目) 193
147.Overcome Prejudice(克服偏见) 195
148.Knowledge Renewal(知识更新) 196
149.Homesickness(乡思) 197
150.The Young and the Old(年轻人与老年人) 199
151.Why Should We Study Hard?(我们为什么应该努力学习?) 200
152.Be Thrifty in Life(生活要节俭) 202
153.Try to Learn Effectively(提高学习效率) 203
154.Preserving the Environment of Cities(保护城市环境) 205
155.“Fond Dreams”(“痴心妄想”) 206
156.What Do You Think of Examinations?(你如何看待考试?) 208
157.Jealousy Is Very Harmful(忌妒十分有害) 209
158.Keep Away from Narcotic Drugs(远离毒品) 211
159.Hardships(论艰苦) 212
160.A Proposal for Contributing Aid for Wang Mei(捐助王梅的倡议) 215
五 应用文 215
161.I Am Elected Monitor of Our Class——A Page from a Boy Student's Diary(我当选了班长——摘自一位男生的日记) 216
162.I Don't Want to Fall in Love at Present——A Page from a Girl Student's Diary(目前我还不想恋爱——摘自一位女生的日记) 217
163.A Student's Letter to Her Mother(给母亲的一封信) 218
164.A Student's Letter to His Friend(给朋友的一封信) 220
165.A Letter to Mr.Peter Walter(致彼得·沃尔特先生的信) 222
附录 224
写作训练与应试技巧 224
大学英语写作典型错误分析——兼论大学英语写作基本功的培养 238
英语作文考试要求及样题 251
- 《高考快速作文指导》张吉武,鲍志伸主编 2002
- 《看书琐记与作文秘诀》鲁迅著 2019
- 《2013数学奥林匹克试题集锦 走向IMO》2013年IMO中国国家集训队教练组编 2013
- 《初中生英语作文 提高篇》清瑶主编 2019
- 《观察、阅读、写作小学作文整体教学与思维训练》马芯兰主编 2016
- 《课外语文应用系列 精彩景物描写在作文中的借鉴》刘曼,王维 2018
- 《飞扬 第十七届新概念作文获奖者范本 B卷》省登宇主编 2015
- 《思维导图作文 小学生作文辞海》李继勇 2020
- 《老师帮你学作文》陈自鹏 2019
- 《名师指导 小学生一句话日记 作文之星升级版》李继勇编著 2011
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《家畜百宝 猪、牛、羊、鸡的综合利用》山西省商业厅组织技术处编著 1959
- 《《道德经》200句》崇贤书院编著 2018
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《计算机网络与通信基础》谢雨飞,田启川编著 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
- 《国家社科基金项目申报规范 技巧与案例 第3版 2020》文传浩,夏宇编著 2019
- 《流体力学》张扬军,彭杰,诸葛伟林编著 2019